Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

September 22, 2023
Comments Off on Pier Plans Out for Bid

Pier Plans Out for Bid

Wondering what the status of the Pier renovation is?  The Town is going out for bid on the Pier structure.  This will include some modifications to the Pier building including building a hallway from the parking lot out to the pier.  The landward part of the pier will be removed and rebuilt and a ramp will be added for ADA compliance.

You can see the plans by clicking here and here.  For more information see the Town’s website homepage.

September 18, 2023
Comments Off on Public Hearing and Monthly Commissioners Meeting

Public Hearing and Monthly Commissioners Meeting

Public Hearing and Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Agenda

September 2023

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, September 19 at 5:00 PM for a Public Hearing regarding a $5,000,000 loan for Sewer Lift Station #2 and for their regular monthly meeting.  Highlights include awarding a contract for the lift station.  The agenda is below.  Click here for the meeting packet.

Mark your calendar!  HBPOA and the League of Women Voters of Lower Cape Fear will be hosting Candidates Night on Friday, October 20 at 5:30 at the Holden Beach Chapel. The League of Women Voters will be conducting this year’s event to avoid any potential conflicts of interest given that several HBPOA Board Members are running in this year’s election.  HBPOA is only hosting the event.  Questions will not be taken from the floor this year, but you can submit questions for the candidates to the League of Women Voters at this email:  [email protected]

August 17, 2023
Comments Off on August Commissioners’ Meeting

August Commissioners’ Meeting

Board of Commissioners’ Public Hearing and

Regular Meeting Follow Up

August 2023


Click here for the Meeting Packet    Click here for the audio



TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2023 – 5:00 P.M.

Commissioner Murdock was not in attendance due to illness.

PUBLIC HEARING: Final Application for the Block Q Restroom Facility as Part of the 2023 – 2024 Public Beach and Waterfront Access Grant No public comments.


1.    Invocation

2.    Call to Order/ Welcome

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

4.    Agenda Approval Moved item #11 to #8.A, deleted item #12.  Approved as amended.

5.    Approval of Minutes All approved.

a.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of July 18, 2023
b.     Minutes of the Public Hearing/Regular Meeting of July 18, 2023

6.    Public Comments on Agenda Items Click here for written comments.
·      Clayton Robinson speaking for cabana companies.  Wants to change the hours canopies may be placed/removed on the strand due to heat.
·      Tracey Thomas – Wants to understand how the proposed loan for the sewer station went from $2M last month to $5M this month.
·      Tom Myers – concerned about the Town’s borrowing for the lift station and the large budget variance.
·      Brent Shaver – does not want the Town to spend money on Sailfish Park, use it for other needs.

7.    Police Report – Chief Dixon July was a busy month.  Crime increased.  Traffic citations also increased.

8.    Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans Busy as expected.  Sees trend of increased remodels.

8A.  Alan addressed that the public is concerned about the money being spent.  He compared taking out a $5M loan to getting a new credit card with a high maximum.  You don’t plan to spend to the maximum amount but you could if needed.  The Town has done a lot of communication with the State and Federal representatives and friends.  He thinks that in 6-8 weeks we will possibly have good news on some funding.

9.    Discussion and Possible Action on the Final Application for the Block Q Restroom Facility as Part of 2023 – 2024 Public Beach and Waterfront Access Grant (Block Q) – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson This is an application for the grant.  The deed restrictions are for 25 years on the three parcels where the bathrooms and parking will be.   Motion by Rick Smith, second by Commissioner Arnold.  Passed unanimously.

10. Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution 23-11, Resolution Authorizing the Negotiation of an Installment Financing Contract and Providing for Certain other Related Matters Thereto – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson The Public Hearing will now be at the September 19 Regular Meeting.  The $5M amount is the maximum amount estimated to be required.  The $2.7M EPA Grant may still come through, but the Town is going to the LGC for the $5M on October 3rd and hoping for the grant but asking for the full amount in case.   Motion by Commissioner Arnold, second by Commissioner Dyer.  Passed 2-1 with Commissioner Smith voting No.

11. Discussion and Possible Action on Identifying Additional Sources of Funding for Sewer Lift Station – Mayor Holden  Moved to Item 8A.

12. Discussion and Possible Action on Town of Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Section 94.06: Placing Obstructions on the Beach – Commissioner Murdock    Item removed from agenda.

13. Public Comments on General Items
·      Bev Compton addressed Candidates Night which has historically been sponsored by HBPOA.  Because HBPOA has several Board Members running for the BOC, the League of Women Voters (LWV) will do Candidates Night this year to avoid the perception of bias or favoritism.  The scheduled date is October 20.  Candidates need to reply to the LWV email with their available dates.
·      Tracey Thomas remarked on the Mayor’s comments and does not think the Town finances should be compared to a credit card maximum.

14. Town Manager’s Report  The Canal Dredging in Harbor Acres will occur this winter.  It is a small project for some hot spots.  Lockwood Folly Inlet dredging will occur this winter. The Corps will pay for 80,000 cubic yards (cy) and there is another in 60,000cy in the bend widener for 140,000cy total to be placed on East End from Amazing Grace to the Winding River Clubhouse. The State will pay for 75% of the additional sand with the County and Town covering the remainder.  The funds have already been transferred.  Ocean Blvd. resurfacing – he is “sketchy” with the details, but DOT survey work is starting 9-11-23 with construction beginning in November.  The Grand Strand Area Transportation (GSATs) meets Friday and should have more details.

15. Mayor’s Comments He is on GSATs and has no other info.  Be ready for Hurricane season.  Be careful with the heat.  School starts soon and buses will be on the island.

16. Board of Commissioners’ Comments
·      Rick Smith – ADA work is coming along.  Lots to do and under a time limit.  Thankful for the rescue of the local divers.
·      Commissioner Dyer – Heat index is high.  Watch the temp of the sand or asphalt for pets.
·      Commissioner Arnold – Thankful for the diver rescue.  Thanked the staff.

17. Adjournment






July 21, 2023
Comments Off on Commissioners Monthly Meeting – July 2023

Commissioners Monthly Meeting – July 2023

Click here to listen to the meeting.

Click here for the meeting packet.

Click here for public comments.

Commissioner Arnold was not in attendance.

PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance 23-12, An Ordinance Amending the Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 157: Zoning Code (Lot Coverage) Building inspector Evans gave a presentation on the issue.  Click here for his presentation.


1.    Invocation

2.    Call to Order/ Welcome

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

4.    Agenda Approval Passed unanimously.

5.    Approval of Minutes Passed unanimously.

a.     Minutes of the Public Hearing/Special Meeting of June 15, 2023
b.     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 20, 20236.

6.    Public Comments on Agenda Items
Jim Bauer – concerned about the water runoff from the bike lanes.
Rick Paarfus – concerned about the definition of impermeable insulation and ASTM standards for impermeable insulation also asked that prior to the public hearing for the Waterfront Access Grant for Block Q that the encumbrances and restrictions be made public.

7.    Police Report – Chief Dixon Discussed the traffic citations.  Of the warnings, some of those were immediately addressed to become compliant.  Trying to educate and get people into compliance.

8.    Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans Department is very busy.  Is starting to use automated portal, should be effective in October.  The Town’s plans for restrooms and an ADA walkway beside Amazing Grace is on hold for now pending CAMA approval.  The CAMA permit at the handicap lot at 114 OBE is posted.  Work continues on the access at 801 OBW.  The Town is planning an ADA walkway and emergency vehicle access. Work is ongoing on Jordan Blvd. ADA parking. Work at Halstead Park is almost complete.  Construction of the ADA walkway at 915 OBW should start this week.  Permits for the rebuilt portion of the Pier structure are eminent – expected by the end of the week.  Work on the portion of the existing pier that will remain is ready to be started.  He has been working on the annual CRS re-evaluation which gives us a reduction in insurance rates.  He has sent in the information for recertification.  If not done by Aug 1 we lose the 15% reduction in insurance rates. 

9.    Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance 23-12, An Ordinance Amending Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 157: Zoning Code (Lot Coverage) – Inspections Director Evans Statement of Consistency Ordinance change and P&Z’s Statement of Consistency approved unanimously.

10. Update on Proposed Changes to Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Section 157.025 Bulkheads on Lots – Inspections Director Evans P&Z created a committee to look at issue.  The issue will need to go back to P&Z as they cannot form committees.  The Commissioners decided by consensus not to send back to P&Z, the issue has been resolved.  The identified dock that caused the issue is being remediated.  Other docks were identified as not in compliance and will be addressed.

11. Discussion and Possible Action on Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Section 157: Zoning Code (Accessory Uses) – Mayor Holden Docks (an accessory structure) are not allowed until the house is built.  Recent changes in the state law made piers and docks as accessory structure.  By consensus, the Commissioners asked Inspector Evans to bring an ordinance revision back to them.

12. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Date to Hold a Public Hearing for the 2023 – 2024 Public Beach and Waterfront Access Grant (Block Q) – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson Set the Public Hearing for 5:00 PM at the next Regular Meeting, August 15.

13. Sewer Lift Station 2/EPA Grant Update – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson Click here for presentation slides.  Waiting on a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) determination/review.  It must be decided tonight whether to forgo the $2.7M grant or wait another year for the lift station reconstruction to start.  The Town’s budget was based on getting the $2.7M earmarked federal grant funds.  The borrowing calendar will not mesh with the Legislative Government Committee (LGC) loan approval schedule.  After discussion and input from the staff and public Commissioner Murdock made a motion to self-fund the system now with Option 2 (borrow $2M and use $$1.34M cash).   The $2.7M federal funds would be forfeited.  Construction could start this October.  Passed unanimously.  The Town Manager made clear that this schedule is very compressed and there are numerous chances for it not to work out. 

14. Discussion and Possible Selection of Members to Serve on Town Boards – Town Clerk Finnell Eligible members of the Parks and Rec Board and the Board of Adjustment were approved to serve again.  For Planning and Zoning Aldo Rovito was moved to a regular member and Ashley Royal and Mark Francis will serve as alternates.  Click here to view the applications and resumes.  

15. Promotional Video for Dogs on the Beach – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson The video was debuted about pet safety on the beach and will be posted to the Town’s social media channels.  Click here to view the video.  

16. Public Comments on General Items

Rick McInturff – suggested we contact our lobbyists about why we are turning down the earmarks. 

17. Town Manager’s Report Budget to actual –  Gave a presentation on the Town’s finances for last quarter, end of year.  Click for presentation slides. 

18. Mayor’s Comments Commissioner Arnold is not here, is at a funeral.  Sign ups until Friday for elections.  Appreciates all who volunteered for Boards.  Summer is going well.  

19. Board of Commissioners’ Comments

Commissioner Smith – Being a Commissioner is a hard job, golf cart safety is improving, he is happy with the results regarding the pier heads, staff is doing a great job on the ADA work, 796 OBW is looking good and he wants to rent it.

Commissioner Murdock – thanks to staff and citizens, being a commissioner is hard.

Commissioner Dyer – We had an emergency we needed to deal with, so some projects may need to be pushed back. 

20. Adjournment

June 21, 2023
Comments Off on Causeway Survey

Causeway Survey

Are you interested in the appearance and functionality of the Holden Beach Causeway?  Take the survey here:  https://www.brunswickcountync.gov/survey-holden-beach-causeway-corridor/

The survey closes on Friday, June 23 and takes 10-15 minutes to complete.  

In addition, there will be two come-and-go public engagement sessions.

Public Engagement Workshop 1 – Thursday, June 22, 5–7 p.m. (Open House)

Public Engagement Workshop 2 – Thursday, July 27, 5–7 p.m. (Open House)

Both workshops will be at Sabbath Home Baptist Church Recreation Building – 990 Sabbath Home Road, Supply, 28462

As a reminder, the Causeway is not part of the Town of Holden Beach, and the Town has no control or input over this area.  The Causeway is unincorporated and governed by Brunswick County.



June 21, 2023
Comments Off on June Commissioners Meeting

June Commissioners Meeting

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2023 – 5:00 P.M.

Click here for the Meeting Packet

Click here for the audio of the meeting

Click here for Public Comment via email

Commissioner Arnold was absent.

1.    Invocation

2.  Call to Order/ Welcome

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

4.    Agenda Approval Item #9 was removed from the agenda (already approved)

5.    Approval of Minutes All approved as written.

a.     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 16, 2023
b.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 1, 2023

6.   Public Comments on Agenda Items

Sylvia Pate – Bulkheads Item #10.  She is a member of the P&Z Board and voted against sending this item forward.  She doesn’t know that this is actually a problem and recommends that P&Z look further into it.
Rick Shaver  – Bulkheads Item #10.  Canal property owner.  Feels the 20’ clearance is a major problem for Harbor Acres canals. 
Will Carter – Bulkheads Item #10.  Saw some of the new docks that cause problems.  Says that the CAMA rules make the proposed ordinance illegal.  He says docks should be limited to 25% the width of the canal.  Problems should go to Board of Adjustment. 

7.    Police Report – Chief Dixon  Busy with the summer season.  Commissioner Smith discussed the LSV issues and lack of enforcement.  Commissioner Dyer said the rental companies require the renters to sign off on the rules.

8.    Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans   Island is still very busy.  34 new homes under construction and many remodels.  He is seeing an increase in renovations over new builds.  Permits for the Pier will be delivered by the end of the week.

9.    Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance 23-11, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024 – Town Manager Hewett (Removed from Agenda)

10. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Date to Hold a Public Hearing on Proposed Changes to Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Section 157.023 Bulkheads on Lots – Inspections Director Evans  The proposed ordinance is based on Ocean Isle Beach’s ordinance.  This has to go back to the Planning Board for a Consistency Statement and he recommends that P&Z look at it further.  Sent back to P&Z by consensus.

11. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Date to Hold a Public Hearing on Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 157 Zoning Code (Lot Coverage)  – Inspections Director Evans   There is an error in the memo, it should be 30% coverage going to 40%.  Director Evans explained the issues and reasons for approval.  The public hearing was set for the July Regular Meeting.

12. Discussion and Possible Setting of Date to Hold Interviews for Vacancies on Town Boards – Town Clerk Finnell There was a consensus to set interviews for 4:45 prior to the July Meeting.
13. Discussion and Possible Action on Second Season of Parking – Commissioner Dyer  –  She has heard of issues with parking in the 700 block, as well as where houses have been removed, and heard the comments on social media encouraging people to park under private homes.  The LSV signs have been updated to explain what an LSV is.  Jim Varner, of our Paid Parking vendor at Otto Connect spoke.  They have issued 400 citations, 10,000 people have parked.  75 citations were for things that the Town can also ticket for.   There has been a 4% violation rate, which he considers high.  More signs are not needed.  He thinks June was an exceptional month due to the high number of people visiting.  Chief Jeremy encourages people to call 911 if you see a parking problem because they dispatch all the calls for the County.  You can also call the number on the signs to reach Otto.  
a.     Parking on Private Property
b.     Parking in LSV Spots with Cars/Trucks
c.     Parking in Unmarked Areas

14. Public Comments on General Items
Rick Paarfus discussed the canal issues.  He discussed that the design of the canal depth could make a 25% rule ineffective.
Jim Bauer discussed the proposed increase in lot coverage and how that would impact runoff.  Also, he wanted to know if the water mains running west could be increased in size instead of building a new water tower.  It would be less expensive and more effectively increase head pressure at the West End.  Also, he has never seen a parking attendant.  He suggests uniforms and marked vehicles.
Keith Smith has concerns about the no-wake zones and the lack of signage on the ICW.  He also thinks it is confusing to get a CAMA permit. 
Will Carter would like the Board to approve a process for homeowners to put a notice on their dash to let them park in the Right of Way.  He also has talked to CAMA about the canal docks and agreed there is more work to be done.

15. Town Manager’s Report The dredge Miss Katie has finished dredging the Lockwood Folly Inlet.  She spent 3.5 weeks here dredging the inlet to 150’ wide and a minimum of 8’ deep.  He has requested the Coast Guard restore the marker buoys.  The 50,000 cubic yards of sand dredged was added in the nearshore near the Winding River area.  Regarding the sewer lift station project at Greensboro St., he met with the EPA and the hope to avoid the NEPA process has passed its first level of review.  He is hoping to bypass the NEPA review process and go to borrowing in a few months with construction to occur this winter.  He met with the Corps on the CRS Project.  The modeling is underway and the next meeting is March 24 when alternatives will be identified.  Tide Ridge paving is complete.

16. Mayor’s Comments Regarding why the Town doesn’t host fireworks on the Pier, liability and expense.  The Embers will play on Sunday night.  The Chapel is doing well; services are at 10:00am.

17. Board of Commissioners’ Comments
Commissioner Smith – LSV enforcement is so important.  Issue citations.  Let County or State come in if they don’t want to be bad guy.  Thanks to staff on budget issues.  There are a lot of dogs on the beach during the day.  Guests are digging holes.  He asks that the Rangers talk to those digging holes.  He encouraged everyone to be mindful of the weather.  The Island is full.  Please be careful and mindful of guests.  Has watched the boats the last few days on the waterway and people are not following the no-wake rules.  Miss Katie did a great job, looking forward to getting the buoys back.
Commissioner Murdock – On the canals, he is familiar with the issue and CAMA lets builders know what can go there.  Canals need a clear passage to get through.  The beach is full.
Commissioner Dyer – Support your local businesses.  Be respectful of private property and the beach. 

18. Adjournment


June 14, 2023
Comments Off on Budget Hearing and Special Meeting

Budget Hearing and Special Meeting

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners will meet Thursday, June 15 at 5:30PM for the Public Hearing on the 2023 – 2024 budget proposal and hold a Special Meeting to hear from the Pier architect.

At the budget workshop on June 1st, the Commissioners reduced the pier expenses by $1M and reduced the salary increase to 7.5%.  As a result of these changes, expenses now exceed revenues by $2.3M and are covered by using our fund balance savings.  To spread some of the Pier improvement expenses over more than one year, they discussed dividing the improvements into phases and wanted to talk to the Pier architect to discuss the possibility.   Click here for the meeting packet.




May 31, 2023
Comments Off on Budget Time

Budget Time

The Town’s proposed budget is approaching the finish line.  The Commissioners are meeting tomorrow Thursday, June 1st, at 5:30 pm for a Budget Workshop.  There will be a public hearing on June 15th, and the budget will likely be approved at the Commissioners’ meeting on June 21st.  Here are the key points we have gleaned from the Town Manager’s Budget Message:


  • New tax rate of 14 cents/$100 is a 16% tax increase over revenue neutral
  • New tax rate will result in property tax revenues of $3.3M
  • BPART revenue is estimated at $4M
  • Paid parking revenue is estimated at $500K
  • Other revenues (e.g., fees, permits, fines, etc.) are estimated at $1M


  • Total debt service payments are $3.6M
  • Pier renovation & repair expenses are estimated at $2.1M
  • Block Q Phase 1 expenses are estimated at $300K
  • Town salaries increase 11.9% (5% merit and 6.9% COLA)
  • One new position will be added 

Key Points:

  • Debt service amount of $3.6M exceeds property tax revenue amount of $3.3M
  • Expenses exceed revenues by $3.3M (equal to the property tax revenue amount)
  • The $3.3M deficit is due to debt service and major capital projects
  • The $3.3M in deficit spending is being covered by:
    • Transferring $1M from the General Fund balance
    • Transferring $1M from the BPART Fund balance
    • Transferring $347K from the Beach & Inlet Capital Reserve Fund
    • Water & Sewer borrowing of $1M
  • This level of deficit spending is not sustainable 

Click here for a copy of the Budget Message.  Here are the Commissioner emails if you would like to provide them with your input. Mayor Alan Holden, Commissioners Rick Smith, Brian Murdock, Page Dyer, and Gerald Arnold.

Send a copy to the Town Clerk if you would like it included in the meeting packet. 

April 20, 2023
Comments Off on April Commissioner Meeting Follow Up

April Commissioner Meeting Follow Up


TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2023 – 5:00 P.M.

1.    Invocation

2.    Call to Order/ Welcome

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

4.    Agenda Approval Approved as amended.  Amended to flip the order of #7 and #8 and added #13A. 

5.    Approval of Minutes Approved as written.
a.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of March 13, 2023
b.     Minutes of the Regular Meeting/Public Hearing of March 14, 2023
c.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of March 27, 2023

6.    Public Comments on Agenda Items Brent Shaver spoke on #15 trailered restrooms.  He would like to know when they would be used and for how long.
7.    Discussion and Possible Award of Contract for Roadway Work (Tide Ridge Drive, Pointe West Drive and Ranger Street) – Public Works Director Clemmons Approved unanimously for $126,000.

8.    Discussion and Possible Action on Agreement for Stormwater Management & Consulting Services between the Town and McGill Associates – Public Works Director Clemmons  Approved unanimously for $131,200 for a Stormwater Plan.

9.    Police Report – Chief Dixon Saw an increase in parking problems with people parking illegally – not paid parking.  They are down an officer on a long-term basis.  In the process of hiring another officer.  He reminded everyone about the laws and safety issues of Low Speed Vehicles (LSVs).

10. Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans 358 total permits in process.  191 OBW has been condemned and he hopes to have it removed soon.  There are problems with floating docks in the canals.  Plans to set a pier head line with input from the Planning and Zoning Board.

11. Discussion and Possible Action on Sending a Potential Stormwater Management Percentage Increase to the Planning & Zoning Board for Review – Inspections Director Evans Currently impervious surface at 30%, proposing increase to 40%.  Some towns have a higher impervious percentage.  Approved unanimously to be sent to the Planning and Zoning Board.

12. Discussion and Possible Action on Facility Condition Inspection Checklist for Town-Owned Properties and Facilities – Inspections Director Evans The draft list has been created. 

13. Discussion and Possible Action on Parcourse Fitness Trail Area – Commissioner Murdock Approximately half of the course has been removed due to erosion.  The area has been delineated and a retaining wall could be added in a few months when the maps are verified. 

13A.  Water Resources Development Grant.  The Lockwood Folly Inlet is in a critically unsafe condition.  The Corps says they can’t dredge it.  The Town has a Shallow Draft Permit it can use and has contacted Dare County about using their Miss Katie dredge.  The cost would be $850,500. A state grant can be applied for that would cover 75% with $212,625 being our part.  Brunswick County could help with 25% local share.  Ordinance 23-09 was approved unanimously to move forward with the dredging.

14. Discussion and Possible Action on CAMA Contract for the Public Beach and Coastal Waterfront Access Grant (Hatteras Ramp and Access) – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson This is the matching grant for the Hatteras Ramp and ADA walkway at the Pier.  Approved unanimously.

     a.     Ordinance 23-08, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 22-14, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2022 – 2023 (Amendment No. 14)

15. Discussion and Possible Action on Purchasing Trailer Bathrooms for Use on Town-Owned Properties – Commissioner Murdock Other beaches have nicer restrooms facilities.  Ours are “filthy and disgusting”.  These trailers would be hooked into the Town’s water and sewer system.  They are air conditioned and ADA compliant.  At a minimum these could be at the Pier and possibly the East End.  Motion to have Town procure at least one bathroom that can hook up to sewer and water for up to $100,000.  Carried unanimously.

 16. Discussion and Possible Action on Plan for 796 Ocean Boulevard West – Commissioner Dyer Would like to move forward in phases on the project with bathrooms, showers and handicapped facilities for this facility.  By agreement, they will discuss this during the budget workshop.

17. Discussion and Possible Action on Rooftop Lease Agreement between the Town and Dish Wireless – Public Works Director Clemmons  Motion to ask for $2000/month for one year for use of water tower mounting.  Unanimously approved.

18. Discussion and Possible Action on Process for Filling Vacant Commissioner Position – Commissioner Murdock Commissioner Murdock made a motion to fill the vacant seat.  There was no second, so no action taken.  Seat will apparently remain vacant until December after November elections. 

19. Discussion and Possible Action on Joining the North Carolina Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System (North Carolina CLASS) – Finance Officer McRainey Approved unanimously.
a.     Resolution 23-08, Resolution to Participate in NC CLASS
b.     Joinder Agreement to Interlocal Agreement

20. Discussion on the Possibility of Having the HB Seal on All Town-Owned Vehicles Other Than Unmarked Police Cars – Mayor Pro Tem Smith Motion passed unanimously.

21. Public Comments on General Items

·      Ryan Pascal, Sailfish Dr.  Discussed the plan for the development of Sailfish Park.  He is concerned about traffic and other detriments.  Town plans to get responses at the Concerts, which is not representative.
·      Carol Moneypenny, Sailfish Dr. – Regarding Sailfish Park, she has lived in the area for a long time, neighbors want it to be left as it is.  Undesirable actions already occur at the park, there are no buffers between property owners and parking.  Drug and alcohol use is a problem.  There are no sidewalks on Sailfish.  Wants the area to be natural and preserved.
·      Rick McInturf  – item regarding #15 trailer bathrooms.  Consider leasing them and look for pre-attached ADA ramps.
·      Marty Arrowood thanked town staff for the Easter Egg Hunt.
·      Tom Myers, HBPOA President – Property owners on Sailfish are concerned about their properties.  Please give the opinions of Sailfish owners the weight they deserve.
·      Chad Hock – Works with internet surveys.  The Town’s survey is not accurate.  Send out a survey via the waterbill.  Have the rental agencies ask their actual renters to get a more accurate response. 
·      Rick Paarfus – would like to see the park stay natural.  A lot of the park is in the Corps easement and anything put there could be removed at any time.  The Park is currently meeting the community’s needs.  The Town has a lot of projects going on and this is not a must-do item. Also concerned about online surveys.  Regarding the canals, we are getting bigger boats.  His dock is permitted and he hopes it will not need to be changed.  On the inlet, it is unclear if Oak Island is helping pay for dredging or not.
·      Steve Moneypenny – leave the park as is.  It has been a wonderful park for many years.
·      Sandra Fidel – Safety is an issue.  Nighttime activity is already an issue.  Other things are on the Town’s plate.  The trailer bathrooms are a great idea.  Please leave Sailfish alone.
·      Brent Shaver – The park is good as it is, and enjoyed by old and young.  Sailfish park doesn’t need changes.
·      Debra Fish – Encouraged the Commissioners to understand what the beauty is on Sailfish.  People walk down the middle of street because there are no sidewalks.  Increased traffic will make it more dangerous.  Photographers take photos of the sunset.  Don’t want to see the traffic increase.  Need to look at the whole Parks and Rec study again because it was approved without much public attention due to Covid. 

22. Town Manager’s Report Budget workshop is Thursday, April 20 at 5:30pm.  Brunswick County is considering cutting off the sewer system if a storm surge is projected greater than 4’ – almost all our storms.  The new Bike path costs came in.  It will be an additional $100,000 for the Town’s portion.  Construction to start after Labor Day ‘23 and be finished by Memorial Day ’24.

23. Mayor’s Comments There are Hearing signs at Block Q that need to be removed. Budget Meeting is Thursday, he won’t be there.  Has had phone calls about Sailfish.  None in support.  The No Wake Zone around the bridge, it is already worse this year.  He asks the Town to follow up on placing buoys in the No Wake zone.  The Girl Scouts Bicycle Event was very positive.  Commissioner Smith and Chief Dixon went with him to the Hurricane conference. 

24. Board of Commissioners’ Comments
Commissioner Smith –  Drugs are becoming an issue everywhere.  He found drug paraphernalia at his neighbor’s home.   Would like the Sailfish Park to have a bathroom.  The Police have not had a problem reported there.  Signage is coming about hours.  Residents need to call 911 if people are there after hours.  He went to the Hurricane Conference.  Floating docks are an issue.  Days at the Docks is coming.

Commissioner Murdock – Has lived on Sailfish and knows the issues.  Keep Officer Conley in your prayers.  HBBC is going to host their Plant Sale at his business again (April 28 and 29).

Commissioner Dyer – Good to hear remarks.  Thanks to the staff on the inlet work and the Easter Egg Hunt.  She is looking forward to a safe summer.

Commissioner Arnold – He appreciates the natural areas.

Commissioner Smith – thanked the Merchants Association for the donated AEDs.

Mayor Holden – The Chapel is offering training on AEDs.  Contact Deneesa at the Chapel.

25. Closed Session Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(a)(3), Consult with the Attorney – Mayor Pro Tem Smith

26. Adjournment


March 16, 2023
Comments Off on HPOA Easter Members Meeting

HPOA Easter Members Meeting

HBPOA Easter Meeting

Saturday, April 8  10:00am

Town Hall

Come hear an update on what is happening in Holden Beach.

Mayor Alan Holden

Town Manager David Hewett

will give an update and answer questions about:

New property revaluations and the impact on our taxes

The Pier status

Block Q status

Inlet Hazard Area changes

Bike Lanes and Repaving status

796 OBW (the Sewer House) upgrades

Additional parking in the 800 Block

Sailfish Park Master Plan 

Town Budget

Other timely topics

Everyone welcome!