The Holden Beach Property Owners Association is a voluntary organization whose mission is to represent the property owners of Holden Beach as a unified voice regarding issues that affect their common interests and concerns. We are not like other property owners’ associations in that we don’t enforce covenants and restrictions; we only advocate for the interests of property owners as a whole.
The Holden Beach Property Owners Association was founded in May 1973 as an N.C. non-profit organization to advocate for Holden Beach property owners. The role is to be an active liaison with town government, provide awareness of new laws and developments, and watch over issues that affect the members.
Our organization has benefited from a good relationship with the Town. The Mayor, Town Manager, and Police Chief give presentations at each meeting and answer questions from the audience – which keeps our members informed about current topics and allows them to provide direct feedback to Town leadership. Our meetings are scheduled for Labor Day, the weekend prior to Thanksgiving, Easter, and Memorial Day weekends – when non-resident property owners are most likely to be here. We also communicate with our members on a regular basis via our website, newsletters, and emails.
Membership is open to any person, couple, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity, holding real property within the Town of Holden Beach.
Officers and Board of Directors
President Tom Myers
Vice President Tracey Thomas
Secretary Sally Caldwell
Treasurer John Witten
Board Member Beverly Compton
Board Member Peter Freer
Board Member Jeff Jancula
Board Member Steve Kimbrough
Board Member Rick Paarfus
Board Member Mike Pearson
Board Member Annette Smith
Board Member Pam Whitfield
You can email us at [email protected]