Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

May 23, 2024
Comments Off on Memorial Day Members Meeting

Memorial Day Members Meeting

Memorial Day MeetingSaturday, May 25 at 1:00 p.m. (New Time!)

Holden Beach Town Hall

Can’t be here? No problem!  Join the meeting online via Zoom by clicking here.



Come hear from groups promoting their differing visions for the Pier Property.  Each speaker will discuss how they think the Town should move forward and what the implications are for property owners.

  • Will Carter will speak on behalf of the H.B. Concerned Taxpayers Group.  This group is advocating building a new concrete pier. NewHoldenBeachPier.com
  • John Pearce will speak on behalf of the Holden Beach Community Alliance.  This group supports restoring the pier.

Each group will speak and answer questions.  This informational forum will be moderated by the HBPOA Meeting Chairman.  This is an informational meeting only and no HBPOA positions with respect to the Pier will be voted on at this meeting.

You can review the Town’s recently adopted plan for the Pier here.

May 23, 2024
Comments Off on May Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

May Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, May 21 for their regular monthly meeting.  The audio of the meeting is available here on the Town’s website.   Click here for the meeting packet.  Written Public Comments are available here.




TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024 – 5:00 P.M.


  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order/ Welcome
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Agenda Approval  Removed item #12, Lighting Ordinance changes. Approved as amended.
  5. Conflict-of-Interest Check No conflicts.
  6. Approval of Minutes All approved as written.
    • Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 12, 2024
    • Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 30, 2024
  7. Public Comments on Agenda Items

·      Sylvia Pate, 111 Charlotte St., wanted to get clarification on what the PARTF Grant requirements are.  Also wants the Town to roll over the Pier Funds into a capital project fund.
·      Will Carter 108 Starfish stated property owners don’t want the pier, just as they didn’t want a park, and claimed that the Beautification Club wanted to plant sticker bushes at the Playground.
·      Maria Finchwalter, supports proposed changes to the dune ordinances.

  1. Police Report – Chief Dixon Discussed the police report.  Activity is increasing as the weather warms up.  Bike Lanes are for bikes; no pedestrians are allowed; no LSVs (golf carts); not a parking area.  If you are seeing issues let him know.  Summer concerts will be at Bridgeview Park, will be a trial-and-error experience.
  2. Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans Very busy with permits.  There were a record number of permits and inspections.  This is the most activity the department has ever seen.  Regarding the ADA Agreement 114 OBE bathroom bid was awarded, should be complete June 28, this will finish up that location.  Ave. E walkway and bathroom, the dune has grown too much for current design.  Working with CAMA to modify permit.  Should be out for bid in the fall.  March 2025 is the target date for completion for all projects and the Town should make it.  The emergency ramp and walkway at 801 OBW is in process.  The 700 block is complete.  Jordan Blvd is complete.  Access at 329.5 (currently closed) will be an ADA ramp.  441 OBW (the Pier) is complete with an emergency ramp and a handicap walkway with matting extending out.  Halstead Park was brought into compliance with a little work left to do.  The access at 915 OBW has been completed.  Three projects will be covered in next year’s budget.
  3. Finance Department Report – Finance Officer McRainey Reviewed the Town’s finances.
  4. Town Manager’s Report – Town Manager Hewett Lift Station will be discussed later.  The Harbor Acres canal dredging has been completed.  Also approved for emergency ramp at the pier.  The Miss Katie dredging project for Lockwood Folly has been scrubbed due to conflict with Corps dredging.  The dredge Merritt will be here for 3 weeks.  No responses for 796 OBW (Sewer House) sale; out for second round.  Beach rangers started yesterday.  Leash Law is effective now and pets not allowed on the strand 9-5.  Concerts start on Sunday at Bridgeview Park. 
  5. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance 24-07, An Ordinance Amending Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 92, Nuisances (Lighting) – Inspections Director Evans Item Removed.
  6. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Date to Hold a Public Hearing on Ordinance 24-10, An Ordinance Amending the Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Section 94.03 Frontal Dune Policies and Regulations and Chapter 157: Zoning Code – Inspections Director Evans Allows for an appeal process and cleans up the ordinance.  Motion to approve having a Public Hearing prior to the next regular meeting.  Passed unanimously.
  7. Discussion and Possible Action on Demolition of the Pavilion at Jordan Boulevard – Town Manager Hewett Contract awarded for $25,000 to demolish Pavilion.  The cement will not be included. Passed unanimously.
  8. Discussion and Possible Approval of DEQ Offer to Fund Greensboro Street Lift Station – Town Manager Hewett
    • Resolution 24-05, DEQ Project No. SRP-W-134-0021 Motion to approve the Resolution, passed unanimously.  A loan may be needed in addition to the grants to construct the lift station.
  9. Discussion and Possible Action to Direct Staff to Develop a Request for Proposals to Accomplish Tasks in the Adopted Pier Property Development Plan – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Paarfus The RFP will be brought back to the Board for approval before being distributed.  Approved unanimously.
  10. Discussion and Possible Action on Instructing the Town Attorney to Investigate the Town of Holden Beach’s Legal Requirements from the Pier Grants – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Thomas  Some members are unsure what features can be included in a new pier property and what are required to be included.  For example, a sit-down restaurant is not allowed; must be concessions.  Motion passed 3-2 with Dyer and Smith voting No.
  11. Discussion and Possible Commitment from the Town’s Leadership on Working Together for the Betterment of the Town – Mayor Holden and Commissioner Dyer Mayor Holden apologized for missing the Beautification Club and Women’s Club events he had RSVP’d to attend.  He read an agreement the Town and Chapel have to share facilities in emergencies.  There was a motion to have the Board attend a training session with the League of Municipalities on working together civilly.  After discussion there was agreement by consensus to participate in the program with dates to be determined.
  12. Public Comments on General Items

·      Rick McInturf discussed separation of Church and State.
·      Will Carter feels that $30,000,000 is not too much for the cost of the pier and the Town should ask the legislature for the funds.

  1. Mayor’s Comments Wished everyone a safe and happy holiday.
  2. Board of Commissioners’ Comments

·      Commissioner Myers: Thanks for attending and have a good holiday weekend.
·      Commissioner Smith thinks it was a good meeting.  Golf carts are showing up and bike lanes can be problematic.  There are people not using seatbelts on golf carts.  He encouraged the police to help save a life!
·      Commissioner Thomas: thanks for attending and Happy Memorial Day.
·      Commissioner Dyer: thanks to staff and have a good Memorial Day.
·      Commissioner Paarfus: thanks for coming out, have a happy holiday.

  1. Adjournment

May 21, 2024
Comments Off on Memorial Day Meeting

Memorial Day Meeting

Saturday, May 25 at 1:00 p.m. (New Time!)

Holden Beach Town Hall

Can’t be here? No problem!  Join the meeting online via Zoom by clicking here.


Come hear from groups promoting their differing visions for the Pier Property.  Each speaker will discuss how they think the Town should move forward and what the implications are for tax payers.

  • Will Carter will speak on behalf of the H.B. Concerned Taxpayers Group.  This group is advocating building a new concrete pier. NewHoldenBeachPier.com
  • John Pearce will speak on behalf of the Holden Beach Community Alliance.  This group supports restoring the pier.

Each group will speak and answer questions.  This informational forum will be moderated by the HBPOA Meeting Chairman.  This is an informational meeting only and no HBPOA positions with respect to the Pier will be voted on at this meeting.

You can review the Town’s recently adopted plan for the Pier here.

Hope to see you there!

May 17, 2024
Comments Off on Commissioners’ May Meeting

Commissioners’ May Meeting

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, May 21 for their regular monthly meeting.  Highlights include:

  • Changes to the Lighting ordinance,
  • Demolition of the Pavilion,
  • Progress on the Sewer Lift Station at Greensboro St., and
  • More possible action on the Pier.

The agenda is below.  The newly adopted Pier Plan can be read here.  Click here for the meeting packet.

March 26, 2024
Comments Off on March Commissioners Meeting Follow Up

March Commissioners Meeting Follow Up

Meeting Reminder and

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Follow Up – March 2024


Reminder:   HBPOA Easter Meeting

HBPOA Easter Membership Meeting 

Saturday, March 30, 2024 at

10:00 AM at Town Hall

Hope to see you there!






 Click here for the Meeting Packet.

Click here for the written Public Comments.

Click here to listen to the audio of the meeting.

1.    Invocation

2.    Call to Order/ Welcome

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

4.    Agenda Approval Amended agenda to add item 5A.

5.    Conflict of Interest Check Rick Smith and Page Dyer proposed Tom Myers and Tracey Thomas have a conflict of interest by serving as both HB Commissioners and as Directors of HBPOA.  Town Attorney Moore reported that this situation is not a conflict of interest.

5A.  Motion to move April 16th Meeting to April 30.  Passed 3-2 with Smith and Dyer voting no.  The Budget meeting scheduled for that day is canceled and budget items will be discussed at the previously scheduled budget meeting May 2.    

6.    Approval of Minutes All approved.

a.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 7, 2024
b.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 9, 2024 (Recessed from February 7th)
c.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 14, 2024
d.     Minutes of the Public Hearing/Regular Meeting of February 20, 20247.

7.     Public Comments on Agenda Items

  • Tracy Burger, 781 OBW, representing “Neighbors of 796”.  Supports selling 796 OBW.  Also submitting letters from others.
  • Sylvia Pate, 111 Charlotte St., read the engineering report and agrees the pavilion needs to be demolished.
  • Marti Arrowwood, 114 Shrimp St., does not support free passes for residents, doesn’t recommend selling 796.
  • Cindy Ridenhour lost her business to fire and did not like comments at budget meeting.
  • Jim Bauer, 329 OBW.  Thinks the remaining sewer lift station should be the top priority.  He is appreciative that there is no money for the pier being proposed in the draft budget. Would like to see 796 OBW sold.  Likes the Owl system for broadcasting meetings.
  • Lisa Raglan – sent comments.  Wants the concerts to continue.  Not in favor of giving a free parking pass for residents.  Wants to have the pier bid. 
  • Will Carter, 108 Starfish, wants a concrete pier.  He said Brian Murdock called him and said he had Greg Shue draw up a plan.  He wants the commissioners to develop a plan for a new pier.
  • Commissioner Rick Paarfus apologized for a comment he made about the Trolley Stop at the budget meeting.

8.    Discussion and Possible Award of Contract for Roadway Work (High Point Street) – Public Works Director Clemmons See the information here.  Approved unanimously.

9.    Discussion and Possible Action on Evaluation of Holden Beach Pavilion – Town Manager Hewett, Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Thomas Motion to solicit bids to remove the pavilion;  passed unanimously.

10. Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance 24-02, An Ordinance Amending Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 72: Parking Regulations – Town Manager Hewett Parking spots along McCray have been made unusable due to the bike lanes.  Approved unanimously.

11. Discussion and Possible Action on Holden Beach Paid Parking Fees and Schedule – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Thomas Commissioner Thomas handled these individually.

·      Motion to extend the season to charge for parking year-round.  Passed 3-2 with Smith and Dyer voting no.
·      Amend Otto Contract to charge $5/hr and the day and weekly rates to stay the same.  A season pass to would go to $175 starting April 1.  Passed 3-2 with Smith and Dyer voting no.
·      Parking during Festivals – motion to not enforce parking in the area of the festival.  Motion failed with Myers and Thomas voting yes.
·      Motion to amend the contract to allow one $20 parking permit per household if vehicle is registered at Holden Beach.  Motion withdrawn.

12. Police Report – Chief Dixon  Typical for February.  There was confusion about people parking in front of their residence in off-season which has been corrected.
13. Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution 24-03, Resolution Declaring Law Enforcement Participation in the Federal 1033 Program – Chief Dixon Passed unanimously.

14. Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans This was the busiest month the department has ever had.  Would like Ordinance 94.03, the dune ordinance to be sent to P&Z for review.  He would also like P&Z to review the lighting ordinance.  Approved by consensus to send 94.03 and the lighting ordinance to P&Z. 

15. Finance Department Report – Finance Officer McRainey Discussed new graphics in the Meeting Packet requested by Commissioners.

  1. Discussion and Possible Acceptance of a Grant from the NC Department of Environmental Quality for Bathrooms, Associated Parking, Site Prep and Landscaping on Block Q – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson  Motion to find out when the final answer needs to be given to state.  Failed.  Motion to accept the grant and budget amendment.  Passed unanimous.

            a.     Ordinance 24-03, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 23-11, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024 (Amendment No. 3)

17. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance 24-04, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2311, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024 (Amendment No. 4) – Finance Officer McRainey  Approved unanimously.

18. Discussion and Possible Approval of Contract Between the Town and Martin Starnes and Associates for Audit Services for Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024 – Mayor Pro Tem Myers, Finance Officer McRainey  Approved unanimously.

19. Discussion and Possible Action to Direct Staff to Develop and Issue a Request for Proposals to Upfit the Pier and Pier House – Commissioners Smith and Dyer Motion failed 3-2.

20. Discussion and Possible Action on 796 Ocean Boulevard West – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Thomas Motion to sell 796 OBW passed 3-2 with Dyer and Smith voting no.

21. Discussion and Possible Action on Audio/Video Broadcasting of Town Meetings – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Thomas Motion to direct Staff to investigate improved methods of broadcasting meetings – passed 4-1.

22. Public Comments on General Items

·      Brent Shaw 911 OBW, discussed ordinance 94.03 and his beach walkway.  There is no appeal process.
·      Lisa Ragland, Salisbury Street, thinks there is a conflict of interest for Commissioner Myers and Thomas regarding HBPOA. 
·      Keith Smith – the sound system needs improvement.  He thinks that the parking fee increase could be viewed as a money grab.  He also had comments about the grants.
·      Marti Arrowood, Shrimp Street, had complaints about the emails she had read.
·      Gina Martin, 1032 OBW, wants an RFP to run the pier.

23.          Town Manager’s Report: They are still recruiting to fill a PD vacancy and have a new officer, Justin Hewett.  The front desk vacancy was filled. The Corps study matching funds are in place but will still need to be watched by the lobbyist.  He is waiting for a draft of the storm water PPA (Project Partnership Agreement) with the Corps.  He expects 5-6 projects at ~$2M.  Lockwood Folly Inlet Crossing dredging is finishing up.  Over 100,000 cubic yards of sand were placed on the east end.  Rock raking from the last nourishment violation appears to be completed.  Sand Fence repairs underway and vegetation planting will be underway soon.  He is wrapping up the congressionally directed funding requests. They are funding for the Corps’ portion of the CSDR study, stormwater project funding and Lockwood Folly dredging.  Lift Station 2 will be coming back to BOC soon pending clearing the backlog at the state.  The canal dredging underway.  April 1st starts this year’s paid parking.  April’s water bill will contain the 2024 hurricane stickers.  Public Works will be placing blue mats at the Pier access ramp.  He is ready to do a bid solicitation for bathrooms at Quinton St. and OBE Beach Access.  The bike lanes are on schedule for a Memorial Day completion.  The Easter Egg hunt on April 5 requires preregistration.

24. Mayor’s Comments The Chapel will sponsor Sunrise Service plus three other services at the Chapel on Easter Sunday.
25. Board of Commissioners’ Comments

·      Myers – Hopefully he made his positions clear on a very long agenda.
·      Smith – Sad about loss of Trolley Stop.  He is disappointed in the increase in paid parking. 
·      Thomas – Thanked everyone for coming out.
·      Dyer – Extended sympathy to the Trolley Stop family.  Thanks to first responders.
·      Paarfus – Thanked all for attending and thanked Town Staff. 

  1. Adjournment



February 22, 2024
Comments Off on February Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Update

February Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Update

Click here for the Meeting Packet.

Click here to listen to the meeting audio (when available)

Click here for written public comments.



TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2024 – 5:00 P.M.

PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Changes to Holden Beach Code of Ordinances §157.083 Accessory Structures and §157.006 Definitions No public comments.


1.   Invocation

2.   Call to Order/ Welcome

3.   Pledge of Allegiance

4.  Agenda Approval Motion made to defer #11 and move #13 to after public comments to become #7A.  Motion to defer #11:  3-2 with Dyer and Smith voting no.  Motion to move #13 unanimous.   Motion to adopt agenda approved 3-2 with Dyer and Smith voting no.

5.   Conflict of Interest Check No conflicts.

6.    Approval of Minutes Approved as amended.

a.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 23, 2024 Change “engineer” to “architect” on page 6.
b.     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 23, 2024
c.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 25, 2024

7.    Public Comments on Agenda Items Eight people spoke.

7A .  Item #13 was moved forward to this point in the agenda.  See #13 below.

8.    Police Report – Chief Dixon  Certification for 9th officer in the process.  There are 8 officers on duty and he is still looking for another officer to bring the total to 10 officers.

9.    Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans Department is very busy.  Construction is still booming on the island.
a.     ADA Mediation Agreement Update Reviewed Keybridge Foundation Mediation Agreement status.

10. Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance 24-01, An Ordinance Amending Holden Beach Code of Ordinances §157.083 Accessory Structures and §157.006 Definitions – Inspections Director Evans Motion to approve ordinance 24-01 and the Consistency Statement passed 4-1 with Myers voting no.

11. Discussion and Possible Approval of Contract Between the Town and Martin Starnes and Associates for Audit Services for Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024 – Finance Officer McRainey Removed from agenda to allow Audit Committee input.

12. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Pier Property Public Input Session on February 29, 2024 – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Paarfus No action.  Discussed the plans for the session.  There will be no public comment; attendees will be able to ask questions of the architect and write their thoughts on forms.

13. Discussion and Possible Action on Adopting the Sailfish Park Site-Specific Master Plan as Completed by McGill Associates, PA. – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson  Representatives from McGill gave a presentation on the plans for Sailfish Park plan.  Dyer made a motion to accept the park plan and Smith seconded it.  Motion failed 3-2 with Myers, Thomas, and Paarfus voting not to accept the plan.

14. Discussion and Possible Action on Issuing a Request for Proposals for a New Permanent Town Attorney – Commissioners Thomas and Paarfus Town will solicit for new attorney until March 31.

15. Discussion and Possible Action on Granting Permission to the Chaplain of the HB Chapel to Conduct the Annual Easter Sunrise Service from the HB Pier – Mayor Holden and Commissioner Dyer  Town attorney would like a release from anyone who will be on the structure.  Motion passed unanimously.

16. Public Comments on General Items Five people spoke.

17. Town Manager’s Report
a.     Greensboro Lift Station Update

  • Lift station status report is in the Meeting Packet.
  • There is a new Permit Specialist in the Inspections Department, Kimberly Bowman.
  • The Police are still trying to fill a vacancy.
  •  There is a vacancy at the Front Desk.
  •  The funding for the Corps CSRM project is being resolved and it is hoped that the Town will not be paying any additional funds.  The Federal Budget impasse may slow the project.
  • The Harbor Acre dredging is moving ahead as planned.  Permits are pending
  • The Stormwater Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) is advancing.  It would develop five or six projects for ~$2M.
  • Ocean Blvd. road resurfacing is in process, still anticipated to finish at Memorial Day.
  • The Town will be doing “rock” raking from the Pier to the 800 block.  This should lift the notice of violation but tilling is still required for a three-year period.
  • The Lockwood Folly Crossing dredging is about to kick off and will run until the end of March.  Approximately 100,000cy of sand will be placed from Amazing Grace to around Blockade Runner.

18. Mayor’s Comments Jack Smyrl passed away.  He owned property in the 1940s.

19. Board of Commissioners’ Comments

·      Myers:  The Town is trying to improve the sound and video for those who listen online to meetings.  Please send feedback to the Commissioners.  There was a Budget Meeting earlier today to hash out goals and objectives for the upcoming budget year.
·      Smith:  His vote on Sailfish Park was due to his concern about ADA requirements.  He asked that the meeting on March 13 be cancelled and the meeting time on March 8 be changed to 4:00PM.
·      Thomas:  Asked the Town Attorney if former attorney Richard Green had returned the Town’s documents yet (no, he has not).  For the Pier Input Session, she wants to hear what people are thinking.
·      Dyer:  Encouraged everyone to plan ahead and be patient while road work continues.
·      Paarfus:  Would like to see people come to the Pier Information Session with ideas about the “end game” state for the pier.

  1. Executive Session Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(a)(5), To Establish or Instruct Staff or Agent Concerning the Negotiation of the Price and Terms of a Contract Concerning the Acquisition of Real Property – Mayor Holden and Commissioner Dyer No action taken.
  2. Adjournment

February 4, 2024
Comments Off on January Commissioners’ Meeting

January Commissioners’ Meeting

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Follow Up – January 2024




JANUARY 23, 2024 – 5:00 P.M.

Click here for the Meeting Packet

Click here to listen to the Audio

Click here to read written public comments

Available candidates for the Audit Committee were interviewed at the Special Meeting preceding the regular meeting.

1.    Invocation

2.    Call to Order/ Welcome

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

4.    Agenda Approval Swapped items #14 and #15.  Clarification on #10 to strike “Hatteras Ramp and” since the ramp is not included in the bids.  Approved as amended.
5.    Conflict of Interest Check No conflicts recorded.  Mayor Holden read the resignation letter of the Town Attorney Richard Green.
6.    Approval of Minutes The Minutes were approved unanimously.
a.    Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 19, 2023

b.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 5, 2023

7.    Public Comments on Agenda Items
·      Will Carter – would like to build a new pier and not spend money repairing the current one.
·      Steve Kimbrough – does not want to go out for bid again on the pier without a committee or public input session on the pier.
·      Gina Martin – wants to get a new bid on the pier and get it open because it is detrimental to our economy.  Does not favor waiting.
·      Sylvia Pate – wants to rebid pier and supports a pier committee.  She supports sending Block Q to the Parks and Rec.  Would like an economic impact study for projects.
·      Jim Bauer – likes idea of public input sessions.   He is concerned about the Lift Station and considers it a higher priority than other items.
·      David Bennett – wants to open the pier, whether new or repaired.
·      John Pierce – Speaking on behalf of the Holden Beach Community Alliance which is ready to work with the Town to answer the question of if we will have a pier or not.
·      Ryan Williams – wants boat parking on Block Q.
·      Phil Caldwell – would like a new pier for all the community.
·      Lyn Holden – HB residents shouldn’t pay for the pier alone.  The County needs to step up along with the State and others.

8.    Police Report – Chief Dixon  Not a lot to report.  Scams are going around, be aware.  Regarding water issues, call Town Hall during the day and 911 after hours.

9.    Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans Not much has changed.  The department remains busy.

10. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Public Hearing on Proposed Changes to Holden Beach Code of Ordinances §157.083 Accessory Structures and §157.006 Definitions – Inspections Director Evans  Scheduled Public Hearing for 5:00 PM prior to the next regular meeting, February 20.

11. Discussion and Possible Approval of Special Meeting Dates – Town Clerk Finnell Meeting schedule approved 3-2 with Smith and Dyer voting No.

12. Discussion and Possible Action on Awarding a Bid for Hatteras Ramp and Walkway at 441 Ocean Boulevard West – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson Motion to award contract to lowest bidder.  Passed 4-1 with Smith voting No.
13. Holden Beach Pier Project

a.     Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff to Engage in Value Engineering to Reduce
Scope of Work on Pier and Rebid the Project – Commissioners Smith & Dyer Motion Failed 2-3 with Smith and Dyer voting Yes.
b.     Discussion and Possible Action on a Public Input Session for the Pier Property – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Thomas Motion to schedule a public input session passed unanimously.  Tentatively scheduled for February 29 at 5:00 PM. 

14. Discussion and Possible Action on Block Q – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Thomas Motion to send Block Q Project to Parks and Rec Board for input.  Motion amended to include boat trailer and car parking as an option. Passed 3-2 with Smith and Dyer voting No.

15. Discussion and Possible Action on the Holden Beach Pavilion – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Paarfus  Motion to have Right Angle come and re-evaluate the pavilion for safety. In discussion, the concern of not being able to have the Summer Concerts was brought up.  Passed 3-2 with Smith and Dyer voting no.

16. Audit Committee Items – Town Clerk Finnell

a.     Discussion and Appointment of Commissioner to Serve on the Audit Committee Tom Myers appointed by acclamation.
b.     Discussion and Possible Selection of Members to Fill Vacancies on the Audit Committee Tim Throndson and Mary Vail Ware were appointed. 

17. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution 24-01, Resolution Approving Truist Signature Card – Town Manager Hewett  Passed unanimously.

18. Public Comments on General Items

·      Ryan Williams spoke with DOT and Wildlife and they mentioned road closures and foot traffic could be a problem near the Boat Ramp. 
·      Will Carter recommended concrete because it will last as opposed to wood.  Also thinks the pavilion could be stabilized with cables.
·      Marti Arrowood – East end needs many more trash cans.
·      Gina Martin – Concerned the Town Charter has been amended and is not on the Town website.  Town Clerk Finnell assured her it was.
·      Phil Caldwell – would like the Commissioners to be more sensitive to each other.
·      Laura Smith, Supply, NC – wants the pier opened because it hurts her business when closed.
·      John Pierce –  Wants a pier soon, either repaired or new.
·      Jeremy Ridenhour – Wants the pier fixed before hurricane season.

19. Town Manager’s Report
·      Recognized employees Carey Redwine (Building Level 1 Certification), Daniel McRainey (NC Government Finance Officer Certification), and Christy Ferguson (appointed to the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA) Governmental Affairs Committee.)
·      The Sewer Lift Station grants are still in process. The $2M appropriated by the state has been applied for.  The plan is to combine these funds with the EPA grant to cover the upfit cost of the station at Greensboro Street.
·      Corps CSRM Study state grants of $750,000 to cover portion of Town’s study have been applied for.  Along with pending federal Disaster Relief Act funding the Town may not need to contribute further.
·      The canal dredging in Harbor Acres is moving ahead.  With grants, the cost to the Harbor Acres Fund will be $86K.  He anticipates grant and bid acceptance at the meeting February 7th or 14th.
·      The meeting with the Corps about stormwater was postponed.  The plan is to ask for federal funds for the project.
·      The Ocean Blvd. resurfacing and bike lane project is moving ahead.  The contractor is wrapping up stormwater and mailbox relocations this week.  Heavy equipment is expected this week.  Still scheduled for Memorial Day completion.
·      The Town met with State Wildlife Commission about the Boat Ramp.  They are initiating a renovation with completion in possibly two years – the proposed changes are unknown. The Town Manager shared his concerns about the ramp use and parking and the impact of boat trailers/vehicles parking on the slope adjacent to the pavilion.  He also gave them a site visit of the County-owned property across the waterway as a candidate for a larger facility.
·      Tires were removed again by the Dept of Marine Fisheries.  He has concerns about the artificial reef shedding the tires and the impact on our sand resources.
20. Mayor’s Comments Thanks to Rick Green for his service. The Causeway plan is available for review.  This has nothing to do with HB, but County has asked if Town would like to make comments.  If formally requested the Town may need to respond. 

21. Board of Commissioners’ Comments
·      Commissioner Myers noted that insurance rates are proposed to increase and encouraged all to share their comments.  Mayor Holden sent a blast with the information. 
·      Commissioner Thomas noted that the League of Municipalities had many attorneys at the recent training.  She thanked all who volunteered for the Audit Committee. 
·      Commissioner Smith shared that the Pier won’t be ready this summer and Block Q also won’t happen.  He likes all the participation and appreciates staff. 
·      Commissioner Paarfus appreciates people coming, and offered congrats to staff.  He noted that serving on the Pier Committee will require a lot of time and effort. 
·      Commissioner Dyer appreciates the input and offered congratulations to staff.

  1. Adjournment

January 3, 2024
Comments Off on January Special Meeting

January Special Meeting

The Board of Commissioners will have a Special Meeting on Friday, January 5, 2024 at 6:30 PM.  Topics include approval of the Rules of Procedure, a schedule of additional meetings, and discussion and possible action on the Block Q project.  Click here for the Meeting Packet and proposed Rules of Procedure.

January 3, 2024
Comments Off on December Commissioners’ Meeting

December Commissioners’ Meeting

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Follow-Up

December 2023

Click here for the Meeting Packet

Click here to listen to the meeting audio when posted

Click here for Public Comments

Commissioner Murdock was not in attendance.





1.    Invocation

2.    Call to Order/ Welcome

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

4.    Agenda Approval Approved

5.    Approval of Minutes Approved
.     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 21, 20236.

6.  Public Comments on Agenda Items
·      A speaker discussed how he has recently come to the area.
·      Maria Surprise read her comments and congratulated the new commissioners.
·      Mike Felmly spoke on item #16 the pier bids and encouraged the Board not to act on it.
·      A speaker discussed how the pier is important to the greater community.
·      Mr. Pearce spoke in favor of accepting the pier bids and discussed a new organization with a goal of putting a heritage museum at the pier.
·      Jim Bauer spoke on the lack of information and clarity on the pier plans.
·      Mr. Kimbrough spoke on the lack of a vision for the end-state of the pier and that it needs to be determined prior to moving ahead.

7.    Presentation of Plaque to the Outgoing Board of Commissioners by Town Manager Hewett

8.    Presentation of Plaques to Commissioners Murdock and Arnold of the Outgoing Board of Commissioners by Mayor Holden   A plaque was presented to Commissioner Arnold.

9.    Board of Commissioners’ Comments Commissioner Smith thanked Commissioners Arnold and Murdock for their service and remembered Commissioner Brown.  Commissioner Dyer also thanked Commissioners Arnold and Murdock for their service and remembered Commissioner Brown.  Commissioner Arnold said he appreciated the kind words and the plaque and thanked everyone.  

10. Judge Gerald Arnold will Present the Oath of Office to the Incoming Board of Commissioners
a.     Mayor                             J. Alan Holden
b.     Commissioners             Tom Myers, Tracey Thomas, Page Dyer and Rick Paarfus

11. Election of Mayor Pro Tempore – Town Clerk Finnell Commissioner Tom Myers was elected Mayor Pro Tem.

12. Discussion and Possible Approval of 2024 Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Schedule – Town Clerk Finnell Commissioner Dyer asked that the January meeting be moved to January 23, with that exception the schedule was approved for the third Tuesday of each month at 5:00pm.

13. Discussion and Possible Direction on Rules of Procedure for the Board of Commissioners – Town Clerk Finnell Commissioner Thomas asked for a special meeting to approve the Rules of Procedures.  Clerk Finnell will check with the other Commissioners for a date and Commissioner Thomas will send her the agenda items.

14. Police Report – Chief Dixon  It is a slow time for the department.  Commissioner Myers asked about the armed robbery and a robbery in progress.  Chief Dixon explained it was probably coded wrong.  He later stated it was actually at the Food Lion, dispatched by the County.

15. Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans Department continues to be busy with construction and remodels.

16. Discussion and Possible Action on Bids Received for the Holden Beach Pier Project – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson After copious discussion, motion passed 3-2 to develop a master plan for the property before re-bidding, with Myers, Paarfus and Thomas voting yea.

17. Discussion and Possible Action on Fourth Amendment to Solid Waste & Recyclables Collection, Transportation and Disposal Agreement between the Town and GFL Environmental – Public Works Director Clemmons  Passed unanimously.

18. Public Comments on General Items

·      A speaker commented on how the island is part of the greater community, and the community members should be considered.
·      Jim Bauer encouraged better audio video for meetings.
·      Mike Felmly spoke on the PARTF grant the Town accepted for the pier and the requirement to put recreational facilities in within five years.
·      Ann Paarfus asked that the plan for the pier be publicized.
·      Rebecca Thompson discussed the tires on the beach strand and welcomed the new members.
·      Brent Shaver encouraged the Commissioners to stop using “old Board” and “new Board” but view themselves as The Board.
·      Regina Martin encouraged the Commissioners to get bids for the pier and the three new members to resign from HBPOA.

19.   Town Manager’s Report   The Block Q contract has not been signed yet.  NC Wildlife will meet with the Town on Wednesday to discuss the Boat Ramp.  Representative Rouzer reported that we were still awarded the $2.7M for the sewer project and he is following up with the State about the remaining $2M.  The Department of Marine Fisheries removed all the tires from the beach.  If additional tires wash up, call Town Hall to have them removed.  The modular restroom at the pier will be winterized soon and porta-potties will be available.

20.  Mayor’s Comments Encouraged everyone to enjoy the refreshments and commented on the storm impact on water levels at the Halstead Park pier.

21.  Board of Commissioners’ Comments Commissioner Smith thanked the staff and is worried about the Team.  Commissioner Thomas thanked the outgoing commissioners for their service and wished everyone happy holidays.  Commissioner Myers stated he is honored to serve and intends to do his best and wished everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Commissioner Paarfus commented that this is your Board and they need to hear from you.  He hopes the Board can work together.  Commissioner Dyer thanked the staff and wished everyone happy holidays.

22. Adjournment








December 9, 2023
Comments Off on Block Q to be Paved

Block Q to be Paved

At the November BOC meeting, the Commissioners voted to select Wells Brothers Construction Co. for the Block Q paving project and instructed the Town Manager to complete the associated contract documents, including a Letter of Intent notifying Wells of the Town’s intent to enter into a contract.  Wells’ bid was $325,831.91.

Block Q is the vacant block of land near the bridge bordered by Jordan Blvd., South Shore Dr., Quinton St., and Brunswick Ave. East. The Town purchased it for $2,000,000.

The Commissioners also approved the Order to Close Carolina Avenue between Jordan Blvd. and Quinton St.  In addition, the Commissioners approved the appropriation of funds to cover the construction costs.

The approved plans for Block Q include paving for 15 boat parking spaces and 70 car parking spaces.  The plans also include infiltration basins due to the amount of impervious surface involved.  The plans do not include relocating the pavilion to the Block Q green space or the construction of planned bathrooms.

Click here for a copy of the plans: Block Q Plans