Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

June Commissioners Meeting

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2023 – 5:00 P.M.

Click here for the Meeting Packet

Click here for the audio of the meeting

Click here for Public Comment via email

Commissioner Arnold was absent.

1.    Invocation

2.  Call to Order/ Welcome

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

4.    Agenda Approval Item #9 was removed from the agenda (already approved)

5.    Approval of Minutes All approved as written.

a.     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 16, 2023
b.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of June 1, 2023

6.   Public Comments on Agenda Items

Sylvia Pate – Bulkheads Item #10.  She is a member of the P&Z Board and voted against sending this item forward.  She doesn’t know that this is actually a problem and recommends that P&Z look further into it.
Rick Shaver  – Bulkheads Item #10.  Canal property owner.  Feels the 20’ clearance is a major problem for Harbor Acres canals. 
Will Carter – Bulkheads Item #10.  Saw some of the new docks that cause problems.  Says that the CAMA rules make the proposed ordinance illegal.  He says docks should be limited to 25% the width of the canal.  Problems should go to Board of Adjustment. 

7.    Police Report – Chief Dixon  Busy with the summer season.  Commissioner Smith discussed the LSV issues and lack of enforcement.  Commissioner Dyer said the rental companies require the renters to sign off on the rules.

8.    Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans   Island is still very busy.  34 new homes under construction and many remodels.  He is seeing an increase in renovations over new builds.  Permits for the Pier will be delivered by the end of the week.

9.    Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance 23-11, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024 – Town Manager Hewett (Removed from Agenda)

10. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Date to Hold a Public Hearing on Proposed Changes to Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Section 157.023 Bulkheads on Lots – Inspections Director Evans  The proposed ordinance is based on Ocean Isle Beach’s ordinance.  This has to go back to the Planning Board for a Consistency Statement and he recommends that P&Z look at it further.  Sent back to P&Z by consensus.

11. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Date to Hold a Public Hearing on Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 157 Zoning Code (Lot Coverage)  – Inspections Director Evans   There is an error in the memo, it should be 30% coverage going to 40%.  Director Evans explained the issues and reasons for approval.  The public hearing was set for the July Regular Meeting.

12. Discussion and Possible Setting of Date to Hold Interviews for Vacancies on Town Boards – Town Clerk Finnell There was a consensus to set interviews for 4:45 prior to the July Meeting.
13. Discussion and Possible Action on Second Season of Parking – Commissioner Dyer  –  She has heard of issues with parking in the 700 block, as well as where houses have been removed, and heard the comments on social media encouraging people to park under private homes.  The LSV signs have been updated to explain what an LSV is.  Jim Varner, of our Paid Parking vendor at Otto Connect spoke.  They have issued 400 citations, 10,000 people have parked.  75 citations were for things that the Town can also ticket for.   There has been a 4% violation rate, which he considers high.  More signs are not needed.  He thinks June was an exceptional month due to the high number of people visiting.  Chief Jeremy encourages people to call 911 if you see a parking problem because they dispatch all the calls for the County.  You can also call the number on the signs to reach Otto.  
a.     Parking on Private Property
b.     Parking in LSV Spots with Cars/Trucks
c.     Parking in Unmarked Areas

14. Public Comments on General Items
Rick Paarfus discussed the canal issues.  He discussed that the design of the canal depth could make a 25% rule ineffective.
Jim Bauer discussed the proposed increase in lot coverage and how that would impact runoff.  Also, he wanted to know if the water mains running west could be increased in size instead of building a new water tower.  It would be less expensive and more effectively increase head pressure at the West End.  Also, he has never seen a parking attendant.  He suggests uniforms and marked vehicles.
Keith Smith has concerns about the no-wake zones and the lack of signage on the ICW.  He also thinks it is confusing to get a CAMA permit. 
Will Carter would like the Board to approve a process for homeowners to put a notice on their dash to let them park in the Right of Way.  He also has talked to CAMA about the canal docks and agreed there is more work to be done.

15. Town Manager’s Report The dredge Miss Katie has finished dredging the Lockwood Folly Inlet.  She spent 3.5 weeks here dredging the inlet to 150’ wide and a minimum of 8’ deep.  He has requested the Coast Guard restore the marker buoys.  The 50,000 cubic yards of sand dredged was added in the nearshore near the Winding River area.  Regarding the sewer lift station project at Greensboro St., he met with the EPA and the hope to avoid the NEPA process has passed its first level of review.  He is hoping to bypass the NEPA review process and go to borrowing in a few months with construction to occur this winter.  He met with the Corps on the CRS Project.  The modeling is underway and the next meeting is March 24 when alternatives will be identified.  Tide Ridge paving is complete.

16. Mayor’s Comments Regarding why the Town doesn’t host fireworks on the Pier, liability and expense.  The Embers will play on Sunday night.  The Chapel is doing well; services are at 10:00am.

17. Board of Commissioners’ Comments
Commissioner Smith – LSV enforcement is so important.  Issue citations.  Let County or State come in if they don’t want to be bad guy.  Thanks to staff on budget issues.  There are a lot of dogs on the beach during the day.  Guests are digging holes.  He asks that the Rangers talk to those digging holes.  He encouraged everyone to be mindful of the weather.  The Island is full.  Please be careful and mindful of guests.  Has watched the boats the last few days on the waterway and people are not following the no-wake rules.  Miss Katie did a great job, looking forward to getting the buoys back.
Commissioner Murdock – On the canals, he is familiar with the issue and CAMA lets builders know what can go there.  Canals need a clear passage to get through.  The beach is full.
Commissioner Dyer – Support your local businesses.  Be respectful of private property and the beach. 

18. Adjournment


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