October 19, 2023
Comments Off on October Commissioners Meeting

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Follow Up October 2023
Click here to listen to the meeting
Click here for the meeting packet
Click here for the written Public Comments
1. Invocation
2. Call to Order/ Welcome
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Agenda Approval Items number 13 and 14 removed from agenda. Approved as amended.
5. Approval of Minutes
a. Minutes of the Public Hearing/Regular Meeting of August 15, 2023 Approved as written
6. Public Comments on Agenda Items
Rick Paarfus – Suggested to review the budget to find any available funds rather than take from fund balance. He suggested looking at Block Q Bathrooms, debris removal, work at the park, with the goal to reduce other spending.
Maria Surprise – Concerned about another withdrawal from savings.
Tom Myers – Budget amendment will result in spending 15% of the BPART Fund Balance. This should have been included in the budget. Consider reducing or deferring other expenses.
Jim Bauer – All comments have already been covered.
7. Annual Beach Monitoring Report – Fran Way, ATM CLICK HERE FOR THE PRESENTATION SLIDES He has been working with the Town for over 20 years and the beach strand looks great. He has been doing the Annual Monitoring since 2001. The nourishment planning and FEMA eligibility has really paid off and the beach strand has improved drastically since he started doing the monitoring. FEMA has really helped us out. Homes were removed in the 90s yet now we have a wide strand. This monitoring report covers what damage Hurricane Ian did last fall. It hit at high tide and had 4’ of surge. The beach held up very well. Beach system is where expected after the nourishment of 2022. He also assisted with the emergency dredging of Lockwood Folly Inlet last spring and another inlet project is planned for this spring to put sand on the beach. He has been working on getting another offshore borrow area permitted in case of a storm.
8. Police Report – Chief Dixon Nothing is happening crime wise. Run HB caused traffic issues and he is appreciative of people’s patience.
9. Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans Still busy with new home construction and renovations.
10. Discussion and Possible Action on ADA Related Items – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson and Inspections Director Evans The Town staff has been working on the Keybridge mediated agreement to comply with the DOJ mandated ADA improvements. CLICK HERE FOR PLANS
a. Avenue E Site Plan Ave. E is east of the home Amazing Grace on the far east end of the Island. It will have a concrete parking area, accessway, and bathroom(s). Golf Cart parking spots will become handicap parking spots. Undetermined if this will be one bathroom or two. These are the same planned bathrooms that will be at 114 OBE. They will apply later to extend the matting further out.
b. 801 Ocean Boulevard West Site Plan This walkway will be pervious concrete and include a Hatteras ramp.
c. Conceptual Approval of Bathrooms These bathrooms will be elevated and have breakaway walls. There was a lot of comment on the design from the audience.
d. Ordinance 23-13, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 23-11, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance or Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024 (Amendment No. 1) The concept for the site plan and the design was approved unanimously. The budget amendment for $261,753 was approved unanimously.
11. Discussion and Possible Amendment to the Contract Between the Town and Southern Disaster Recovery, LLC – Public Works Director Clemmons Amends the agreement to add the removal of some trees. Approved unanimously.
12. Discussion and Possible Action on Regulations for Removing Sand from the Beach – Mayor Holden Asking staff to consider prohibiting removal of sand from the island. Approved by consensus.
13. Discussion and Possible Action on Extending the Paid Parking Program Year-round – Mayor Pro Tem Smith Removed from agenda.
14. Discussion and Possible Action on 796 Ocean Boulevard West – Mayor Pro Tem Smith Removed from agenda.
15. Discussion and Possible Action on Proposed Revision to the Personnel Policy – Town Clerk Finnell Approved unanimously.
16. Public Comments on General Items
Maria Surprise – recommends doing a cost-benefit analysis on the decision regarding paid parking in the offseason.
Ron Bristol – requested a status report on the bike lanes, was told it would discussed in Town Manager’s Report (see below)
17. Town Manager’s Report
· Bid opening was today for Pier renovation. There were no bids. It will be re-bid.
· Block Q Parking (Phase 1) is out for bid. Phase 2 of the project is pending a CAMA access grant.
· Sewer Lift Station – there has been no news from the EPA and it is unclear how the project would be impacted by a federal budget shutdown. He has also not received any information from the state on the funds from the state budget. Expect no progress until more information is available and the audit has been reviewed by the Local Government Commission.
· Bike Lanes and Ocean Blvd. Resurfacing – The survey work has been completed, and work on stormwater is expected to occur in November. The road shoulders will be torn up beginning in December, 3’ on the north side of the road and 7’ on the south side. Any rock or other material owners want to salvage needs to be moved back from the road by owners. After construction, aggregate base coarse (ABC) will be placed along the road. The contractor will take down mailboxes and reinstall them. He expects the shoulder work to happen December – February with paving in March – April, with completion by Memorial Day. Work will begin from the west.
· Harbor Acres will be having a small dredge project to hit some high spots in selected areas. They are hoping to apply for a grant to cover 75% of the expense.
· The Lockwood Folly Inlet will be dredged this winter with 140,000 cubic yards of material placed on our beach.
18. Mayor’s Comments Considers hurricane season over for the year. Encouraged everyone to attend Candidates Night this Friday at the Chapel at 5:30PM. For those wondering about the access at Greensboro Street the Town has extended the prior agreement to allow access as before. The Causeway project is still moving forward with the County and DOT, but has a ways to go. Voting is November 7th.
19. Board of Commissioners’ Comments
· Commissioner Smith thanked people for coming and listening online. He reads all the email he receives. It is nice to see the activity on the beach slow down for the season. He encouraged everyone to vote.
· Commissioner Murdock thanked everyone for coming and missed some meetings due to health issues. He encouraged everyone to make it a good day. Go vote.
· Commissioner Dyer hopes for better turnout for voting than in the past. The Festival is coming, be safe and kind. Barktoberfest is Friday, October 27. Registration has been extended until this Friday. Register with Christy HERE.
· Commissioner Arnold is concerned about the lift station and “kicking the can down the road”. It is critical for 700 homes.
20. Adjournment