Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

Pavilion Problems

The Town Pavilion, the site of the Summer Concerts, Christmas Tree Lighting, Tide Dye, and numerous Town functions, has structural issues.

The Town received an engineering report in February stating the pavilion requires significant repairs, and since the repairs will likely exceed the value of the structure the Town should consider full replacement – which means we have an opportunity to move the concerts away from the sewer station and conduct them on an attractive grass open space in Block Q. You can read the report here:  Pavilion Engineering Report.

The issue has not been addressed by the Town and there is nothing in the budget for repairs or replacement, but it is listed in the Capital Improvement Plan for FY 24/25.

Please note, the Pavilion was not included in the plan for Block Q which was passed at the Commissioners Meeting on November 21.



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