Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

November 11, 2019
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2019 Election Results

LogoCongratulations to our newly elected Mayor and Board of Commissioners.  These individuals will take the Oath of Office at the December 17 meeting.


  • Alan Holden – 241 votes


  • Gerald Brown – 246 votes*
  • Woody Tyner – 230 votes*
  • Brian Murdock – 225 votes*
  • Mike Sullivan – 182 votes
  • Pat Kwiatkowski – 168 votes

*The three Commissioners receiving the most votes will serve four-year terms, and the remaining two will serve two-year terms.  Staggered four-year terms for Commissioners were approved by referendum in 2017 to go into effect with this election.  The Mayor will serve for two years.

November 3, 2019
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Board of Commissioners’ Special Meeting October 29, 2019

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, October 29 for a Special Meeting.  The Town Attorney reported on his investigations of Mayor Holden’s allegations of Fraud and Professional Misconduct by the Town’s outside Auditor.  The allegations were made at the October BOC meeting where he asked that the information be entered into the minutes and provided to the Commissioners.  He also repeated the allegations at HBPOA’s Candidates’ Night.   After investigation, the allegations were determined to be false.  According to the Town Attorney, “There has been no finding that we have come across of any ‘guilt of fraud’ against Rives & Associates by PCTel or otherwise.”  The Board of Commissioners will discuss the issue further at their November Regular Meeting, however, due to the Town’s potential liability for defamation, slander, and libel, the Town Attorney read a statement explaining his findings and recommended that the BOC not discuss it further outside of closed session.

For more information:

Transcript of the Town Attorney’s Oral Report

Response from Auditor’s Attorney

Response from the Auditor

You can listen to the meeting here

Click here for the meeting packet which contains the meeting agenda, the original anonymous letter, the letter from Commissioners Freer and Butler to the Town Attorney outlining their concerns, and documentation from the NC CPA Board.

October 26, 2019
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Board of Commissioners’ Special Meeting

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, October 29 at 10:00am for a Special Meeting.  Highlights include hearing a report from the Town Attorney regarding Mayor Holden’s allegations of Fraud and Professional Misconduct by the Town’s outside Auditor and possible further action.  There is also an agenda item to ask the Audit Committee to review the issue and make recommendations.  The agenda is below.  Click here for the meeting packet.

October 21, 2019
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Member Appreciation Breakfast


Annual Membership Appreciation Breakfast

Saturday, October 26th

7:00 A.M. until 10:30 A.M.

HBPOA invites our members to attend the Annual Holden Beach Chapel Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, October 26, from 7:00 am until 10:30 am at the Holden Beach Chapel.  Breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, bacon, coffee, and orange juice.

Each HBPOA member household that has paid their 2019 membership dues will receive two free tickets at the breakfast. Additional tickets are available for purchase at the door for $7 each. You can also take this opportunity to join HBPOA or renew your membership. We will have a table set up and you can check your membership status.

This is our Annual Member Appreciation Breakfast.  We work in conjunction with the Men’s Fellowship at the Chapel by using this event and their time and talents in the kitchen to show our appreciation to our membership.  Proceeds are used to purchase Thanksgiving turkeys for those less fortunate.

The Festival by the Sea is also this weekend.  Stop by our booth to see the survey results and Candidates Night responses.  For the full schedule of events click here. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 26th!



October 20, 2019
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Candidates’ Night

HBPOA hosted Candidates’ Night October 18.  Thank you to all who attended and sent or asked questions.  This year we added a new segment called the Lightning Round and asked all the candidates yes/no questions where they raised their hands if they agreed.  The results are posted in the chart below.  You can watch a video of the Lightning Round here.  If you have suggestions for HBPOA for the 2021 Candidates’ Night please send them to us and don’t forget to vote on November 5th!

2019 MTCN Lightning Round Summary

October 17, 2019
Comments Off on Survey Results, Meet the Candidates Reminder and Board of Commissioners’ Meeting 

Survey Results, Meet the Candidates Reminder and Board of Commissioners’ Meeting 


Survey Results

Meet the Candidates Reminder and

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting 

October 2019

You can view the results of the 2019 Community Survey by clicking here.  The survey is still open, these are the results as of October 16. We have had excellent participation.  Over 400 people have taken the survey so far.  We appreciate everyone who took the time to share their thoughts.

This election season we again asked the candidates questions about issues facing the Town of Holden Beach.  They have responded and the results are available here. 

Remember, Meet the Candidates Night is this Friday at 7:00pm at Town Hall.  You may ask the candidates your questions.  We will have hard copies of the survey results and the candidates’ responses on hand.

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, October 15 for their regular monthly meeting.  Click here for the meeting summary. The audio of the meeting is available here on the Town’s website.

October 13, 2019
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Survey Reminder and Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Agenda

Take the Survey!

Let your voice be heard by taking the survey.  Visit our website’s survey page and enter the password from the mailed HBPOA newsletter.  If you don’t have the newsletter, email us at [email protected] with your beach address and we will email the password to you.  The survey is quick, anonymous, and covers the issues that impact property owners.  The results will be distributed to the Candidates as well as posted on our website.

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners will meet on Tuesday, October 15 for their regular monthly meeting.  Highlights include the presentation of the annual Beach Monitoring Report, possible approval of the draft Land Use Plan update, possible approval of the Ocean Front and Inlets Management Plan and possible action and budget change on the Classification and Pay Study.    The agenda is below.  Click here for the meeting packet.

The 2019 HBPOA Survey is LIVE!

October 4, 2019 by HBPOA | Comments Off on The 2019 HBPOA Survey is LIVE!

Take the survey!HBPOA has again developed a short, anonymous survey on issues facing our community.

Check your mailbox!  The Fall 2019 HBPOA Newsletter is out!  This newsletter was mailed to ALL property owners on Holden Beach and includes the password to access the 2019 survey.  The survey is anonymous, quick to take, and covers current and perennial issues on our island.  If you don’t receive the newsletter, email us and we will send you the password because everyone’s voice counts!  The survey results will be published on the HBPOA website prior to Candidates Night, October 18.  The information from the survey will also be provided to the BOC Candidates and the community at-large.

In order to help protect the integrity of the survey, we have password-protected the web page with the survey link.  It is our hope that only property owners and residents will take the survey since these are the people who have the greatest stake in the future of Holden Beach.


September 21, 2019
Comments Off on September Board of Commissioners Summary

September Board of Commissioners Summary




1.  Invocation

2.  Call to Order/ Welcome

3.  Pledge of Allegiance

4.  Agenda Approval Voted to remove “Possible Action” from Item #7.

5.  Approval of Minutes  Approved

a.  Minutes of the Special Meeting of August 12, 2019

b.  Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 20, 2019

6.  Public Comments on Agenda Items No Comments

7.  Presentation of Oceanfront and Inlets Management Plan – Fran Way & Cathy  Foerster,  Applied Technology and Management (Assistant Town Manager Ferguson)

a.  Discussion & Possible Action on Plan No discussion or action

8.  Discussion and Possible Action on Asset and Inventory Assessment Grant Application – Leo Green, Green Engineering (Public Works Director Clemmons)

a.  Resolution 19-04, Resolution by Governing Body of Applicant  Approved unanimously

9.  Police Report – Chief Jeremy Dixon They have hired a new officer.  Participated in “Booze it and lose it”.  Discussed the evacuation order and that if the time says 8:00 am everyone must be out by 8:00 am.  The Governor ordered the evacuation and the wording “beginning at 8:00 am” was confusing.

10. Discussion & Possible Action Relative to Section 72.02 Parking Regulated on Public Streets & Rights-of-Way – Commissioner Sullivan  Passed unanimously.  The Town Attorney will write the ordinance language and bring it to an upcoming BOC meeting for approval.

11. Discussion and Possible Action on Participating in the Multi-Jurisdictional Disaster Debris Planning & Support Management Contract – Public Works Director Clemmons  Approved unanimously.

12. RSM Disbursement Disapproval – Town Manager Hewett  No action.  Commissioner Fletcher had RSM  withdraw the invoice.

13. Discussion and Possible Approval for Town Manager to Enter into License Agreement with West End Property Owners Association – Town Manager Hewett  Approved unanimously.

14. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Date to  Hold Interviews for  Vacancies on the Board of Adjustment – Town Clerk Finnell  Scheduled by consensus prior to the October BOC meeting.

15. Town Manager’s Report  The kick-off for the 2018-2019 audit was completed.  The auditor will meet with the Audit Committee this week.  We are no longer on the LGC’s unit assistance list. There are still issues with the Lockwood Folly dredging and sand placement planned for this winter.  The bids for the project were not acceptable.  There has been no word from the Corps on the proposed GRR projects.  The data for the Sand Search is complete.  We will probably need more borings and a budget amendment.  The FEMA reimbursement project for Florence/Michael is pending in the Environmental queue.  Reimbursements for Matthew and Irene have been submitted.  Dorian preliminary damage assessments were a loss of 200,000 cubic yards of sand in the Central Reach area of the beach and 340,000 in other areas.  He will be attending a meeting this week on the Dorian reimbursement process.  He addressed the Dorian emergency event.  Some of the emergency plans need to be updated.  The six hours it took to bring the sewer system back up should not be considered the norm – expect longer.  There was minimal flooding and the power was never lost.  The generator for Town Hall is bad and will need to be replaced/repaired.  They did ditching in the spoils site (former dog park) to speed drying and protect the dikes.  Decals were a problem as there was a rush to buy more at the last minute.  The storm had no impact on permitted buildings.  The amicus brief regarding development fees has been filed.

16. Mayor’s Comments Thanked the employees for their efforts during the storm.  We were undermined by the state’s evacuation declaration.  Someone swam the waterway during the event and was arrested.

17. Board of Commissioners’ Comments  Commissioner Fletcher thanked the staff.  Commissioner Sullivan echoed Fletcher’s comments and said that they try to make everyone happy but that is hard to do.  He was glad to see people at the meeting.  Commissioner Kwiatkowski thanked the staff and the Mayor for acting as the realtor in the Town’s purchase of a house.  Commissioner Butler also thanked the staff and everyone for coming to the meeting.  Commissioner Freer thanked the staff and discussed the amicus brief that the Town filed regarding development fees.  The court has not ruled on the suit yet and the Town Attorney will advise the Board in closed session.

18. Public Comments on General Items None

19. Executive Session Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(a)(6), To Discuss a Personnel Matter – Commissioner Kwiatkowski  Voted unanimously to give the Town Manager a 2% raise retroactively effective to his anniversary date. 

20. Adjournment