Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

May 25, 2021
Comments Off on HBPOA Memorial Day Meeting Canceled

HBPOA Memorial Day Meeting Canceled


HBPOA Memorial Day Meeting


The Town is still closed to non-official business.  However, feel free to reach out to us via email at [email protected].  We plan to resume our in-person meetings this fall beginning with the Labor Day Meeting on September 4, 2021.

We are looking forward to a busy Fall.  We will be sending out the Biennial Survey to all Property Owners, hosting Candidates’ Night, and resuming our Member Appreciation Breakfast!

On behalf of the HBPOA Board of Directors, we wish you a wonderful and safe summer season!

Tom Myers,

HBPOA President

May 20, 2021
Comments Off on May Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

May Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Follow Up May 2021




TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 – 5:00 P.M.

PUBLIC HEARING: Draft System Development Fees Report:  The firm that prepared the report gave a brief presentation.  Elaine Jordan discussed that different methods of calculation were used because of a potential new water tower.


  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order/ Welcome
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Agenda Approval Manager Hewett asked to add item 11A for a $6000 grant for beach nourishment native beach sand compatibility permit.  He would also like to switch the order of #12 and #13. Approved as amended.
  5. Approval of Minutes  All Approved.
    • a.         Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 20, 2021
    • b.         Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 20, 2021
  1. Public Comments on Agenda/General Items  Two comments are posted online.
  2. Discussion and Possible Action on the Draft System Development Fees Report (Cannot Adopt until 24 hours after Public Hearing) – Town Clerk Finnell  Town Manager Hewett suggested the regular June meeting with an Oct. 1 effective date.  Unanimously approved.
  3. Police Report – Chief Dixon  Reminder that no pets are allowed on the strand from 9am –  5pm beginning May 20.  Golf carts are a motor vehicle and must follow all laws including seatbelts, car seats, licensed drivers, etc.  Beach equipment must be removed from the strand daily.  Hurricane season starts June 1 but early storms are becoming the norm; be ready.  Commissioner Murdock asked for more enforcement of golf carts laws.
  4. Discussion and Possible Selection of Members for the Parking Committee – Town Clerk Finnell  Due to a tie, three people were appointed:  Page Dyer, Rick Paarfus and Dina Hamad Smitherman.
  5. Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance 21-10, An Ordinance Amending the Holden Beach Code  of  Ordinances to Comply with Requirements  of Chapter 160D of  the  North Carolina General Statutes – Inspections Director Evans
    • a.         Scheduling of a Date to Hold a Public Hearing  Scheduled prior to June regular meeting.
  1. Discussion and Possible Selection of Engineering Firm for Engineering Design and Construction Management Services of the Vacuum Sewer System Station #2 Upgrade – Public Works Director Clemmons Green Engineering, which has done the previous two lift stations, was selected.

11A.  A grant for $6000 was received to comply with the new requirements on beach sand placement.  Budget Amendment 21-12 was approved unanimously.

  1. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution 21-09, Resolution Directing the Application to the Local Government Commission for Approval of a Special Obligation Bond, Requesting Local Government Approval of the Town’s Special Obligation Bond and Certain Related Matters – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson  The Town will need bridge loan financing to construct the Florence-Michael-Dorian-Isaias FEMA reimbursed project.  This requires LGC approval.  Approved unanimously.
  2. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance 21-11, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 20- 10, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021 (Amendment No. 12, Isaias) – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson Budget amendment recognizes FEMA reimbursement for Isaias.  Approved unanimously.  This is for $3.8M for sand, dune plants and fencing.
  3. Discussion and Possible Action on Post Disaster FEMA Debris Pickup in Gated Communities – Commissioner Kwiatkowski  FEMA does not normally reimburse debris pick up in gated communities.  In order to apply for reimbursement, legal contracts are needed.  Motion to get the contracts completed prior to a storm, pending the insurance company approving indemnifying the United States government.  Carried unanimously.
  4. Discussion and Possible Action on What Comprises a Citizen Complaint Based on Holden Beach Code of Ordinances Chapters 50 (Solid Waste), 72 (Parking Regulations), 92 (Nuisances), 94 (Beach Regulations) and Sections 95.05 (Street Rights-of-Way), 157.081 (Visibility at Intersections) and 130.30 – 130.31 (Littering Provisions)  Commissioner Kwiatkowski asked how citizens make a complaint for things such as overflowing trash cans, inadequate number of cans, yard waste, parking violations, other nuisances, dogs on the beach, and overgrown vegetation at intersections.  Complaints are handled at the discretion of the department heads.  An email about a complaint sent to the Town Clerk will start the process.  There is a form that needs to be completed in some cases.
  5. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Date to Hold a Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 – 2022 – Town Clerk Finnell  Scheduled for June 5 at 5:00pm.
  6. Town Manager’s Report The FEMA reimbursed Florence-Michael-Dorian-Isaias sand renourishment project work is beginning. The required Special Obligation Bonds Applications for the Local Government Commission are in hand.  The CAMA and other permits are in hand.  Solicitation for dredgers is out and there is a scheduled bidders conference.  The construction of the project is planned for this coming winter (’21-’22) or the following (’22-’23) depending on bids received.
  7. Mayor’s Comments  Mr. McIntyre’s mother passed away and he asked the Town Clerk to send a card.  He asked Assistant Town Manager Ferguson to discuss the concerts.  She stated that they will start on schedule Memorial Day weekend.
  8. Board of Commissioners’ Comments  Commissioner Brown:  Has concerns about people blocking off the right of way from parking with post and rope.  He feels it is detrimental to the island and will be putting the issue on next month’s agenda.  Commissioner Smith: Has concerns about golf carts and their safety.  He would like a fee charged to the rental vendors to show that the carts are road-worthy and safe.  Annual stickers would be required and he would make the vendors responsible.  Commissioner Murdock: thanked Governor Cooper for opening up the state and allowing people in the building.  Commissioner Sullivan: glad to have people in the meeting again.  He encouraged everyone to bring thoughts on issues to him before they are voted on.  Commissioner Kwiatkowski: Also glad to see people back at meetings and wished everyone a happy, healthy, prosperous season.
  9. The Mayor asked if anyone wanted to speak.  There were no comments.
  10. Executive Session Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(A)(5), To Instruct the Staff or Agent Concerning the Negotiation of the Price and Terms of a Contract Concerning the Acquisition of Real Property – Mayor Pro Tem Brown & Commissioner Kwiatkowski and North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(A)(3), To Consult with the Attorney (Attorney Madon) No action taken.

21.Adjournment Meeting was not adjourned, but recessed until 10:30am Thursday, May 20.

* Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, there will be limited seating in the Public Assembly. The meeting will be livestreamed on the Town’s Facebook page. Visit  https://www.facebook.com/holdenbeachtownhall/ to listen to the livestream. Public comments can be submitted to [email protected] or deposited in the Town’s drop box at Town Hall prior to 3:00 p.m. on May 18, 2021. Comments for the public hearing will be accepted until May 19, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. If you would like the comments to be heard at the public hearing, they must be submitted by May 18, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

May 17, 2021
Comments Off on May Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Agenda

May Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Agenda

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, May 18 for their regular monthly meeting.  Highlights include beginning the financing process for the FEMA reimbursements, disaster debris pick up in gated communities, and discussion about citizen complaints based on ordinances.

During the Executive Session, item #20, they will potentially negotiate the price and terms to purchase the pier and its associated property(s).  Also on the agenda is the Public Hearing on the System Development Fees.  The agenda is below.  Click here for the meeting packet.

April 23, 2021
Comments Off on April Commissioners’ Meeting Update

April Commissioners’ Meeting Update

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Follow Up – April 2021




TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 – 5:00 P.M.

NOTE:  At the 4:00 P.M. Special Meeting Rick Smith was selected to fill the unexpired term of Woody Tyner.  He will serve until the November election.

PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution 21-04, Preliminary Assessment Resolution to Improve the Existing Soil Roadway of Seagull Drive  There are five comments posted online.


1.    Invocation

2.    Call to Order/ Welcome

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

4.    Agenda Approval  Approved as amended.  Added to item #21 to consult with the Town Attorney.

5.    Approval of Minutes  All approved as written.

a.         Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 16, 2021

b.         Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 2, 2021

c.          Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 5, 2021 (Recessed from April 2nd)

6.    Public Comments on Agenda/General Items  One comment posted online.

7.    Presentation and Possible Action on Holden Beach Coastal Storm Risk Management Study Federal Cost Share Agreement (FCSA) – Bob Keistler, Corps (Assistant Town Manager Ferguson)  Motion to approve the $1.5M CSRM study contract and funding certification carried unanimously.

a.         Ordinance  21-09,  An Ordinance  Amending  Ordinance  20-10,  The  Revenues  and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021 (Amendment No. 11)  Motion to take the funds for the study from BPART instead of Capital Reserve Fund, carried unanimously.

8.    Police Report – Lieutenant Dilworth Not a lot of crime or issues.  A saw was stolen from under a house.  It is time to start locking cars.

9.    Discussion and Possible Action on Emergency Restrictions Pertaining to Town Hall/Board of Commissioners’ Meetings – Commissioners Sullivan & Kwiatkowski Motion to open up Board Meetings to permissible number of public attendees that are allowable by the Governor. This would pertain to opening up the Town for business, yet make sure Town employees are protected.  Motion carried unanimously.  Mayor would need to amend the emergency motion.  This would be for business functions and Boards, not programs.  Effective May 1, 2021, as may be amended by Governor. Passed unanimously.

10. Report on Parking Committee Fines on Paid Parking – Commissioner Murdock  Gave a report on the Parking Committee’s findings.  Read the parking vendor presentations: Premium Parking Presentation and Otto Connect Presentation.

11. Discussion and Possible Action on Recruiting a Member to Fill Commissioner Tyner’s Position on the Parking Committee – Commissioner Murdock  Motion to put Rick Smith and two committee members from the Community on the Parking Committee.  Volunteers will be solicited.

12. Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution 21-06, Assessment Resolution to Improve the Existing Soil Roadway of Seagull Drive (Cannot Adopt until 24 hours after Public Hearing) – Town Clerk Finnell  Report is on the Town’s websiteThis will be voted on at the first budget meeting on May 7.

13. Final Agreement and Action on Proposed Ordinance 21-04, An Ordinance Amending the Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 50: Solid Waste – Commissioner Kwiatkowski  Only changes would be that ALL trash containers (including full cans) will be rolled back and recycling containers will not count toward the required number of containers for rental homes.  Passed unanimously.

14. Discussion and Possible Approval of Budget Amendments – Town Manager Hewett

a.         Ordinance 21-05, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 20-10, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021 (Amendment No. 7, Capital Projects)  Takes Florence, Michael, and Dorian funds and puts in a separate account.  Isaias will follow the same.  Approved unanimously.

b.         Ordinance 21-06, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 20-10, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021 (Amendment No. 8, Isaias)  Passed Unanimously

c.          Ordinance 21-07, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 20-10, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021 (Amendment No. 9, Inspections Department) Due to the number of construction projects on the island extra unbudgeted income has been received.  Motion calls for purchasing a new truck for the Inspections department and reallocating the budget.  Passed unanimously.   

d.         Ordinance 21-08, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 20-10, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021 (Amendment No. 10, Recycling)  Required to be in line with Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) requirements.  Passed unanimously.   

15. Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution 21-07, A Resolution for Brunswick County to Mitigate Proposed Water Rate Increases – Commissioner Kwiatkowski  Motion to adopt the resolution 21-07.  Passed unanimously.

16. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Date to Hold a Public Hearing on the Draft System Development Fees Report – Town Clerk Finnell  Motion to set date for Public Hearing May 18.  Passed unanimously.

17. Discussion and Possible Action on Approving Mayor’s Issuance of a Proclamation in Opposition to the Proposed Zoning Bill (SB 349/HB 401) – Commissioner Sullivan  Motion to prepare a resolution in opposition to NC Senate and House bills carried unanimously.  Bills would allow up to a four-plex in single-family residential zones and allow “accessory dwellings” on single-family lots.  Motion carried unanimously.

18. Town Manager’s Report  Budget workshops are scheduled for May 7 and 21, with a Public Hearing tentatively set for June 4.  FEMA approved almost $4M for Isaias.  Now planning on one major sand project for Michael, Florence, Dorian, and Isaias.  Total awarded so far ~$45M.  The Town has confirmed to the Corps that we are interested in sand placement from the dredging of the Lockwood Folly Inlet and crossing next winter.  The sand volume and cost are still unknown.  The County will participate, but at a lower rate since there will be sand placement.  The annual beach monitoring survey is underway.  Survey crew will be on the strand and in the water.  The sand fencing project has been completed and ended up at around 955 OBW.  They have received a good response from the Parks and Rec Master Plan survey.  The generator replacement at Town Hall is complete.  Renovations to the Jordan Ave. public restrooms are paused in consideration of ADA compliance, Rights-of-Way, and other complications.  Sewer Lift Station #3 is complete and an RFQ for Lift Station #2 is underway.  Paving on Brunswick Ave. West has been completed.  Ocean Blvd. resurfacing and the addition of bike lanes are moving ahead.  The Town is applying for grants for the bike lanes and will hear in October if selected.  He thinks there is a good chance of success for a grant.  Paving and Bike Lane construction would begin in October 2022.

19. Mayor’s Comments  Mayor Holden asked about the work being done on the Sewer Station under the bridge; corroded pipe is being replaced.  He also received a letter from a fellow mayor asking for the Board’s support in signing a letter regarding Asian hate crimes. (The BOC did not act on this).  The Tri-Beach Fire Department needs to replace its building and buy more equipment.  They are asking for a 15% increase in Fire Fees.  They would like to house their equipment in the EOC building during construction but there is no room.  There is a potential lawsuit from Pointe West regarding water issues.  He noted that there has never been this little property for sale on the island.  Construction is also booming.  Prices are high.

20. Board of Commissioners’ Comments The Commissioners welcomed new member Rick Smith and thanked the staff for their work.  Commissioner Brown is glad parking is being addressed.  It was always the intent to make new lots paid parking.  Commissioner Smith thanked the rest of the Board for selecting him, and feels it is an honor to serve.  One issue he would like to address is golf carts.  He gave the stats on injuries, accidents, and deaths from golf carts and noted that Holden Beach is getting carts by the truckload and they need to follow the laws regarding lights, restraints, etc.  He is concerned we will have a tragedy here on the island.  Commissioner Murdock encouraged people to apply for the spots on the Parking Committee.  Commissioner Sullivan thanked Commissioner Murdock for taking on the parking issue.  Commissioner Kwiatkowski encouraged everyone to email the County regarding water rates.

21. Executive Session Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(A)(5), To Instruct the Staff or Agent Concerning the Negotiation of the Price and Terms of a Contract Concerning the Acquisition of Real Property  Amended to include consult with Town Attorney.  No action was taken.


* Due to the Town of Holden Beach’s State of Emergency Restrictions and Governor Cooper’s Safer at Home Order, in person public attendance is prohibited. The meeting will be livestreamed on the Town’s Facebook page. Visit https://www.facebook.com/holdenbeachtownhall/ to listen to the livestream. Public comments can be submitted to [email protected] or deposited in the Town’s drop box at Town Hall prior to 3:00 p.m. on April 20, 2021. Comments for the public hearing will be accepted until April 21, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. If you would like the comments to be heard at the public hearing, they must be submitted by April 20, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

April 19, 2021
Comments Off on Commissioners’ Meeting for April

Commissioners’ Meeting for April

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, April 20 for their regular monthly meeting.  Highlights include a report from the Parking Committee on Paid Parking (click here and here to review information), changes to the trash ordinances, and approval of a $1,500,000 study with the Corps of Engineers.  Also on the agenda is a Public Hearing on the paving of Seagull Drive. The agenda is below.  During the Executive Session portion of the meeting (closed to the public) the properties to be discussed include the Pier parcels and parcels in Holden Beach West.  Click here for the meeting packetPrior to their Regular Meeting, there will be a Special Meeting at 4:00PM.  Candidates will be interviewed to fill the vacancy on the Board.  A candidate will be selected and sworn in.   You can review the agenda and candidate information here.

Trash Ordinances:  The proposed changes to the current ordinance include:

  • Full bins being rolled back to the home, and
  • Recycling containers do not count toward the required number of trash bins for rental homes.

There are no proposed changes to roll-out times for cans.

April 5, 2021
Comments Off on Parking On the Island

Parking On the Island

The Town’s Parking Committee meeting scheduled for April 2nd was canceled.  Parking Committee Chair, Commissioner Brian Murdock, has indicated that Parking will be on the Commissioner’s agenda for their regular meeting on April 20th. The Commissioners met on April 2nd and April 5th in Executive Session to discuss two of the eight parcels at the Pier.  The parcels under discussion are the farthest west parcel where the Emergency Access Road is located and the parcel farthest east where the old hotel was taken down.  No action was taken.  Based on the location of the parcels some have speculated that this would be for beach access for homeowners in the canals across OBW from the pier.  The parcels under discussion do not include the pier structure or the building.

In related news, another area town implemented paid parking this weekend.  Surf City will have paid parking from April through October from 9am – 5pm.  The cost will be $3/hr and $20/day, with an option to buy a seasonal pass for $250.  For more information about the parking issue visit our Hot Topics page on Parking.

March 11, 2021
Comments Off on New Development on Stone Chimney Rd.

New Development on Stone Chimney Rd.

The Holden Beach area continues to see explosive growth.  Brunswick County recently approved plans for a new residential development on Stone Chimney Road, just north of Stanley Road.  The site is 2.5 miles from the bridge.  The new neighborhood, to be called Marsh Walk, will be located next to Lakes of Lockwood.  Plans call for 439 single-family homes and 102 multi-family units.

There are other neighborhoods under development in the area as well, in addition to a large new RV campground and the expansions of existing mobile home parks.

The additional growth will exacerbate the beach parking issues currently under discussion.


March 2, 2021
Comments Off on Updated Hot Topic: Trash

Updated Hot Topic: Trash

Commissioners Pat Kwiatkowski and Mike Sullivan have noted that trash cans sitting on the sides of the road are unsightly, present a safety hazard by blocking drivers’ line of sight, and the cans/corrals near the roadways are smelly for bikers and walkers. The Commissioners are proposing to re-adopt the 2018 ordinance which was passed and then substantially modified after significant concerns were received about the implementation.

The concerns about the ordinance remain the same:

  • Removal/moving of trash corrals;
  • Timing (with $50/day penalties) for rolling your trash cans out and back;
  • Rolling back full trash cans that missed the pickup;
  • No viable solutions to help property owners comply.

We have updated our Hot Topic page to include these latest developments along with the background information from 2018 and 2019.  Click here: https://holdenbeachpoa.com/hot-topics/trash-and-solid-waste/

The proposed ordinance has been discussed at the last two monthly Commissioners meetings and is expected to be on the March 16 meeting agenda for discussion and possible approval.