Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

April 25, 2020
Comments Off on April Commissioners’ Meeting Update

April Commissioners’ Meeting Update

HBPOA Members,

The audio of the meeting is posted to the Town’s YouTube page.



1.  Invocation

2.  Call to Order/ Welcome

3.  Pledge of Allegiance

4.  Agenda Approval  Agenda approved.

5.  Approval of Minutes All approved.

a.  Minutes of the Special Meeting of March 11, 2020 b.  Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 17, 2020

6.  Public Comments on Agenda/General Items  Three comments were submitted and all will be posted to Town’s website.  Pat Crews asked to open the beach up.  Dean and Tracey Thomas thanked the Town for opening the strand.  Irv Woods discussed the importance of allowing rentals.

7.  Quarterly Financial Update – Town Manager Hewett  The Town is in good financial shape at this time. 

8.  Report on Town Hall Generator Directive – Town Manager Hewett  Building Inspector Tim Evans deemed Town Hall a critical facility but after talking to other engineers determined the generator recommended was overkill.  The cost should be about half.  The Town Manager will bring the bids back to the Board.  Read the memo from Inspector Evans here.

9.  Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance 20-09, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 19-10, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2019 – 2020 (Amendment No. 12) – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson  Approved unanimously.

10. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution 20-03, Designation of Applicant’s Agent (4487-DR- NC, COVID-19) – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson  Approved unanimously.

11. Discussion and Possible Ratification of Decisions Made by Staff Concerning Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act – Town Clerk Finnell  Approved unanimously.

12. Town Manager’s Report  The state has tabled the Inlet Hazard Area issue, for now, the next meeting will be in June.  The Town has re-hired PD officer Brandon Dosher to fill John Duncan’s spot.  Daniel McRainey has been hired as a financial analyst.  The audit is underway.  Staff is working on the budget.  The work on the sewer lift station is ongoing.  Paving of Brunswick Ave. is still on schedule to start April 27.  The Lockwood Folly Inlet Crossing project has been completed and fence and vegetation were starting today.  The annual beach monitoring survey is in process.  The FEMA projects are ongoing and we have added a new FEMA project, COVID-19.

13. Mayor’s Comments  Mayor Holden thanked the citizens, residents, and staff for their patience.  The hotspots in NC are expected to peak in a few weeks.  He is listening to guidance from Raleigh.

14. Board of Commissioners’ CommentsCommissioner Brown understands the needs of opening up but is focused on safety and feels they are here to serve the good of the people.  Commissioner Tyner thanked the staff and has received a lot of input.  Commissioner Murdock has also received a lot of input on the issues.  He thanked the Mayor and the staff.  Commissioner Sullivan also thanked the staff and pointed out that people having financial difficulties will not have the water turned off if they can’t pay the bill.   Commissioner Kwiatkowski echoed earlier speakers and appreciates everyone’s patience.

15. Executive  Session  Pursuant  to  N.C.G.S.  143-318.11(A)(6)  to  Discuss a  Personnel  Matter  –

Commissioner Kwiatkowski  No action taken.

16. Adjournment

* Due to the Town of Holden Beach’s State of Emergency Restrictions and Governor Cooper’s Stay at Home Order, in person public attendance is prohibited. The meeting will be livestreamed on the Town’s Facebook page. Visit https://www.facebook.com/holdenbeachtownhall/ to watch the livestream. Public comments can be submitted to [email protected] or deposited in the Town’s drop box at Town Hall prior to 6:00 p.m. on April 21, 2020.

April 2, 2020
Comments Off on Do You Rent Your Home?

Do You Rent Your Home?

UPDATE Tuesday, April 14:  This was just released by the SBA. It appears that EIDL grants WILL NOT be provided to small businesses (like vacation home rentals) that do not have any employees.

From: Small Business Administration <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 11:15 AM
Subject: Update on Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance

u s small business administration

Dear Applicant,

On March 29, 2020, following the passage of the CARES Act, the SBA provided small business owners and non-profits impacted by COVID-19 with the opportunity to obtain up to a $10,000 Advance on their Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). The Advance is available as part of the full EIDL application and will be transferred into the account you provide shortly after your application is submitted. To ensure that the greatest number of applicants can receive assistance during this challenging time, the amount of your Advance will be determined by the number of your pre-disaster (i.e., as of January 31, 2020) employees. The Advance will provide $1,000 per employee up to a maximum of $10,000.

You may be eligible for another loan program, the Paycheck Protection Program, which is available through participating lenders. Below is a comparison of the two loan programs:

                                 Paycheck Protection Program                  Full EIDL Loan


Forgivable if used for payroll (minimum of 75% of the funds received) and the remaining for certain operating expenses (amount of any EIDL advance is not forgivable)

To meet financial obligations and operating expenses that could have been met had the disaster not occurred (amount of any EIDL advance is forgiven)


Up to $10 million

1% interest rate

Up to $2 million

3.75% for businesses

2.75% for non-profits



NO – EIDL Loan

YES – EIDL Advance


2 years

30 years


Deferred 6 months

Deferred 1 year

To locate a Paycheck Protection Program Lender, please visit: www.SBA.gov/PaycheckProtection.

Information on available resources may be found at www.sba.gov/coronavirus. For more information on these services, please go to www.sba.gov/local-assistance to locate the email address and phone number for the nearest SBA district office and/or SBA’s resource partners.



If you rent your Holden Beach home you may be eligible to benefit from the recently passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and a $10,000 Emergency Grant for lost rental income.  Note: everyone’s situation is different and this should not be taken as financial or legal advice.  We only wanted to make sure our members were aware of this potential opportunity!

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act which was passed on 3/27/2020 establishes an emergency grant to allow an eligible entity who has applied for an EIDL loan due to COVID-19 to request an advance on that loan, of not more than $10,000, which the SBA must distribute within 3 days. It also states that applicants shall not be required to repay advance payments, even if subsequently denied for an EIDL loan.   The State of Virginia SBA has a good explanation of the program including a recorded webinar.  Also, the Small Business Association has information about the program and you can apply online.

An HBPOA Board Member sent the following:

I just submitted the application for our house. As I understand the way this works, you submit an application for an EIDL loan AND request a $10,000 grant as an advance. That application took me less than 15 minutes to complete on-line. You give them your bank routing + account number for direct deposit. When submitted, they give you a Registration Number.  You are supposed to get the $10,000 within 3 business days, but it is the government. Subsequently, the SBA will contact you by email for more info if you want an additional loan. The $10,000 is not subject to repayment regardless of whether or not you are approved for an additional loan.

It appears funds can be used for vacation rental properties including mortgage interest and utilities.  Be aware that there is a finite amount of money and it will be given out on a first-come-first-serve basis.  We also recommend double-checking with your accountant and hope s/he is following the issue closely.  Click below for sample completed forms you can use to complete an EIDL application from the SBA online site.

EIDL App Page1

EIDL App Page2

EIDL App Page3

EIDL App Page4

EIDL App Page5

The Confirmation after completing looks like this:

March 17, 2020
Comments Off on Easter Meeting Canceled

Easter Meeting Canceled

LogoIn an effort to help “flatten the curve” and reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we are canceling our Easter Weekend membership meeting.  The HBPOA will also not be attending Town Board of Commissioner meetings.  We will continue to provide meeting summaries based on the audio recordings from the meetings.

Best regards,

Tom Myers

HBPOA President

January 25, 2020
Comments Off on January Commissioners’ Meeting

January Commissioners’ Meeting

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Follow Up

The Holden Beach Board of Commissioners met January 21. A brief summary of the meeting is below or click here to listen to the audio of the meeting.  You can review the accompanying meeting information by clicking here.




TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2020 – 7:00P.M.

1.  Invocation

2.  Call to Order/ Welcome

3.  Pledge of Allegiance

4.  Agenda Approval Removed items #15 and #16, added a new #15 about Inlet Hazard Areas. Approved unanimously.

5.  Approval of Minutes

a.  Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 17, 2019 Approved unanimously.

6.  Public Comments on Agenda Items  John David Plumridge spoke in favor of keeping OBW at 35MPH year-round.

7.  Discussion and Possible Award of Contract for Vacuum Sewer System #3 Upgrade – Green Engineering (Public Works Director Clemmons)

a.  Ordinance 20-01, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 19-10, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2019 – 2020 (Amendment No. 7) Approved contract and budget amendment unanimously.

8.  Police Report – Chief Jeremy Dixon Not a lot of crime going on.  Still working on the car break-ins on the East End.  The cars were not locked.  He advises everyone to lock their car and winterize your home as needed.

9.  Discussion and Election of Chairman to the Audit Committee – Town Clerk Finnell  Commission Tyner was elected.

10. Discussion and Selection of Audit Committee Members – Town Clerk Finnell  Tony Chavonne, Mark Fleischhauer, Jeff Tansill, and Jeannine Richman were elected to the Board.

11. Discussion and Possible Nomination of Member to Fill Alternate Member Vacancy on the Planning & Zoning Board – Town Clerk Finnell  Stuart Atwell was selected to serve.

12. Discussion and Direction on the 2020 Draft of Suggested Rules of Procedure for the Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners – Commissioner Kwiatkowski  Postponed until next month.

13. Discussion and Possible Action on Directive for the Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners’ Requests to Advisory Boards or Committees – Commissioner Kwiatkowski

a.  Resolution 20-01, Resolution of the Town of Holden Beach, North Carolina Concerning the Process and Format for Board of Commissioners’ Requests for Recommendations from Advisory Boards/Committees and the Recommendations Received  Approved unanimously.

14. Discussion and Possible Action on a More Formal Procedure for the Board of Commissioners’ Requests for Actions to the Town Manager or Town Attorney – Commissioner Kwiatkowski Agreed unanimously by consensus.

15. Discussion and  Possible  Action on  Ordinance for  Maximum House  Size  Construction  –  Attorney Carpenter Removed from the agenda.

15.  Inlet Hazard Area discussion and possible action.  Commissioner Sullivan made a motion to have the Town prepare a response in opposition to the proposed IHA changes.  Approved unanimously.

16. Discussion on Revising, Section 72.02 (K) Parking Regulated on Public Streets and Rights-of-Way – Commissioner Sullivan Removed from agenda.

17. Discussion Pertaining to the Speed Limit on Ocean Boulevard – Commissioner Sullivan Postponed until next month.

18. Discussion and Possible Action on Classification and Pay Study and the Updated Personnel Policy Created by the Management & Personnel Services Group – Commissioner Kwiatkowski

a.  Class specifications

b.  Pay Plan

c.   Implementation of Option I

d.  Ordinance 20-02, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 19-10, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2019 – 2020 (Amendment No. 8)

e.  Personnel Policy

Approved items “a” through “d” unanimously. Approved item “e” with Commissioner Kwiatkowski’s changes unanimously.

19. Discussion and Possible Action on Poyner Spruill Contract – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson

a.  Ordinance 20-03, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 19-10, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2019 – 2020 (Amendment No. 9)  Approved unanimously.

20. Year-to-Date Financial Report – Commissioner Tyner Approved unanimously to have Town Manager prepare a quarterly report.

21. Discussion and Possible Action on Setting Board Objectives for the 2020 Calendar Year – Commissioner Kwiatkowski Commissioners will send availability to Town Clerk, Approved unanimously.

22. Discussion and Possible Action to Start the Process to Determine the Town’s Future Use of the Recently Acquired 796 Ocean Boulevard West Property – Commissioner Kwiatkowski  Commissioner Kwiatkowski will bring something next month.

23. Town Manager’s Report  FEMA reimbursement for Florence and Michael has been awarded – $24M, the Dorian estimate went from $4M to $12M based on the surveys requested by FEMA.  ATM is still working on the Sand Search.  Explained though they had planned to bring back the dog park, its primary function is still as a disaster site and a lay-down yard for Public Works.  The Lockwood Folly dredging is moving ahead with sand placement as far as Bendigo and three more weeks of work.  400 Christmas trees were placed to supplement sand fencing with thanks to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Steve Mercer of Coastal Transplants and Mike Pearson of the Inlet and Beach Protection Board.  Brunswick Ave. West paving bid package will go out next week and hope to approve a contract at the February meeting, with work to be done between Easter and Memorial Day.  The Town Hall generator went out last fall and they have been using a rental since then.  The rental was returned and he plans to bring a budget amendment for a new one to the February or March meeting.  The CAMA access at 289 OBW is complete.  The Chapel is undergoing renovations and meetings may be moved to Town Hall.  Run HB was last weekend, over 700 people finished the races.  There were some traffic issues that they will address for next year. The Town’s birthday is February 14 and there will be a social at noon with the closing of the Time Capsule.

24. Mayor’s Comments (Absent from meeting)

25. Board of Commissioners’ Comments  Commissioner Brown thinks the money for Poyner-Spruill is well-spent.  He has had several calls about the Dog Park and he is looking for options.  He discussed speeding and the use of golf carts.  Commissioner Tyner discussed the Dog Park and the speed limit.  He went through the Town’s orientation.  Lobbying takes time and wants the Poyner Spruill contract to play out.  Commissioner Murdock encouraged everyone to look at the IHA maps.  He recognizes that they approved a lot of additional expenses tonight and realizes that the Town will have to come up with additional funds.  Commissioner Sullivan encouraged everyone to send comments on the IHA issue.  Also, he would like people to contact him prior to voting instead of after decisions have been made.  He encouraged everyone to go to the Town’s social events.  Commissioner Kwiatkowski encouraged everyone to send in comments about the IHA changes with why they don’t like it.  She commented that she would not be “hijacking” future meetings.

26. Public Comments on General Items  Dolly Mitchell spoke in favor of lowering the speed limit to 35MPH.  Jeff Hodges spoke in favor of a new Dog Park.  The old one could have pollutants and be off-gassing.  He also asked the BOC to add the item to their next agenda.  Suzanne Council spoke in favor of creating a temporary dog Park until a replacement can be established. Dawn Bently likes the Town’s YouTube recordings and appreciates the Town’s consistency over time.  Larry Craig spoke in favor of a crosswalk near the main parking area on the island.  Laura Throckmartin spoke in favor creating a new Dog Park and a temporary one until a final can be established.  She feels walking the sidewalks at night with dogs is unsafe when sharing with bikers. Catherine Gardner spoke in favor of a Dog Park and also keeping the 35MPH speed limit all year.  Construction workers are already greatly exceeding the limits.

27. Adjournment at 9:15PM

January 21, 2020
Comments Off on Inlet Hazard Area Update

Inlet Hazard Area Update

Good News!  HBPOA has received word that the Coastal Resources Commission’s deadline to comment on the proposed Inlet Hazard Area changes has been extended until March 2nd.  It appears that the CRC Executive Committee has indicated that the issue will be addressed in April instead of at their February meeting.

It is still important for all property owners to send comments to the CRC about the proposed changes.  For more information and how to comment go to the IHA Hot Topics Page.

January 13, 2020
Comments Off on Inlet Hazard Area Meeting

Inlet Hazard Area Meeting

Urgent Action Required

The Division of Coastal Management will be conducting a workshop at Town Hall Thursday, January 16th, at 2:00PM to review the proposed changes to the Inlet Hazard Area boundaries and rules.

The HBPOA Board has passed a resolution in opposition to these proposed changes.  We have also engaged legal counsel to represent property owner interests relative to these changes.

We are very concerned that the new IHA will have significant negative impacts to all property owners.  Property owners in the IHA will be restricted with regards to what they can build or rebuild on their property.  The changes could reduce the value of these properties, which would impact all other property owners by shifting the tax burden.

We are recommending the following actions:

  • Everyone should send comments to [email protected]  and/or [email protected].

  • Click here to determine if your property will be in or near the new IHAs.  You can also determine the potential impact to your property by viewing the lines that will be used for calculating setbacks.  For more information on how to use the mapping tool click here or go to our Hot Topics page.

The comment period closes on January 31st so now is the time to provide your input.  You can reference our Resolution with regards to the issues we believe to be significant.  You can also check our Hot Topics page for additional information.

HBPOA will be at the Workshop on Thursday.  Email us at [email protected] if you have questions you would like us to ask!

December 31, 2019
Comments Off on HBPOA Dues Reminder

HBPOA Dues Reminder

LogoIt is that time of year!  HBPOA memberships run for the calendar year – January through December.  Our automated membership system Wild Apricot is sending out reminders and “invoices” to current members.

Here are answers to a few Frequently Asked Questions about renewals:


  • Why can’t I log in to pay?  Your login is the email address you used to set up the account and the password is HBPOA18 unless you previously changed it.  Most of the login problems members have are from originally using an old email address or forgetting their password.  If nothing else works for you, send an email at [email protected] and we will track the problem down for you!  Tip:  the email account that received the reminder notice is usually the email address you need to use to log in.
  • This is an invoice?  These are not really invoices.  You are not under any obligation to join HBPOA because we are a completely voluntary group; however, your membership is valuable!
  • May I just pay for more than one year and not worry about this for a few years?  Yes!  Dues are still $15 per year, but you can pay for more than one year at a time – $30 for two years, $45 for three years, etc.
  • I joined last fall – why are my dues not current?  Our Bylaws specify that memberships run for the calendar year, January through December.
  • Do you take checks or cash?  Yes, just send your dues, beach address and your current home address and email to PO Box 376, Supply, NC 28462.  You can use this form if it is easier.
  • I still have questions; where can I get more information?  Go to our membership page or drop us an email.
  • I didn’t get a reminder, how do I join or renew? If you have never been a member click here, create an account and join us!  If you have been a member in the past, you might have an account already, try to log in.

We hope you will renew your membership.  We appreciate every Holden Beach property owner who joins with us to advocate for our collective interests!


December 15, 2019
Comments Off on Inlet Hazard Area Changes and December Commissioners’ Meeting

Inlet Hazard Area Changes and December Commissioners’ Meeting

Board of Commissioners’ Agenda and Inlet Hazard Area Proposed Changes

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, December 17 for their regular monthly meeting.  Highlights include presentations to out-going Commissioners and swearing in new/returning Commissioners.  The agenda is below.  Click here for the meeting packet.

In addition, there will be a Public Hearing for the proposed new Inlet Hazard Areas.  If your property is west of Sailfish or East of Blockade Runner, you should be aware of the proposed changes and plan to make comments in person at a Public Hearing December 17, at the County Complex at 10:00AM or via email.  For more information and the maps, check out the Hot Topics page here on the HBPOA website.  We have gathered the pending information for you.

December 3, 2019
Comments Off on November Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Summary

November Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Summary





TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 – 7:00 P.M.

1.    Invocation

2.    Call to Order/ Welcome

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

4.    Agenda Approval  Changed Item #13, Ordinance 19-18 to $30,000.00.  Agenda approved as amended.

5.    Approval of Minutes  Four typos and small changes made.  Approved all as amended.

a.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 11, 2019

b.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 15, 2019

c.     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 15, 2019

d.     Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 29, 2019

6.    Public Comments on Agenda Items None

7.    Presentation of a Smart Rural Community Award to the Town of Holden Beach – Victoria Bellamy, ATMC Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator (Town Manager Hewett)  Town presented with Smart Rural Community Award for installing fiber optics on the island.

8.    Presentation of Fiscal Year 2018 – 2019 Audit Results – Jay Sharpe, Rives and Associates (Town Manager Hewett) Audit Committee recommended Approval of Audit.  BOC voted unanimously to approve.

9.    Discussion and Possible Action to Permit a Request for a Banner, to Allow Vendors and for One Free Beer Ticket at Run Holden Beach, David Hutnik (Assistant Town Manager Ferguson) Approved unanimously.

10. Police Report – Chief Jeremy Dixon  Not a lot going on crime-wise.  They are taking the down time to do in-service training.

11. Discussion and Possible Direction on a Proposed Policy Regarding Board of Commissioners’ Requests for Opinion and/ or Recommendations to Advisory Boards or Committees – Commissioner Kwiatkowski  No action was taken, it will be brought to the next meeting.  This would be a Board Policy or Directive.

12. Discussion and Possible Direction on a More Formal Procedure for the Board of Commissioners’ Requests for Actions to the Town Manager or Town Attorney– Commissioner Kwiatkowski  No action taken.

13. Discussion and Possible Action on Cost Sharing Request Made by Brunswick County for the Dredging of the Lockwood Folly Inlet – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson

a.     Ordinance 19-18, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 19-10, The Revenues and Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2019 – 2020 (Amendment No. 6)  Increased amount to $30,000 to cover additional surveys that need to be done for Hurricane Dorian damage reimbursement.  Passed unanimously.

14. Discussion and Possible Action to Recommend Remedial Policies or Procedures with Respect to Obstruction, Interference or Non-Cooperation in Connection with Audits, Investigations or Reviews of the Town’s Financial Affairs – Commissioner Freer  Moved to December agenda.

15. Town Manager’s Report Regarding the Lockwood Folly Bend Widener and Crossing Dredging Project, the contract was awarded but there is no schedule yet.  The Sand Search is on schedule, the hydro and borings are complete, next is an archeological survey with multi-beam and a 500m check for hard bottom.  The targeted area is SSE of the Lockwood Folly Inlet.  The Florence/Michael FEMA Beach Reimbursement Projects have cleared Environmental Review and are now in the Office of Legislative Affairs pending awarding. We have had the initial scoping meetings with FEMA and Dept. of Public Safety for Dorian.  Our losses were ~$4.6M and that information has been added to the FEMA portal.  Officials have complimented how accomplished the Town is at working through FEMA for damage reimbursement.  Sewer Lift Station #3 repairs are out to bid, construction is planned to start March 23 and end December 2020.  The Town is sponsoring several upcoming activities, pre-register for all by calling the Town.  The Turkey Trot will be at 8am on Thanksgiving, the Tree Lighting will be December 6, Sandy Paws Dog Parade will be December 7 and the Holiday Luncheon will be December 20.

16. Mayor’s Comments:  Thanked everyone for coming and wished a happy Thanksgiving, he expects lots of people to be here for the holiday.

17. Board of Commissioners’ Comments  Mayor Pro Tem Fletcher: Thanked everyone for attending and wished everyone a good Thanksgiving and safe holiday.  Commissioner Sullivan: Thanked everyone for attending and wished everyone a good Thanksgiving and commented on the large voter turn out.  Commissioner Kwiatkowski: Thanked everyone for attending and wished everyone a good Thanksgiving.  She is enjoying the peace and quiet of the beach.  Commissioner Butler: Thanked everyone for attending and suggested bringing a friend next time.  He encouraged everyone to remember those less fortunate. Commissioner Freer: Thanked everyone for attending and wished everyone a good Thanksgiving.

18. Public Comments on General Items None

19. Adjournment at 8:02pm (new record?)

November 20, 2019
Comments Off on Thanksgiving Meeting

Thanksgiving Meeting

Holden Beach Property Owners

Thanksgiving Meeting

November 23, 2019  at 10:00 a.m.

Holden Beach Town Hall in the Public Assembly Room

We are looking forward to hearing from Mayor Alan Holden, Town Manager David Hewett, and Police Chief Jeremy Dixon

We will also be approving the budget for the upcoming year.