Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

October 23, 2020
Comments Off on October Board of Commissioners Meeting

October Board of Commissioners Meeting

Note: The meeting packet is available by clicking here.




TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2020 – 5:00 P.M.

1.    Invocation

2.    Call to Order/ Welcome

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

4.    Agenda Approval Approved

5.    Approval of Minutes  All Approved

a.         Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 3, 2020

b.         Minutes of the Public Hearing/Regular Meeting of September 15, 2020

c.          Minutes of the Public Hearing/Regular Meeting of September 18, 2020 (Recessed from September 15, 2020)

6.    Public Comments on Agenda/General Items None

7.    Annual Beach Monitoring Report – Fran Way, Applied Technology and Management (Assistant Town Manager Ferguson)  Mr. Way presented the annual beach monitoring report.

8.    Discussion and Possible Action on Employee Health Benefits – Commissioner Sullivan  Town currently pays 80% of benefits costs for employees’ spouse and families, which is higher than most other communities.  Agreed item will be added to next month’s agenda.

9.    Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution 20-10, Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Communicate the Town’s Opposition to FEMA’s Current Policies for Disaster Debris in Gated Communities – Town Manager Hewett   Approved as amended.  Added “economic recovery” to resolution.

10. Discussion and Possible Action on Resolution 20-11, Resolution Amending the Town of Holden Beach Capital Improvement Plan by Establishing a Fire Hydrant Replacement Policy – Town Manager Hewett/Public Works Director Clemmons  Approved unanimously.

11. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution 20-12, Resolution of the Town of Holden Beach Declaring the Intent to Reimburse Itself for Capital Expenditures from the Proceeds of Certain Tax- Exempt Obligations – Town Manager Hewett Allows the Town to finance part of the expenses for sewer lift stations and a second water tower.  These would also be used in the development fee analysis.  Approved unanimously.

12. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Date to Hold a Public Hearing to Hear Proposed Comments on the Land Use Plan – Inspections Director Evans  Meeting set December 15, 2020 at 5pm.

13. Discussion and Possible Action on Proposed Lease of 796 Ocean Boulevard West – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson Voted unanimously to approve the lease of 796 OBW to a Town employee for $700 per month contingent upon a favorable inspection from the building inspector that the property was safe to rent.

14. Request to Change Deliverable Date for Police Committee – Commissioner Sullivan  Voted unanimously to extend report delivery date until March 2021.

15. Discussion and Possible Action on the Criteria, Qualifications and Service Arrangement for a Legal Services Provider for the Board of Commissioners – Commissioner Tyner  Discussed that they want an attorney with municipal experience.  Commissioners Sullivan and Kwiatkowski appreciate having the attorney at meetings. Cost is an issue.

16. Discussion and Possible Action on the Board of Commissioners’ Relationship with the Law Office of G. Grady Richardson Jr. – Commissioner Tyner  Voted to terminate the relationship with current firm.  Asked Town Manager to create an RFP for legal service and distribute.

17. Town Manager’s Report Town Manager presented his quarterly financial report.  He encouraged all to vote.  The new generator is in and staff has been trained.  The Town applied for permits for the next beach nourishment and will have a scoping meeting with CAMA on Friday. The numbers from the Beach Engineer for Isaias came in at 67,000cy of sand lost at a cost of $5,000,000 for a stand-alone project.  Debris that was being stored at the Turkey Trap Road site has been removed.  Regarding the buoys in the Lockwood Folly, the Corps is developing a report on the costs to dredge quarterly.  The Town has budgeted for one dredging.  Lobbyist Mike McIntyre has changed firms and the Town Manager has made the changes required.  Virtual visits with legislators are scheduled for November.  NC Department of Water Resources has awarded a grant of $106,000 for dune repair.  Lift station #3 is on target to be completed ahead of schedule.  The Town received $40,000 for Covid supplies. The Town Manager says he will not be following the leave policy for employees.  Letters regarding paving of the three unpaved streets were sent to property owners and are due in December.  The water contract with the County has expired and a new contract is expected in January.  The Town met with the contractor regarding developing a revised development fee schedule.

In response to a question from Commissioner Sullivan, the Town Manager asked Building Inspector Evans to share news that the Community Rating System (CRS) rating for the Town has been lowered resulting in an additional 5% reduction in flood insurance rates for property owners.  There will now be a 15% reduction.   

18. Mayor’s Comments The Island is extremely busy, rentals are strong, and people are using the boat dock.

19. Board of Commissioners’ Comments  Commissioner Brown encouraged everyone to vote.  Commissioner Tyner thanked everyone for the calls during his health issues.  Commissioner Murdock thanked the Staff for their hard work.  Also, he wants to be of service to the citizens and hear their concerns and ideas.  Residents wanted their streets paved, they need to return the forms.  Commissioner Sullivan encouraged everyone to stay safe and noted the crowds still on the beach enjoying the weather.  Commissioner Kwiatkowski discussed the advocacy work she and the Town Manager were doing with the League of Municipalities.  She encouraged everyone to stay well.  


* Due to the Town of Holden Beach’s State of Emergency Restrictions and Governor Cooper’s Safer at Home Order, in person public attendance is prohibited. The meeting will be livestreamed on the Town’s Facebook page. Visit https://www.facebook.com/holdenbeachtownhall/ to watch the livestream. Public comments can be submitted to [email protected] or deposited in the Town’s drop box at Town Hall prior to 3:00 p.m. on October 20, 2020.


October 16, 2020
Comments Off on October Commissioners’ Meeting

October Commissioners’ Meeting

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, October 20  for their regular monthly meeting.  Highlights include the annual Beach Monitoring Report, leasing out the house at 796 OBW, and discussions about the Town Attorney.  The agenda is below.  Click here for the meeting packet.

October 16, 2020
Comments Off on Brunswick County Receives Federal Disaster Declaration

Brunswick County Receives Federal Disaster Declaration

FEMA has announced that Brunswick County has been declared a major disaster area and eligible for federal funding in the wake of Hurricane Isaias.  This allows our beach to apply for funding to cover the damage to the beach strand and other expenses.  The storm hit our beach on August 3 during a full-moon high tide causing massive flooding of the canals and marshes and beach erosion.  The Town is already working on replacing lost sand fencing, rope and poles, and vegetation. The preliminary estimate of sand loss to the beach strand for Isaias was 60,000 cubic yards (cy) at an estimated cost of $5,375,950.

The declaration was important because it means FEMA will reimburse the Town for 75% of the cost of repairs and the State has traditionally covered the remaining 25%.  While these are reimbursement programs and take time and effort to shepherd through the bureaucracy and paperwork, it does provide the Town with 100% of the cost of repairs.

The Isaias declaration adds another storm to the Town’s list of FEMA reimbursement projects.  The Town is currently working on a project to cover damages from Florence and Michael.  The “Flo-Mike” project will replace the 1,160,298cy of sand lost along the engineered portion of the beach.  The cost is estimated at $24,408,726.  The project has been approved by FEMA, the sand has been sourced, and depending on how the bids come in will occur in the winter of 2021-22 or 2022-23.  In addition, damages from Hurricane Dorian are pending approval and if approved in time will be added to the Flo-Mike project.  Sand loss from Dorian was 555,927cy at a cost of $14,914,698.

You can read more about the declaration here:

FEMA Disaster Declaration:  https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4568

From WECT: https://www.wect.com/2020/10/14/major-disaster-declaration-granted-nc-counties-hit-hard-by-hurricane-isaias/

Isaias-Hit Counties Eligible For Federal Aid


August 23, 2020
Comments Off on Labor Day Meeting Canceled

Labor Day Meeting Canceled

Meeting Canceled

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis the Labor Day HBPOA meeting, scheduled for Saturday, September 5 is canceled.

We hope you and your family are safe and well during these unusual times!

August 23, 2020
Comments Off on Commissioners’ Meeting Follow Up

Commissioners’ Meeting Follow Up




TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2020 – 7:00 P.M.

  1. Invocation
  1. Call to Order/ Welcome
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Agenda Approval Added item 7A to amend debris removal contract. Motion to add 14A to move meeting time to earlier.  Approved as amended.
  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 21, 2020 Approved
  1. Public Comments on Agenda/General Items No comments
  1. Engineer’s Report on Potential Paving Costs for Sea Gull Street, Deal Street and Canal Street –  Shane Lippard, Right Angle Engineering (Town Manager Hewett) Unanimously agreed Town will take the lead to start the process of property owner petition to pave roads.

7a. Added item to amend Debris Removal Contract  The Contractor wants to increase the contracted fees due to the landfill being full.  Debris would need to be hauled further.  Agreed to ask the Town Attorney to look at the original contract to see if there is a provision allowing price changes.

  1. Update on Current Recovery Operations – Mayor Holden All streets are cleared and open.  No ponding of water.  Debris contract operations are ongoing.  Owners have quickly cleaned up.  Some of the lost trash cans have been found, but owners missing cans should call Waste Industries directly.  Docks and sea walls are being replaced, but repairs are running four weeks out.  Rentals for summer thru fall are extremely strong.  More people are renting.  Upset people are still unhappy with the evacuation, some are grateful.  Stickers are available now, contact the Town.  Have a storm plan!  Free dump weeks ends Saturday.  Special thanks to Fire Department and others.
  1. Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance 20-04, An Ordinance Amending the Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 157: Zoning Code – Inspections Director Evans Maximum home size does not apply to heated square feet, but gross floor area, which is already in the ordinance book. If the Coastal Resource Commission extends the Inlet Hazard Area house size in the ordinance will be a moot point.  The ordinance will be clarified and a Public Hearing will be scheduled prior to the September BOC meeting.
  1. Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance 20-11, An Ordinance Amending the Holden Beach Code of Ordinance Title XV: Land Usage (Ordinance cannot be adopted until after 24 hours from the time of the public hearing) – Inspections Director Evans Housekeeping, text amendment changes to meet current building standards. Cannot be voted on until 24 hours after meeting, will vote on it at next Special Meeting.
  1. Discussion and Possible Selection of a Firm to Perform a System Development Fee Study – Town Manager Hewett Unanimously selected Raftelis to do the study. They will now request a contract from Raftelis.
  1. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution 20-06, Resolution Regarding the GFWC of Holden Beach’s Recognition of the 100th Anniversary of the Passage of the 19th Amendment Providing Women the Right to Vote – Town Manager Hewett Unanimously adopted resolution.
  1. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution 20-07, Resolution Approving BB&T Signature Card – Town Manager Hewett  Approved unanimously.
  1. Clarification of Storm Debris Pickup for Gated Neighborhoods – Commissioner Kwiatkowski Unless it is a public safety issue, FEMA will not reimburse for pick up in a gated committee. The Town will pay for the debris pick up.

14a.  Added item to move meeting time.  Voted unanimously to move BOC meetings to 5:00pm contingent on staff availability.

  1. Town Manager’s Report Town is spraying for mosquitos. Isaias damages to the beach strand were not as bad as expected.  Debris pick up will end on August 25.  Pick up from the beach strand has been completed.  The removal of the sand fence and post-and-rope has begun.  Occupancy taxes appear to be in good shape.  The fieldwork for the audit is complete.  The sand search is complete with no archeological findings and permits will be submitted for by the end of the month.  A Letter of Intent was submitted to the Corps based on the approved project and the 701 process will be initiated after determining if the Work Plan process was not successful.  Officials toured the island to view Isaias damage.  State officials said FEMA will not be recognizing strand losses in determining a disaster declaration.  Only one firm responded for the Beach Engineering requirements for the “FloMike” project.  The concerts have been canceled.
  1. Mayor’s Comments Thanks to property owners, the police, and Town employees the island is in good shape compared to our neighbors. Thanks to property owners for approving the beach nourishment that protected us. (Central Reach Project)
  1. Board of Commissioners’ Comments Commissioner Brown thanked the staff and mayor and encouraged everyone to maintain social distancing and wear a mask. Stay safe! Commissioner Tyner agreed with Commissioner Brown’s comments and also thanked the staff’s families.  Commissioner Murdock echoed the previous comments and pointed out that there is no road map in a storm to follow.  Commissioner Sullivan is proud of the work the Town did and we are fortunate as a result of hard work done before the storm.  Commissioner Kwiatkowski recognized the staffs’ efforts and commented on the productivity of the meeting.  She encouraged everyone to complete the census and highlighted the importance of the census.
  1. Executive Session Pursuant to C.G.S. 143-318.11(A)(6) to Discuss Qualifications, Competence, Performance of a Public Officer or Employee – Commissioners Sullivan No action taken.


* Due to the Town of Holden Beach’s State of Emergency Restrictions and Governor Cooper’s Safer at Home Order, in person public attendance is prohibited. The meeting will be livestreamed on the Town’s Facebook page. Visit https://www.facebook.com/holdenbeachtownhall/ to watch the livestream. Public comments can be submitted to [email protected] or deposited in the Town’s drop box at Town Hall prior to 5:00 p.m. on August 18, 2020.





June 19, 2020
Comments Off on June Commissioners’ Meeting

June Commissioners’ Meeting

LogoThe Board of Commissioners met June 16 for their regular monthly meeting and a Public Hearing regarding the 20-21 Town Budget.  Below is a brief summary of the meeting.  The meeting packet is available here.   You can listen to the meeting here.


TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2020 – 7:00 P.M.

PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021


1.  Invocation

2.  Call to Order/ Welcome

3.  Pledge of Allegiance

4.  Agenda Approval Approved.

5.  Approval of Minutes  All approved.

a.  Minutes of the Emergency Meeting of April 30, 2020

b.  Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020

c.   Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 28, 2020

6.  Public Comments on Agenda/General Items  None

7.  Discussion and Possible Consideration of Ordinance 20-10, Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021 (Final Approval No Earlier than 24 Hours After Public Hearing) – Town Manager Hewett  The BOC will meet Thursday, June 18 to discuss and possibly approve the budget.  They voted 3-2 to add a total of two additional police officers and voted 4-1 to fund a 3% bonus pool.

8.  Discussion and Possible Action on the Suggested Rules of Procedure for the Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners – Commissioner Kwiatkowski/Town Clerk Finnell  Approved unanimously.

9.  Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance 20-07, An Ordinance Amending the Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Section 30.11: Terms of Office; Filling of Vacancies – Town Clerk Finnell  Approved unanimously.

10. Discussion and Possible Action on Membership of Town Boards and Committees – Town Clerk Finnell  Agreed to reseat members who were allowed to serve another term if they have expressed an interest in continuing to serve.  They will fill vacancies at a later date.   

11. Discussion Related to Hiring a Firm to Conduct an Evaluation to Determine System Development Fees – Commissioner Sullivan  Voted unanimously to ask Town Manager to seek bids for a firm to conduct an analysis on the System Development Fees.

12. Discussion Related to Increased Police Resources – Commissioner Sullivan Voted to form a committee comprised of two members of the BOC, the Town Manager and the Police Chief to investigate seasonal officers for next season. 

13. Discussion and Possible Action on Potential Issues – Commissioner Tyner  Agreed to revisit the list at the July meeting.

14. Town Manager’s Report  Sewer Lift Station #3 is on schedule.  Brunswick County is reviewing the Sewer Service Agreement, more will be known in mid-July.  The wholesale water contract is also expiring.  The county will be distributing COVID money based on census-determined population to the municipalities.   The Lockwood Folly maintenance dredging is complete and the most recent survey looks good.  He has an upcoming meeting with the Corps.  The sand from the Lockwood Folly will go to Oak Island next year.  The sand search for the “Flo-Mike” project is ongoing.  He now expects to apply for permits in August.  Modified yoga is beginning in the Pavilion and Tide Dye is DIY this year.  To date, they have pushed the concerts to later in the summer.

15. Mayor’s Comments  The rental business is booming and may exceed last year’s numbers for the summer and fall.  Real estate is also very hot.  He thinks the island looks good.

16. Board of Commissioners’ Comments  Commissioner Brown:  No remarks.  Commissioner Murdock:  Encouraged everyone to stay safe and thanked the staff.  Commissioner Sullivan asked about opening the playground.  (He was told it is not allowed yet by the State.)  He asked the Town to send a blast and put it in the water bill about the Census.  Commissioner Kwiatkowski also urged people to stay safe and commented that things are looking better.  Mayor Holden added that the Chapel is holding services. 

It was agreed that Commissioners Kwiatkowski and Sullivan will serve on the committee to review Police resources.

17. Executive Session Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(A)(6) to Discuss Qualifications, Competence, Performance of a Public Officer or Employee – Commissioner Tyner  Approved unanimously.

18. Adjournment  Recessed until Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 3:30pm.

* Due to the Town of Holden Beach’s State of Emergency Restrictions and Governor Cooper’s Safer at Home Order, in person public attendance is prohibited. The meeting will be livestreamed on the Town’s Facebook page. Visit https://www.facebook.com/holdenbeachtownhall/ to watch the livestream. Public comments can be submitted to [email protected] or deposited in the Town’s drop box at Town Hall prior to 6:00 p.m. on June 16, 2020. Comments on the budget will be accepted until June 17, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. If you would like the comments to be heard at the public hearing, they must be submitted by June 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

June 19, 2020
Comments Off on Inlet Hazard Area Update

Inlet Hazard Area Update

Proposed Inlet Hazard Area on West End.

The Coastal Resources Commission’s (CRC) plans to make changes to the Inlet Hazard Area rules and boundaries are “temporarily on hold” until the Commission can meet in-person.  Their meetings are currently being conducted via Webex due to Covid-19.  According to an email from Ken Richardson, a staff member from the Division of Coastal Management, the topic won’t be addressed until “September or December – or maybe even later”.

The CRC met June 10-11 and the proposed changes to the Inlet Hazard Areas status were discussed.  Comments and feedback received are being compiled and analyzed.  Technical comments are being sent to the Science Panel.  The Science Panel has been instructed to provide feedback and potential changes for the CRC’s September 9-10, 2020 meeting.

More information on the proposed changes to the Inlet Hazard Areas can be found here.

May 16, 2020
Comments Off on Memorial Day Meeting Canceled

Memorial Day Meeting Canceled

Our Memorial Day Membership Meeting is canceled due to COVID-19.  We will continue to provide summaries of the Town Board of Commissioners’ meetings based on the audio recordings.  We hope you are all well and being safe.