Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

September 27, 2022
by vymyers
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Commissioners’ Meeting Follow Up

TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS’ PUBLIC HEARING/REGULAR MEETING HOLDEN BEACH TOWN HALL – PUBLIC ASSEMBLY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 – 5:00 P.M. Click here for the meeting packet. Click here to listen to the audio of the meeting. … Continue reading

August 30, 2022
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Membership Meeting

Join us for the Holden Beach Property Owners Annual General Meeting! This Saturday, September 3, 10:00am at the Chapel! Get an update on what is happening at Holden Beach.  There is a lot going on!  The Pier, Paid Parking, Bike … Continue reading

July 25, 2022
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It’s Parks and Rec Month in Holden Beach!

The Holden Beach Parks and Rec Advisory Board asked HBPOA to share the following information with our members.  We hope you can participate! National Park & Recreation Month Join us in celebrating National Park and Recreation Month with some special … Continue reading

July 25, 2022
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July Commissioners’ Meeting

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Agenda July 2022 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS’ REGULAR MEETING            HOLDEN BEACH TOWN HALL – PUBLIC ASSEMBLY      1.    Invocation 2.    Call to Order/ Welcome 3.    Pledge of … Continue reading

June 23, 2022
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June Commissioners’ Meeting

The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, June 21.  The results of the meeting are below. 1.    Invocation 2.    Call to Order/ Welcome Commissioners Brown and Murdock were absent due to illness.  Commissioner Murdock participated for part of the meeting via phone. 3.  … Continue reading

May 21, 2022
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Pier Underwater Due Diligence Report Completed

MidAtlantic Engineering Partners released their report on the pier underwater inspection.  The inspection identified 91 piles with minor defects, 12 piles with moderate defects, 2 piles with major defects, and 14 piles with severe defects.  MidAtlantic estimated the recommended repairs … Continue reading

May 21, 2022
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Causeway Project Moves Ahead

The Grand Strand Area Transportation Study (GSATS) Metropolitan Planning Organization is requesting a consultant to study the Causeway and address concerns related to vehicular and pedestrian safety, curb‐cut spacing, right‐of‐way encroachments, and parking deficiencies.  This study will help guide road … Continue reading

April 29, 2022
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Paid Parking Coming Soon!

After months of discussion, Paid Parking will begin May 1 on Holden Beach.  The Town has placed information on its website about Paid Parking including rates, how to purchase a pass, and a chart of locations.  Click here to view … Continue reading

April 29, 2022
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Inlet Hazard Areas

If you own property in one of the above yellow-shaded areas your property will most likely be in an Inlet Hazard Area.  The Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) is greatly expanding the size of these areas on Holden Beach.   For more … Continue reading

April 25, 2022
Comments Off on Bike Lanes Coming This Fall

Bike Lanes Coming This Fall

Bike lanes are coming this fall to Holden Beach along with the road resurfacing of Ocean Blvd.  There will be a 5′ lane on each side of Ocean Blvd. from the gate on the west end to approximately the Chapel … Continue reading