Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

March 21, 2016
Comments Off on Duke University Survey on HB Terminal Groin

Duke University Survey on HB Terminal Groin

Students at Duke University are conducting a survey of Holden Beach property owners regarding beach erosion on the east end of the island and proposed solutions (e.g., terminal groin).  The survey is associated with a class at Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment in which groups of graduate students work with clients to develop and conduct a survey. 

 The purpose of the survey is to understand: 1) How property owners in Holden Beach perceive the effects of beach erosion, 2) Property owners’ opinions about the potential benefits of different proposed solutions, and 3) Property owners’ preferences for various erosion intervention solutions.

The survey takes about five minutes to complete, and can be accessed by clicking here:  https://duke.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_cGFDBwsslqbirfT

Please take the survey so that your opinions can be captured!  We will distribute the results as soon as they are available, which will be before the end of the spring semester at Duke.

UPDATE:  The survey is now closed so the grad students can do their analysis.

March 13, 2016
Comments Off on March BOC Meeting Update

March BOC Meeting Update

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for a short summary of the results of the March Board of Commissioners’ meeting.
You can now listen to audio recording of the meeting by clicking here.
As always, feel free to email us at [email protected] with questions and we will get back to you.

March 3, 2016
Comments Off on March Commissioners’ Agenda

March Commissioners’ Agenda

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for the agenda for the March Board of Commissioners’ Meeting.  Highlights include an update on the sewer system vulnerabilities and street repaving.  Please note that if you plan to speak you need to sign up in advance beginning at 6:00 pm.

You can now review the whole meeting packet here. The packet contains the agenda and all the background information on each agenda item. Thanks to this change, all property owners whether local or thousands of miles away can stay current on what is happening in Holden Beach!

February 13, 2016
Comments Off on February Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

February Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for the agenda for the February Board of Commissioners’ Meeting. It is being held a week later than usual to allow the Commissioners to participate in training.  Highlights include a new Town Attorney and an update and possible schedule for the Central Reach Beach Renourishment Project.

You can now review the whole meeting packet here. The packet contains the agenda and all the background information on each agenda item. Thanks to this change, all property owners whether local or thousands of miles away can stay current on what is happening in Holden Beach!

February 4, 2016
Comments Off on Annual Membership Drive Underway

Annual Membership Drive Underway

We have begun our annual membership drive.  Watch your mailbox for the reminder.  Please ignore these notices if you have recently sent your payment.

If your address or email haven’t changed, you can just send us a check or use PayPal.  If your information has changed, or if you are joining as a new member, please make sure you provide us with your beach, mailing, and email addresses.  You may enclose this form with your check.

To join or pay your annual dues go here.

For questions or to update your information send us an email at [email protected].  We look forward to serving you in 2016!

January 24, 2016
Comments Off on January BOC Meeting Summary

January BOC Meeting Summary

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for a short summary of the results of the January Board of Commissioners’ meeting.

Thanks to Ordinance 15-09 which passed in December, you can now listen to an audio recording of the meeting.  Click here for Part 1 and here for Part 2.  While the January meeting was abnormally long, we are excited that property owners who are not full-time residents on the island can now listen to the meeting from wherever they may be.

As always, feel free to email us at [email protected] with questions and we will get back to you.

January 11, 2016
Comments Off on Final Survey Results

Final Survey Results

Screen Shot 2016-01-11 at 4.07.52 PMThe HBPOA survey is now complete and the final results are available here.  We received 277 responses and 36 pages of comments!  Thank you to everyone who participated.  Your opinions are important to us and will be used by the HBPOA Board of Directors.  The results have also been provided to the Town Board of Commissioners and Mayor for their information.  Please stay tuned for our next survey.

January 8, 2016
Comments Off on January Commissioners’ Meeting Agenda

January Commissioners’ Meeting Agenda

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgThe first Board of Commissioners’ meeting of the year is Tuesday, January 12.  You can review the agenda here.  In addition to their regular meeting they will be interviewing for Board vacancies at 6:45pm.

As a result of the Commissioners’ creation and adoption of Resolution 15-17, Exhibit B, you can now review the whole meeting packet online here. The packet contains the agenda and all the background information on each agenda item.  Thanks to this change all property owners whether local or thousands of miles away can stay current on what is happening in Holden Beach!


The contact information for the Commissioners is shown below.  As always, you can drop us an email at [email protected] if you would like for us to ask a question or speak on your behalf at the meeting.
Town of Holden Beach 
Board of Commissioners
Mayor J. Alan Holden 910-842-6061 [email protected]
Mayor Pro Tempore Ashley Royal 804-921-0419
Commissioner John Fletcher 910-508-6849 [email protected]
Commissioner Peter Freer 704-905-4429 [email protected]
Commissioner Kim Isenhour 910-269-3071 [email protected]
Commissioner Ken Kyser 910-842-4627 [email protected]

January 7, 2016
Comments Off on BOC Special Meeting

BOC Special Meeting

 The Board of Commissioners’ December 16 Special Meeting was full of action.  More major pieces of business were passed during the meeting than at any BOC meeting in recent memory.  Highlights included a new objective decibel-based noise ordinance, which was modified to remove civilian involvement and the nighttime hours changed to start at 11:00pm.  The ordinance requires a complaint and currently does not cover commercial property.  The Board also formed a Community Advisory Committee to study vulnerabilities with the sewer system which in the event of an overwash could shut the island down for weeks or months.

Click here for a short summary of the results of Wednesday night’s Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners.  This meeting was called to vote on the ordinance changes proposed at the December 8 Commissioners’ Meeting.

Resolution 15-13  – Replacement of the Town Attorney
Resolution 15-14  – BOC Rules of Procedure
Resolution 15-15  – Establish a committee to study the sewer system vulnerability
Resolution 15-16  – New noise control ordinance
Resolution 15-17  – Amendments to ordinances related to Mayor Pro Tempore, Executive Secretary, availability of public records, committee assignments, establishment of an audit committee, and engaging 3rd party service providers
Resolution 15-18  – Changes to the Planning and Zoning Board
Resolution 15-19  – Special meeting to act on the resolutions listed