Commissioners Pat Kwiatkowski and Mike Sullivan have noted that trash cans sitting on the sides of the road are unsightly, present a safety hazard by blocking drivers’ line of sight, and the cans/corrals near the roadways are smelly for bikers and walkers. The Commissioners are proposing to re-adopt the 2018 ordinance which was passed and then substantially modified after significant concerns were received about the implementation.
The concerns about the ordinance remain the same:
- Removal/moving of trash corrals;
- Timing (with $50/day penalties) for rolling your trash cans out and back;
- Rolling back full trash cans that missed the pickup;
- No viable solutions to help property owners comply.
We have updated our Hot Topic page to include these latest developments along with the background information from 2018 and 2019. Click here:
The proposed ordinance has been discussed at the last two monthly Commissioners meetings and is expected to be on the March 16 meeting agenda for discussion and possible approval.