Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

September 17, 2015
Comments Off on September Commissioners’ Meeting

September Commissioners’ Meeting

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for a short summary of the results of Tuesday night’s September Board of Commissioners’ meeting.  Highlights included sending the Noise Ordinance and Mega-House issues to Planning and Zoning for review as well as a presentation on 2015 Beach Monitoring Report.
As always, feel free to email us at [email protected] with questions and we will get back to you.

September 2, 2015
Comments Off on Wind Farms off Holden Beach

Wind Farms off Holden Beach

Vestas 10 Mile PictureAre you aware that two wind farms visible from Holden Beach are in the works?  If an unobstructed horizon is important to you get an update on this topic here.

August 24, 2015
Comments Off on Newsletter Info

Newsletter Info

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgOn Saturday we mailed a newsletter to all Holden Beach property owners.  Included in the newsletter are instructions for taking a survey on issues confronting our island.  Watch your US postal mail for this newsletter and please take the survey.  If you don’t receive the newsletter within a few days send us an email.  The mailing addresses were taken from the Town’s tax records.

While we use email as much as possible when contacting our members, we wanted to reach every property owner with the survey information.  If you have any questions about the newsletter, the survey or HBPOA please email us at [email protected].


August 22, 2015
Comments Off on August BOC Meeting Summary

August BOC Meeting Summary

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for a short summary of the results of the August Board of Commissioners’ meeting.  Highlights included an update from County Commissioner Marty Cooke and a report on the wave of car break-ins.
As always, feel free to email us at [email protected] with questions and we will get back to you.

August 18, 2015
Comments Off on Rezoning at the Marsh

Rezoning at the Marsh

516 OBW RezoneNCSU has applied to rezone the lot at 516 OBW from Conservation to R-1 zoning.  Though the sign says August 25 for the rezoning hearing, this date has been pushed back.

August 17, 2015
Comments Off on Changes to Building Height Limits

Changes to Building Height Limits

In January, the Town building code was changed to eliminate the long-standing 35’ height limit.  The old code measured 35’ from ground level, with a very complicated formula for determining ground level.  The new code measures 31’ from the flood zone elevation plus two feet of “freeboard”.  For example, a house in a VE18 flood zone with a lot elevation of five feet above sea level can now be 46 feet tall (18+2+31-5).   You can read the old version and the new version of the code here.  You can find a property’s flood zone elevation by going here, just zoom to the property level and click it.image003

The change was made to reflect the realities of flood insurance ratings.  One of the results of the old rules was that new construction design was being driven to flatter roofs.  The new limits were supposed to allow the rooflines to be more aesthetically pleasing.  In practice, what has happened is that it is now possible to build three floors of living space.

This diagram below compares the two approaches. 

House Size Comparison PhotoThe best actual comparison can be seen at 287 and 289 Ocean Blvd West.  The house at 287 was one of the last ones built under the old code, and the house being built at 289 is one of the first ones under the new code.  The home at 289 is higher off the ground and also includes a third story of living space.


August 7, 2015
Comments Off on August Board of Commissioners’ Agenda

August Board of Commissioners’ Agenda

HBPOA DecalHere is the agenda for the August Board of Commissioners’ Meeting.  If you see an agenda item of interest and want more information you can contact the Holden Beach Commissioners.  You can also drop us an email at [email protected] and we will get back to you.
A member of the HBPOA Liaison Committee attends each Commissioners’ meeting to represent the organization and our members.   If you would like for us to ask a question or speak on your behalf at the meeting please email us.


July 25, 2015
Comments Off on HBPOA Board of Directors

HBPOA Board of Directors

HBPOA DecalAre you interested in what is going on at Holden Beach and want to get involved?  Do you know someone who would be a great addition to our Board of Directors?  It is that time of the year where we solicit our membership for new Directors to serve on our Board.

The Board meets prior to each membership meeting, the Saturdays of Easter, Memorial Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving* weekends, and occasionally holds other meetings as needed.  There is no requirement to be a full time resident, in fact almost 90% of our membership lives somewhere else!

If you are curious about what is involved or might be interested in serving please contact a member of our nominating committee:  John Fletcher or Rick Smith.  

As always, feel free to email us at [email protected] with questions and we will get back to you.   


July 19, 2015
Comments Off on July BOC Meeting Results

July BOC Meeting Results

HBPOA DecalClick here for a short summary of the results of Tuesday night’s July Board of Commissioners’ meeting.  Highlights included a change in plans for the Playground bathrooms and issues with too many crosswalks and the NCDOT.
As always, feel free to email us at [email protected] with questions and we will get back to you.

July 13, 2015
Comments Off on July Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Agenda

July Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Agenda

HBPOA DecalHere is the agenda for the July Board of Commissioners’ Meeting.  If you see an agenda item of interest and want more information you can contact the Holden Beach Commissioners.  You can also drop us an email at [email protected] and we will get back to you.
A member of the HBPOA Liaison Committee attends each Commissioners’ meeting to represent the organization and our members.   If you would like for us to ask a question or speak on your behalf at the meeting please email us.