Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

October 17, 2016
Comments Off on October Commissioners’ Meeting

October Commissioners’ Meeting

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for the October Board of Commissioners’ Meeting agenda.  Highlights include an update on the proposed Terminal Groin, the annual beach monitoring report, a self-assessment on Hurricane Matthew and parking issues.


You can now review the whole meeting packet online here. The packet contains the agenda and all the background information on each agenda item.  Thanks to this change all property owners whether local or thousands of miles away can stay current on what is happening in Holden Beach!


As always, you can drop us an email at [email protected] if you would like for us to ask a question or speak on your behalf at the meeting.  

October 11, 2016
Comments Off on Hurricane Matthew

Hurricane Matthew

UPDATE as of 10-13-16

ICW Marsh & Shallotte Inlet During Hurricane Matthew 

Thanks to member Pat Kwiatkowski for this video taken during the storm!

UPDATE as of 10-11-16

Additional Videos:

700 Block of OBW

800 Block of OBW

745 OBW to 1065 OBW Oceanfront Properties

1065 OBW to 843 OBW

There are also photos at the bottom of the post.


img_1036We realize that many members are not on the island and are concerned about their property.  For the most part, the island fared well.  There were a few spots where the dune was breached on the ocean front and there was also erosion.  The canals went over their bulkheads which wreaked havoc with boats and floating docks.  There are some missing shingles off roofs, missing vinyl siding and damaged walkways.

Now that the curfew has been lifted we can get out there and share the impacts of the hurricane with you.  Below are links to videos taken from a drone of the oceanfront and major roads.  We will add to this post as new videos are completed.

Click the links below:

Blockade Runner to East End

East End to Bridge Oceanfront Properties

OBE from Bridge to Blockade Runner

OBW from Boyd Street to Bridge

Bridge to 300 block OBW Oceanfront Properties

OBW from 300 Block to Boyd St.

Pier to 200 block OBW Beach Strand

300 OBW block to the Pier Oceanfront Properties

Campground and 500 block OBW Oceanfront Properties

500 OBW to 700 OBW Oceanfront Properties

500 OBW to Pier Beach Strand

600 block of OBW

600 Block Beach Strand

Photos of during and after Hurricane Matthew.  If you have any photos you would like to share send them to us at [email protected].

Looking from Scotch Bonnet back to OBW. This is the marsh.

Looking from Scotch Bonnet back to OBW. This is the marsh.


Scotch Bonnet Dr. looking toward Sand Dollar Park.

Scotch Bonnet Dr. looking toward Sand Dollar Park.

Looking from Scotch Bonnet across the ICW

Looking from Scotch Bonnet across the ICW

The marsh between Scotch Bonnet and Greensboro.

The marsh between Scotch Bonnet and Greensboro.

img_3665 img_3664 img_3663 img_3662 img_2374

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{ "product_id": "090C", "uuid": "FECFB8B395146EE6F4C72317616D397A", "run_date": "2016-10-10T093619-0400", "filename": "Bebop_2_2016-10-10T095009-0400_FECFB8.jpg", "media_date": "2016-10-10T095009-0400" }

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From 1065 OBW looking East

From 1065 OBW looking East

From 1065 OBW looking West

From 1065 OBW looking West

August 28, 2016
Comments Off on Labor Day Meeting

Labor Day Meeting


Please join the 

Holden Beach Property Owners Association 

for our next meeting, 

Saturday, September 3rd at 10:00am 

in the Meeting Room at Town Hall. 

We will provide an update on what has happened over the summer, and what is coming up in the next few months.  You will also hear updates from Town officials and have an opportunity to provide input.   

At our Labor Day Meeting we will also have elections for Board Members.  Are you interested in serving as an HBPOA Director?  We have one vacancy on the Board.  Contact Nominating Committee members Mike Sullivan or John Witten for more information or to volunteer.

We look forward to seeing you!

August 28, 2016
Comments Off on MSD Public Hearing and August Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

MSD Public Hearing and August Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for a short summary of the results of the Public Hearing on the Municipal Service District and the August Board of Commissioners’ meeting.

You can now listen to an audio recording of the meeting.  Click here to listen.

The Commissioners met August 22nd for the second meeting required to establish the MSD and passed the ordinance unanimously.  You can read ordinance 16-14 here.

As always, feel free to email us at [email protected] with questions and we will get back to you.

August 11, 2016
Comments Off on August Board of Commissioners’ Meeting and MSD Public Hearing

August Board of Commissioners’ Meeting and MSD Public Hearing

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for the agenda for the August Board of Commissioners’ Meeting and the Public Hearing to create a Municipal Service District (MSD) as required for the Central Reach Project.  Information on the MSD begins on page 17 of the Commissioners’ Meeting Packet.

Please note that if you plan to speak in the first public comment period you need to sign up in advance beginning at 6:00 pm.

Candidates for the vacant alternate position on the Planning and Zoning Board will be interviewed during a Special Meeting beginning at 6:45pm.

You can now review the whole meeting packet here. The packet contains the agenda and all the background information on each agenda item.

August 2, 2016
Comments Off on Commissioners Approve Condemnation for Easements

Commissioners Approve Condemnation for Easements

The Town held a Special Meeting on Monday, August 1st to consider a resolution authorizing the filing of condemnation actions to acquire any missing easements for the Central Reach Shore Protection Project.  The easements are needed for the project to move ahead.

The Board of Commissioners unanimously approved Resolution 16-09 authorizing the Town to acquire the easements by condemnation.  You can read the resolution here.

Beginning August 2nd, letters will be sent to all property owners in the project area (240 OBE – 781 OBW) who have not returned their signed easements advising them that the Town will start condemnation proceedings on August 12, 2016.  Property owners will have 30 days to comply.

If you own property in the Central Reach project area and have still not received your revised easement, or if you need more time to execute it, please contact Noel Fox immediately at 910-815-0085 or [email protected].

If you have concerns about signing the easement and would like information about the HBPOA attorney’s assessment, please see the postings on our website or send us an email at [email protected].  We would also like to hear from you if for some reason you do not plan to execute the easement.

July 21, 2016
Comments Off on Central Reach Easement Update

Central Reach Easement Update

The Town has scheduled a special meeting for 7 PM on Monday, August 1st to consider a resolution authorizing the filing of condemnation actions to acquire any missing easements.  This is a normal course of action given the tight schedule and the Town’s desire to start the project in November.  Hopefully, this action will only be needed in very unique situations.
If you have still not received your revised easement, or if you need more time to execute it, please contact Noel Fox immediately at 910-815-0085 or [email protected].
If you have concerns about signing the easement and would like information about the HBPOA attorney’s assessment, please see the postings on our website at www.holdenbeachpoa.com or send us an email at [email protected].  We would also like to hear from you if for some reason you do not plan to execute the easement.
We will keep you informed regarding the results of the special meeting on August 1st.

July 14, 2016
Comments Off on July Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

July Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for the agenda for the July Board of Commissioners’ Meeting.  Highlights include removal of the recycling center near the water tower and discussion on the Nies lawsuit.  Please note that if you plan to speak in the first public comment period you need to sign up in advance beginning at 6:00 pm.

You can now review the whole meeting packet here. The packet contains the agenda and all the background information on each agenda item. Thanks to this change, all property owners, whether local or thousands of miles away, can stay current on what is happening in Holden Beach!

June 25, 2016
Comments Off on June Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

June Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

Click herecropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpg for a short summary of the results of Tuesday night’s June Board of Commissioners’ meeting.  The 2016 – 2017 Budget was approved setting the tax rate at $0.22 per $100 assessed.
You can now listen to an audio recording of the meeting.  Click here to listen.
As always, feel free to email us at [email protected] with questions and we will get back to you.

June 18, 2016
Comments Off on IMPORTANT: Central Reach Project – Easement Update

IMPORTANT: Central Reach Project – Easement Update


HBPOA Logo 6x6 SquareAttorney Clark Wright has finished his review of the draft easement. He also has reviewed several other NC town beach nourishment easements, and conducted legal research into relevant NC statutes, rules and published cases. Mr. Wright interviewed several other NC beach town attorneys who have worked on similar issues, as well as University of North Carolina Professor Emeritus Joe Kalo, who has taught and written numerous articles on North Carolina coastal law issues. Mr. Wright wants to emphasize the cooperative manner in which the Town Attorney has worked with him, and that the primary objective is to fully support implementing the Central Reach project, while also respecting private (and public) property rights.

Mr. Wright emphasizes that his interactions with the Town Attorney were not a negotiation process, but rather a constructive information sharing process. Similarly, Mr. Wright is not representing any particular landowner, but rather is providing general advice to the HBPOA, at its request. These distinctions are important legally – they mean both that the Town and its Attorney are acting as they best see fit in the interests of the Town, while Mr. Wright is providing general input to the Town, and then informing the HBPOA of the results of those discussions, along with his best general legal overview. Mr. Wright emphasizes that every property owner in the Town is free to seek their own legal advice.

In all events, Mr. Wright is pleased to report that the Town has revised the terms of the Central Reach Project easements. The fundamental purpose of the easement has not changed – namely, to satisfy the requirements of state and federal permits so that the Central Reach Project can go forward on schedule. Mr. Wright emphasizes that affected property owners should NOT print out and sign easements using any copies provided informally by the HBPOA or other unofficial sources – they should wait until they receive official communications from the Town.

The amended easement terms address many of the concerns raised by HBPOA property owners. The amended easement:

    • Includes language that more clearly confirms retention of all littoral rights and other rights of access to, and use of, both the wet and dry sand portions of the ocean beach, as well as the Atlantic Ocean – both as such rights exist now, and making it clearer that such rights continue to exist, in perpetuity, after project work is completed.
    • Includes language more clearly confirming the right of oceanfront property owners to construct and maintain beach access walkways allowing them to exercise their littoral and other beach access/use rights, complying of course with all related permitting requirements.
    • Deletes entirely the original easement language authorizing Town officials to access any part of a property owner’s land other than the actual Easement Area.
    • Better clarifies that the easement language limits the uses and activities granted to those specifically stated in the document for the Central Reach Project as permitted, including potential renewals and extensions, and deletes some prior broadly worded language re other (unnamed; unrelated) activities or projects.
    • Includes a new sentence resolving any ambiguity in the Easement terms in favor of property owner’s retaining and exercising their littoral or other rights of ocean and beach access.

The signed and returned easements will not be recorded until the Central Reach Project is ready to go forward. There may come a point where the relevant federal or state agencies require the Town to record easements as a prerequisite for final funding or other approvals, and if such a request is made, the Town will of course then record. Mr. Wright also noted that, although some owners have raised concerns about the Town’s legal right to assign the easements, this right is limited and actually may be beneficial. The purpose of this provision is to deal with the potential that in the future another governmental agency or entity might assume responsibility for beach protection activities and step into the shoes of the Town. This could mean that the Town and homeowners would benefit from additional financial support for beach protection. The assignment provision would not, however, allow the Town to assign the easement to any private entity or for any purposes other than implementing and maintaining the Central Reach Project as permitted, renewed or amended.

Mr. Wright emphasizes that an easement document is not the place where every concern that has been raised can be directly addressed or resolved. He noted as an example that the Town of Emerald Isle is embroiled with litigation now before the NC Supreme Court that could end up changing – for all NC beach property owners – the definition and scope of littoral rights and the long standing, customary rights of the public to use and enjoy the dry sand beach. On this issue, Mr. Wright noted that while some property rights advocates contend that Emerald Isle has overreached in its beach management ordinances, he very much hopes that the NC Supreme Court will reaffirm the right of the general public to use and enjoy the dry and wet sand portions of the State’s ocean beaches, even in areas where such areas remain in private ownership. He summarized this very important issue by noting that the revised Holden Beach easement represent a strong statement in favor of both the private property (littoral) rights of beach front property landowners and the equally important right of the public to use and enjoy the dry sand beach.

With regard to concerns expressed over possible eminent domain proceedings, Mr. Wright noted that Holden Beach, like all local governments, possesses eminent domain authority for public purpose projects, such as the Central Reach Project. He noted that from his review of other local beach nourishment projects in NC, the number of actual, contested eminent domain proceedings is very small – especially when compared to the total number of involved property owners. He also noted that in any such proceeding, the affected owner retains important constitutional and statutory legal rights. He finally observed that the benefits of the revised easement likely would flow to any property owner that the Town might issue an eminent domain proceeding notice to in that should the Town “win” a court order, the result very likely would be implementation of the terms of the revised easement as to the involved property.

While every landowner should, of course feel free to contact and obtain their own independent legal advice, and while Mr. Wright emphasized that NC attorney ethical rules prevent him from giving individual legal advice to such a large group of landowners, he does believe that the terms of the revised easement are such that all affected owners should give serious consideration to quickly signing and returning it, once received from the Town Attorney. Mr. Wright concluded his recommendations by observing that time is of the essence in order to preserve the Town’s ability to move forward with the Central Reach Project.