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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2024 – 5:00 P.M.
PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Changes to Holden Beach Code of Ordinances §157.083 Accessory Structures and §157.006 Definitions No public comments.
1. Invocation
2. Call to Order/ Welcome
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Agenda Approval Motion made to defer #11 and move #13 to after public comments to become #7A. Motion to defer #11: 3-2 with Dyer and Smith voting no. Motion to move #13 unanimous. Motion to adopt agenda approved 3-2 with Dyer and Smith voting no.
5. Conflict of Interest Check No conflicts.
6. Approval of Minutes Approved as amended.
a. Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 23, 2024 Change “engineer” to “architect” on page 6.
b. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 23, 2024
c. Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 25, 2024
7. Public Comments on Agenda Items Eight people spoke.
7A . Item #13 was moved forward to this point in the agenda. See #13 below.
8. Police Report – Chief Dixon Certification for 9th officer in the process. There are 8 officers on duty and he is still looking for another officer to bring the total to 10 officers.
9. Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans Department is very busy. Construction is still booming on the island.
a. ADA Mediation Agreement Update Reviewed Keybridge Foundation Mediation Agreement status.
10. Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance 24-01, An Ordinance Amending Holden Beach Code of Ordinances §157.083 Accessory Structures and §157.006 Definitions – Inspections Director Evans Motion to approve ordinance 24-01 and the Consistency Statement passed 4-1 with Myers voting no.
11. Discussion and Possible Approval of Contract Between the Town and Martin Starnes and Associates for Audit Services for Fiscal Year 2023 – 2024 – Finance Officer McRainey Removed from agenda to allow Audit Committee input.
12. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Pier Property Public Input Session on February 29, 2024 – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Paarfus No action. Discussed the plans for the session. There will be no public comment; attendees will be able to ask questions of the architect and write their thoughts on forms.
13. Discussion and Possible Action on Adopting the Sailfish Park Site-Specific Master Plan as Completed by McGill Associates, PA. – Assistant Town Manager Ferguson Representatives from McGill gave a presentation on the plans for Sailfish Park plan. Dyer made a motion to accept the park plan and Smith seconded it. Motion failed 3-2 with Myers, Thomas, and Paarfus voting not to accept the plan.
14. Discussion and Possible Action on Issuing a Request for Proposals for a New Permanent Town Attorney – Commissioners Thomas and Paarfus Town will solicit for new attorney until March 31.
15. Discussion and Possible Action on Granting Permission to the Chaplain of the HB Chapel to Conduct the Annual Easter Sunrise Service from the HB Pier – Mayor Holden and Commissioner Dyer Town attorney would like a release from anyone who will be on the structure. Motion passed unanimously.
16. Public Comments on General Items Five people spoke.
17. Town Manager’s Report
a. Greensboro Lift Station Update
- Lift station status report is in the Meeting Packet.
- There is a new Permit Specialist in the Inspections Department, Kimberly Bowman.
- The Police are still trying to fill a vacancy.
- There is a vacancy at the Front Desk.
- The funding for the Corps CSRM project is being resolved and it is hoped that the Town will not be paying any additional funds. The Federal Budget impasse may slow the project.
- The Harbor Acre dredging is moving ahead as planned. Permits are pending
- The Stormwater Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) is advancing. It would develop five or six projects for ~$2M.
- Ocean Blvd. road resurfacing is in process, still anticipated to finish at Memorial Day.
- The Town will be doing “rock” raking from the Pier to the 800 block. This should lift the notice of violation but tilling is still required for a three-year period.
- The Lockwood Folly Crossing dredging is about to kick off and will run until the end of March. Approximately 100,000cy of sand will be placed from Amazing Grace to around Blockade Runner.
18. Mayor’s Comments Jack Smyrl passed away. He owned property in the 1940s.
19. Board of Commissioners’ Comments
· Myers: The Town is trying to improve the sound and video for those who listen online to meetings. Please send feedback to the Commissioners. There was a Budget Meeting earlier today to hash out goals and objectives for the upcoming budget year.
· Smith: His vote on Sailfish Park was due to his concern about ADA requirements. He asked that the meeting on March 13 be cancelled and the meeting time on March 8 be changed to 4:00PM.
· Thomas: Asked the Town Attorney if former attorney Richard Green had returned the Town’s documents yet (no, he has not). For the Pier Input Session, she wants to hear what people are thinking.
· Dyer: Encouraged everyone to plan ahead and be patient while road work continues.
· Paarfus: Would like to see people come to the Pier Information Session with ideas about the “end game” state for the pier.
- Executive Session Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(a)(5), To Establish or Instruct Staff or Agent Concerning the Negotiation of the Price and Terms of a Contract Concerning the Acquisition of Real Property – Mayor Holden and Commissioner Dyer No action taken.
- Adjournment