Membership Appreciation Breakfast
HBPOA invites our members to attend the Annual Holden Beach Chapel Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, October 27, from 7:00 am until 10:30 am at the Holden Beach Chapel. Breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, bacon, fresh fruit, coffee and orange juice.
Each HBPOA member household that has paid 2018 membership dues will receive two free tickets at the breakfast. Additional tickets are available for purchase at the door. You can also take this opportunity to join HBPOA or renew your membership. We will have a table set up and you can check your membership status.
This is our Annual Member Appreciation Breakfast. We work in conjunction with the Men’s Fellowship at the Chapel by using this event and their time and talents in the kitchen to show our appreciation to our membership. Proceeds are used to purchase Thanksgiving turkeys for those less fortunate.
The Festival by the Sea is also this weekend. For the full schedule of events click here. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 27th!