Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

West End Wedding Receptions Create Havoc

At the November Membership Meeting, the issue of large weddings and the problems they cause was brought up.  Members brought photo boards showing chairs being set up in the dunes, arbors installed on the beach, lit candles tucked amid the sea oats, and described wild parties with over 100 people in attendance, large outdoor dance floors, DJs with thumping bass playing late into the night, intoxicated guests urinating in the yard, trash, illegal and unsafe parking, drunk driving… you get the idea. The situation described plays out persistently at a “mega-house” on the west end, but could happen anywhere else on the island.

After discussion, the membership voted unanimously for the HBPOA to write a letter to the Town urging them to address the situation and ensure that it doesn’t spread to other residential neighborhoods.  Holden Beach is a quiet, non-commercial, family beach and marketing houses as wedding reception venues does not fit that concept.

Here is the letter that was sent to the Town:

HBPOA Letter Regarding Wedding Venue

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