Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

December 13, 2015
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December Commissioners’ Meeting and Special Meeting

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgTuesday saw the Holden Beach Board of Commissioners turn over as outgoing commissioners Dennis Harrington, Sheila Young, Sandy Miller and Gina Martin were recognized for their service and new Commissioners were sworn in.  Ashley Royal, Kim Isenhour, Peter Freer, and John Fletcher will be joined by incumbents Ken Kyser and Mayor Alan Holden.  After Ashley Royal was elected Mayor Pre Tempore the new Commissioners got to work immediately fulfilling their campaign promises by introducing seven resolutions including scheduling a special meeting to act on them.

Click here for a short summary of the results of Tuesday night’s meeting.  You may read the resolutions referenced in the summary here:

Resolution 15-13  – Replacement of the Town Attorney
Resolution 15-14  – BOC Rules of Procedure
Resolution 15-15  – Establish a committee to study the sewer system vulnerability
Resolution 15-16  – New noise control ordinance
Resolution 15-17  – Amendments to ordinances related to Mayor Pro Tempore, Executive Secretary, availability of public records, committee assignments, establishment of an audit committee, and engaging 3rd party service providers
Resolution 15-18  – Changes to the Planning and Zoning Board
Resolution 15-19  – Special meeting to act on the resolutions listed

One of the actions taken at the meeting was to schedule a Special Meeting for next Wednesday, December 16, to take action on the resolutions listed above.  Click here for the agenda for the Special Meeting.

November 19, 2015
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November Meeting This Weekend

Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 9.00.33 PMPlease join us Saturday, November 21, 10:00am

Holden Beach Town Hall

Remember, the date of the meeting was changed to November 21st!


Hear from Mayor Holden and Chief Layne:
  • Noise Ordinance Update
  • Break-in update and how to protect yourself
  • Flood Maps in 90 day comment period
  • Other news they would like to share
We will also be voting on the 2016 budget.
Do you need to pay your dues for next year?  You can click here to pay with a credit card or use PayPal or dues will be accepted at the meeting.

November 13, 2015
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November Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for a short summary of the results of Tuesday night’s November Board of Commissioners’ meeting.  Highlights included a pitch for the Town to hire a lobbyist, the annual audit report and a report on the street improvements needed.
As always, feel free to email us at [email protected] with questions and we will get back to you.

October 21, 2015
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Candidates Night

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgMeet the Candidates Night

Friday, October 23rd
7:00pm at Town Hall
Come hear what the candidates have to say!  Every Town Commissioner and the Mayor are up for election November 3rd.  Candidates will answer your questions from the floor.  Visit our Meet the Candidates Page on the website for more information.  You can read the candidates responses to the written questions here:  2015 Meet the Candidates Night – Written Responses

October 21, 2015
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Free Pancakes!

Membership Appreciation Breakfast

Saturday, October 24th
7:00A.M. until 11:00A.M.
HBPOA invites our members to attend the Annual Holden Beach Chapel Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, October 24 from 7:00am until 11:00am at the Holden Beach Chapel.  Breakfast will include pancakes, sausage, bacon, fresh fruit, coffee and orange juice.
Each HBPOA member household will receive two free tickets at the breakfast.  Additional tickets are available for purchase at the door. You can also take this opportunity to renew your membership. We will have a table set up and can check your membership status.


This is our Annual Member Appreciation Breakfast.  We work in conjunction with the Men’s Fellowship by using this event and their time and talents in the kitchen to show our appreciation to our membership.


The Festival by the Sea is this same weekend.  For the full schedule of events click here.  While attending the festival, please stop by the HBPOA booth.  We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 24th!


October 21, 2015
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October Board Of Commissioners’ Meeting

cropped-HBPOA-Logo-6x6-Square.jpgClick here for a short summary of the results of Tuesday night’s October Board of Commissioners’ meeting.  Highlights included an update from Police Chief Layne about dogs on the beach and other ordinances as well as a summary from the Town manager on the recent flooding.
As always, feel free to email us at [email protected] with questions and we will get back to you.

October 3, 2015
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Wind Farm Meetings

Closest towers and wind turbines would be approximately 10nm from coast.

Closest towers and wind turbines would be approximately 10nm from coast.

On Tuesday, October 6th, representatives from the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management (BOEM) will be visiting Bald Head Island to do a presentation on the proposed wind turbine farms off our shores. This meeting is tentatively scheduled for 3:00 pm. Bald Head representatives hope to keep BOEM representatives there until after dark so they can drive them out to their East and South beaches to enjoy the night sky views, which would be impacted by the wind farms.

On October 7th, BOEM will be holding an all-day forum in Wilmington to discuss this issue. The meeting of the North Carolina Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force will be from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at the Coastline Conference & Event Center located at 501 Nutt Street, Wilmington NC 28401.  Either or both of these sessions will provide an opportunity to share concerns about these proposed Wind Farms.  

If you are interested in and able to attend the Bald Head Island session, please let us know as they are working to make arrangements for ferry passes and parking.  You can email us at [email protected].

For more information on the proposed wind farms check out our Hot Topics page here and the link to the BOEM site is here.


September 30, 2015
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Survey Results


Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 10.52.43 PMThe HBPOA is conducting a survey on important issues affecting Holden Beach.  The survey was addressed to everyone on the island (not just HBPOA members) to collect opinions from all property owners – not just those who attend meetings.  Access to the survey was controlled via a password on the HBPOA website to help ensure the respondents were actual property owners and not the general public.  Based on the percentage of responses received and the small deviations in the answers, we believe the responses received to date fairly represent the opinions of the property owners with a high degree of statistical confidence.

Click here to view the survey results as of September 25th.  Included are the numerical results from the survey tool, any comments entered for each question, and pie charts illustrating the results. 

The survey is still open, so if you haven’t yet taken it, please do so and have your opinions heard.

The responses are very informative and will be used by the HBPOA Directors.  They have also been provided to the Town Board of Commissioners for their information.



September 26, 2015
Comments Off on Meet the Candidates Night

Meet the Candidates Night

We Need Your Questions!

The Holden Beach Property Owners Association (HBPOA) will host its Meet the Candidates Night” on Friday, October 23rd at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall meeting room.
Our format will include both written and oral questions for the Board  of Commissioners and Mayoral candidates to address.  We are now starting the process of collecting the topics from which we will formulate the questions.  We will send the questions to the candidates and consolidate their written responses for distribution in advance of the session on October 23rd.
Please send your input to [email protected].  This is a special email box that only our committee members will be able to access – not the candidates or other HBPOA Directors.  Please submit your questions no later than Sunday, October 4th
For additional information and to view prior years’ questions and answers, see the “Meet the Candidates Night” tab on our website at:https://holdenbeachpoa.com/meet-the-candidates/


September 17, 2015
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Terminal Groin Meeting

Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 5.19.01 PMThe Army Corps of Engineers has released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for a terminal groin on Holden Beach and will host an informational meeting on September 24 at 6:00pm at Town Hall.  Public comments may be submitted through October 13.

The proposed groin will be 1000′ long and have a 120′ “T” section at the end.  The groin will reach 700′ into the ocean with the remaining 300′ on the beach and be constructed of 4- to 5-ft-diameter granite armor stone.  The crest of the groin would be approximately five feet wide and the base would be approximately 40′ wide.

For more information:

Draft Environmental Impact Statement:  http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/RegulatoryPermitProgram/MajorProjects/HBDEIS.aspx

Article on Holden Beach Groin 9-15-15:  http://www.coastalreview.org/2015/09/holden-beach-terminal-groin-study-released/

Links to other Terminal Groin Studies including Bald Head Island and Ocean Isle: http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/RegulatoryPermitProgram/MajorProjects

Links on Terminal Groins from Town of Holden Beach  http://www.hbtownhall.com/terminal-groins.html