Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

May Board of Commissioners’ Meeting

The Town of Holden Beach Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, May 21 for their regular monthly meeting.  The audio of the meeting is available here on the Town’s website.   Click here for the meeting packet.  Written Public Comments are available here.




TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024 – 5:00 P.M.


  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order/ Welcome
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Agenda Approval  Removed item #12, Lighting Ordinance changes. Approved as amended.
  5. Conflict-of-Interest Check No conflicts.
  6. Approval of Minutes All approved as written.
    • Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 12, 2024
    • Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 30, 2024
  7. Public Comments on Agenda Items

·      Sylvia Pate, 111 Charlotte St., wanted to get clarification on what the PARTF Grant requirements are.  Also wants the Town to roll over the Pier Funds into a capital project fund.
·      Will Carter 108 Starfish stated property owners don’t want the pier, just as they didn’t want a park, and claimed that the Beautification Club wanted to plant sticker bushes at the Playground.
·      Maria Finchwalter, supports proposed changes to the dune ordinances.

  1. Police Report – Chief Dixon Discussed the police report.  Activity is increasing as the weather warms up.  Bike Lanes are for bikes; no pedestrians are allowed; no LSVs (golf carts); not a parking area.  If you are seeing issues let him know.  Summer concerts will be at Bridgeview Park, will be a trial-and-error experience.
  2. Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans Very busy with permits.  There were a record number of permits and inspections.  This is the most activity the department has ever seen.  Regarding the ADA Agreement 114 OBE bathroom bid was awarded, should be complete June 28, this will finish up that location.  Ave. E walkway and bathroom, the dune has grown too much for current design.  Working with CAMA to modify permit.  Should be out for bid in the fall.  March 2025 is the target date for completion for all projects and the Town should make it.  The emergency ramp and walkway at 801 OBW is in process.  The 700 block is complete.  Jordan Blvd is complete.  Access at 329.5 (currently closed) will be an ADA ramp.  441 OBW (the Pier) is complete with an emergency ramp and a handicap walkway with matting extending out.  Halstead Park was brought into compliance with a little work left to do.  The access at 915 OBW has been completed.  Three projects will be covered in next year’s budget.
  3. Finance Department Report – Finance Officer McRainey Reviewed the Town’s finances.
  4. Town Manager’s Report – Town Manager Hewett Lift Station will be discussed later.  The Harbor Acres canal dredging has been completed.  Also approved for emergency ramp at the pier.  The Miss Katie dredging project for Lockwood Folly has been scrubbed due to conflict with Corps dredging.  The dredge Merritt will be here for 3 weeks.  No responses for 796 OBW (Sewer House) sale; out for second round.  Beach rangers started yesterday.  Leash Law is effective now and pets not allowed on the strand 9-5.  Concerts start on Sunday at Bridgeview Park. 
  5. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance 24-07, An Ordinance Amending Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 92, Nuisances (Lighting) – Inspections Director Evans Item Removed.
  6. Discussion and Possible Scheduling of a Date to Hold a Public Hearing on Ordinance 24-10, An Ordinance Amending the Holden Beach Code of Ordinances, Section 94.03 Frontal Dune Policies and Regulations and Chapter 157: Zoning Code – Inspections Director Evans Allows for an appeal process and cleans up the ordinance.  Motion to approve having a Public Hearing prior to the next regular meeting.  Passed unanimously.
  7. Discussion and Possible Action on Demolition of the Pavilion at Jordan Boulevard – Town Manager Hewett Contract awarded for $25,000 to demolish Pavilion.  The cement will not be included. Passed unanimously.
  8. Discussion and Possible Approval of DEQ Offer to Fund Greensboro Street Lift Station – Town Manager Hewett
    • Resolution 24-05, DEQ Project No. SRP-W-134-0021 Motion to approve the Resolution, passed unanimously.  A loan may be needed in addition to the grants to construct the lift station.
  9. Discussion and Possible Action to Direct Staff to Develop a Request for Proposals to Accomplish Tasks in the Adopted Pier Property Development Plan – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Paarfus The RFP will be brought back to the Board for approval before being distributed.  Approved unanimously.
  10. Discussion and Possible Action on Instructing the Town Attorney to Investigate the Town of Holden Beach’s Legal Requirements from the Pier Grants – Mayor Pro Tem Myers and Commissioner Thomas  Some members are unsure what features can be included in a new pier property and what are required to be included.  For example, a sit-down restaurant is not allowed; must be concessions.  Motion passed 3-2 with Dyer and Smith voting No.
  11. Discussion and Possible Commitment from the Town’s Leadership on Working Together for the Betterment of the Town – Mayor Holden and Commissioner Dyer Mayor Holden apologized for missing the Beautification Club and Women’s Club events he had RSVP’d to attend.  He read an agreement the Town and Chapel have to share facilities in emergencies.  There was a motion to have the Board attend a training session with the League of Municipalities on working together civilly.  After discussion there was agreement by consensus to participate in the program with dates to be determined.
  12. Public Comments on General Items

·      Rick McInturf discussed separation of Church and State.
·      Will Carter feels that $30,000,000 is not too much for the cost of the pier and the Town should ask the legislature for the funds.

  1. Mayor’s Comments Wished everyone a safe and happy holiday.
  2. Board of Commissioners’ Comments

·      Commissioner Myers: Thanks for attending and have a good holiday weekend.
·      Commissioner Smith thinks it was a good meeting.  Golf carts are showing up and bike lanes can be problematic.  There are people not using seatbelts on golf carts.  He encouraged the police to help save a life!
·      Commissioner Thomas: thanks for attending and Happy Memorial Day.
·      Commissioner Dyer: thanks to staff and have a good Memorial Day.
·      Commissioner Paarfus: thanks for coming out, have a happy holiday.

  1. Adjournment

Comments are closed.