Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

January Commissioners’ Meeting Summary

Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Follow Up – January 2023

Click Here for Meeting Packet

Click Here for Meeting Audio




TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2023 – 5:00 P.M.

1.    Invocation

2.   Call to Order/ Welcome Commissioner Arnold was not in attendance.

3.   Pledge of Allegiance

4.   Agenda Approval Approved unanimously.

5.    Approval of Minutes

a.     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 20, 2022 Approved unanimously.

6.    Public Comments on Agenda Items

  • Jim Bauer spoke on the Town-owned sewer house at 796 OBW and encouraged the board to sell it.
  • Phil Caldwell spoke in favor of paid parking but suggested designating some free spots and making trailer parking free.  He also felt property owners should not be charged to park.
  • More public comments are available on the Town’s website here.

7.    Update on Bulkheads – Shane Lippard, Right Angle Engineering (Commissioner Murdock) Click here for Parking Lot #1 drawingClick here for Parking Lot #2 drawing Mr. Lippard will bring back which kind of CAMA permit is needed and how long it is good for, to be discussed next month.  Cost of bulkheads alone would be around $300,000.  Concerns expressed that citizens don’t want it, want the area left green.  It is unclear how many spots would be provided.  Concerns about the land eroding which was disputed. Stated that the parking might be needed if a Corps project was ever approved.

8.    Discussion and Possible Action on Delineation of Parcourse Area – Commissioner Murdock Voted unanimously to have the Par Course area wetlands delineated.  Bulkheads needed to protect from erosion.

9.    Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution 23-01, Resolution Declaring Cost and Ordering Preparation of Preliminary Assessment Roll and Setting Time and Place for Public Hearing on Preliminary Assessment Roll for the Improvement of Seagull Drive – Town Clerk Finnell Public Hearing set for March 14 at 5:00PM as the next step in assessments for the paving.

10. Discussion and Possible Action on 796 Ocean Boulevard West Preliminary Plans – David Wood, David Wood Inc. Home Designs (Assistant Town Manager Ferguson) Click here for plans. Agreed there are no funds to develop into a community center at this time.  Voted to have architect add external wash-off showers to plans.  Plans to rent home as a vacation rental until converting it to a community center/event rental facility complicated by new A/C units being needed now and commercial units and new ductwork needed for a community center.  Parking is also an issue.

11. Request from the Tri-Beach Fire Department to Upgrade Station #2 on Holden Beach – Fire Chief Doug Todd (Town Manager Hewett) Tri-Beach has seen an increase in calls and would like to staff the station 24-7-365.  The station does not have a kitchen or sleeping area.  Unclear if station can be relocated.  Suggested a small group of Staff and Commissioners meet with Fire Department.  No action taken.

12. Police Report – Lieutenant Dilworth  Typical calls for this time of year.  Had a large number of calls due to freeze and broken pipes.

13. Inspections Department Report – Inspections Director Evans New homes have picked up again – 40 under construction.  The department remains busy.

14. Discussion and Possible Action on Response to Parking Program Tasker – Town Manager Hewett  Went through list item by item.
·      Boat trailers without tags would be handled per proposal.
·      24-Hour Right of Way parking – not an issue.
·      Festival Parking – free, already addressed.
·      Free Pass for Owners – will evaluate next year.  No change.
·      Revenue Breakdown – provided in meeting packet.
·      Fee increase – voted to raise rates to $4/hour, $20/day, $80/week, $150/year.  $300 for boat trailer and vehicle.  Some would like to reduce boat and trailer parking costs in the future.
·      Paid Parking Dates – will remain the same April thru October.
·      Signage – will allow Otto to place as needed after consultation with Staff.
·      Unauthorized Right-of-Way Parking – currently complaint based. Will remain the same
·      Street by Street Review – will ask vendor to work with Police to make sure all signage is ready for season.  “No parking here to corner” signs would be removed because they are confusing.

15. Discussion and Possible Action on Proposed Budget/Quarterly Meeting Schedule – Town Manager Hewett Approved unanimously.

16. Discussion and Possible Action on Setting Board of Commissioners’ Objectives for Fiscal Year 2023 -2024 – Commissioner Kwiatkowski Commissioners will use last years approved objectives and add new ones in preparation for budget meetings.

17. Discussion and Possible Action on Proposals Received in Response to the Town’s Request for Qualifications for Water System Asset Inventory and Assessment – Public Works Director Clemmons Green Engineering was selected and will be asked to bring back a proposal.

18. Discussion and Possible Action on Items Necessary to Implement Recommended Changes to Personnel Pay Plan – Town Manager Hewett  Approved unanimously.  Town Manager will no longer be Finance Officer.  Salary adjustments result in most employees getting a raise.
a.     Authorization of New Position – Finance Officer
b.     Classification and Pay Plan
c.     Salary Adjustments
d.     Ordinance 23-01, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 22-14, The Revenues and
Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2022 – 2023 (Amendment No. 9)
e.     Town Manager Contract Amendment

19. Discussion and Possible Action on Establishing a Regular Schedule for a Facility Condition Inspection of Town-Owned Properties and Facilities which are Primarily Used by the Public – Commissioner Kwiatkowski Agreed by consensus to have Town Manager prepare a list of facilities and equipment used by the public for the April meeting.

20. Discussion and Appointment of Commissioner to Serve on the Audit Committee – Town Clerk Finnell Commissioner Kwiatkowski will serve again this year.

21. Public Comments on General Items None.

22. Town Manager’s Report
·      Gave a quarterly budget report – everything in good shape, assessment is “normal”.  Click here for slides.
·      Federal budget passed. Earmarks of $3.8M for HB, including $1M for Corps’ portion of study.
·      Still awaiting final inspection from FEMA, sent in the further required paperwork.
·      Bike Path – bid being prepared.  Work would be completed September ’23 to Memorial Day ’24.  Second appraisal for Pier for PARTF grant is coming.  Final plan review at February meeting.
·      Block Q awaiting site plan revisions at February meeting.
·      Doing canal dredging survey – will be in budget for upcoming year.  We don’t have a place to put the spoils.

23. Mayor’s Comments Commented that there was a lot of activity under the bridge and reminded property owners to be mindful of winterizing docks and showers because it creates a lot of work for the Town.

24. Board of Commissioners’ Comments
·      Commissioner Smith – looking forward to Pier and Block Q preliminary plans next month, wants to solicit grants.
·      Commissioner Murdock – appreciates staff and is excited about things coming.
·      Commissioner Dyer – Glad to see the staff raises in place, happy New Year.
·      Commissioner Kwiatkowski – encouraged the public to attend or listen to the budget meetings.  Lots of items in the planning stages.

25. Closed Session Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(a)(3), Consult with the Attorney

26. Adjournment

Comments are closed.