Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

Hurricane Matthew

UPDATE as of 10-13-16

ICW Marsh & Shallotte Inlet During Hurricane Matthew 

Thanks to member Pat Kwiatkowski for this video taken during the storm!

UPDATE as of 10-11-16

Additional Videos:

700 Block of OBW

800 Block of OBW

745 OBW to 1065 OBW Oceanfront Properties

1065 OBW to 843 OBW

There are also photos at the bottom of the post.


img_1036We realize that many members are not on the island and are concerned about their property.  For the most part, the island fared well.  There were a few spots where the dune was breached on the ocean front and there was also erosion.  The canals went over their bulkheads which wreaked havoc with boats and floating docks.  There are some missing shingles off roofs, missing vinyl siding and damaged walkways.

Now that the curfew has been lifted we can get out there and share the impacts of the hurricane with you.  Below are links to videos taken from a drone of the oceanfront and major roads.  We will add to this post as new videos are completed.

Click the links below:

Blockade Runner to East End

East End to Bridge Oceanfront Properties

OBE from Bridge to Blockade Runner

OBW from Boyd Street to Bridge

Bridge to 300 block OBW Oceanfront Properties

OBW from 300 Block to Boyd St.

Pier to 200 block OBW Beach Strand

300 OBW block to the Pier Oceanfront Properties

Campground and 500 block OBW Oceanfront Properties

500 OBW to 700 OBW Oceanfront Properties

500 OBW to Pier Beach Strand

600 block of OBW

600 Block Beach Strand

Photos of during and after Hurricane Matthew.  If you have any photos you would like to share send them to us at [email protected].

Looking from Scotch Bonnet back to OBW. This is the marsh.

Looking from Scotch Bonnet back to OBW. This is the marsh.


Scotch Bonnet Dr. looking toward Sand Dollar Park.

Scotch Bonnet Dr. looking toward Sand Dollar Park.

Looking from Scotch Bonnet across the ICW

Looking from Scotch Bonnet across the ICW

The marsh between Scotch Bonnet and Greensboro.

The marsh between Scotch Bonnet and Greensboro.

img_3665 img_3664 img_3663 img_3662 img_2374

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{ "product_id": "090C", "uuid": "FECFB8B395146EE6F4C72317616D397A", "run_date": "2016-10-10T093619-0400", "filename": "Bebop_2_2016-10-10T094625-0400_FECFB8.jpg", "media_date": "2016-10-10T094625-0400" }





{ "product_id": "090C", "uuid": "FECFB8B395146EE6F4C72317616D397A", "run_date": "2016-10-10T093619-0400", "filename": "Bebop_2_2016-10-10T095009-0400_FECFB8.jpg", "media_date": "2016-10-10T095009-0400" }

{ "product_id": "090C", "uuid": "FECFB8B395146EE6F4C72317616D397A", "run_date": "2016-10-10T093619-0400", "filename": "Bebop_2_2016-10-10T095038-0400_FECFB8.jpg", "media_date": "2016-10-10T095038-0400" }

{ "product_id": "090C", "uuid": "FECFB8B395146EE6F4C72317616D397A", "run_date": "2016-10-10T093619-0400", "filename": "Bebop_2_2016-10-10T095126-0400_FECFB8.jpg", "media_date": "2016-10-10T095126-0400" }


From 1065 OBW looking East

From 1065 OBW looking East

From 1065 OBW looking West

From 1065 OBW looking West

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