Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

BOC Special Meeting

 The Board of Commissioners’ December 16 Special Meeting was full of action.  More major pieces of business were passed during the meeting than at any BOC meeting in recent memory.  Highlights included a new objective decibel-based noise ordinance, which was modified to remove civilian involvement and the nighttime hours changed to start at 11:00pm.  The ordinance requires a complaint and currently does not cover commercial property.  The Board also formed a Community Advisory Committee to study vulnerabilities with the sewer system which in the event of an overwash could shut the island down for weeks or months.

Click here for a short summary of the results of Wednesday night’s Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners.  This meeting was called to vote on the ordinance changes proposed at the December 8 Commissioners’ Meeting.

Resolution 15-13  – Replacement of the Town Attorney
Resolution 15-14  – BOC Rules of Procedure
Resolution 15-15  – Establish a committee to study the sewer system vulnerability
Resolution 15-16  – New noise control ordinance
Resolution 15-17  – Amendments to ordinances related to Mayor Pro Tempore, Executive Secretary, availability of public records, committee assignments, establishment of an audit committee, and engaging 3rd party service providers
Resolution 15-18  – Changes to the Planning and Zoning Board
Resolution 15-19  – Special meeting to act on the resolutions listed

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