The Army Corps of Engineers has released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for a terminal groin on Holden Beach and will host an informational meeting on September 24 at 6:00pm at Town Hall. Public comments may be submitted through October 13.
The proposed groin will be 1000′ long and have a 120′ “T” section at the end. The groin will reach 700′ into the ocean with the remaining 300′ on the beach and be constructed of 4- to 5-ft-diameter granite armor stone. The crest of the groin would be approximately five feet wide and the base would be approximately 40′ wide.
For more information:
Draft Environmental Impact Statement:
Article on Holden Beach Groin 9-15-15:
Links to other Terminal Groin Studies including Bald Head Island and Ocean Isle:
Links on Terminal Groins from Town of Holden Beach