Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

Survey Results


Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 10.52.43 PMThe HBPOA is conducting a survey on important issues affecting Holden Beach.  The survey was addressed to everyone on the island (not just HBPOA members) to collect opinions from all property owners – not just those who attend meetings.  Access to the survey was controlled via a password on the HBPOA website to help ensure the respondents were actual property owners and not the general public.  Based on the percentage of responses received and the small deviations in the answers, we believe the responses received to date fairly represent the opinions of the property owners with a high degree of statistical confidence.

Click here to view the survey results as of September 25th.  Included are the numerical results from the survey tool, any comments entered for each question, and pie charts illustrating the results. 

The survey is still open, so if you haven’t yet taken it, please do so and have your opinions heard.

The responses are very informative and will be used by the HBPOA Directors.  They have also been provided to the Town Board of Commissioners for their information.



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