Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

Bridgeview Park News!

The Town has re-submitted the PARTF Grant to help fund Bridgeview Park.  The new features incorporated in the grant application include kayak launches, shade structures and a splash pad.  Splash Pads are interactive water features for children to play in.  Christy Ferguson, of the Town’s Parks and Recreation Department, presented the grant information to the HBPOA Board of Directors in January.  HBPOA sent a letter with grant application giving our full support!

Below is a proposed site plan for the park.


Different granting organizations make certain requests regarding site plans for property.  The above site plan is what was submitted with the PARTF grant to depict elements of the grant requested for funding.  They have specific items they look for and request to be shown in this document.  Other organizations may request completely different items for focus.  Please be advised this is only the site plan for the PARTF grant.

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