Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

Trash Update

The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, February 5 and discussed the new trash ordinance.  Commissioner Butler read a statement describing the changes he would like to see made to the ordinance:

  • Island-wide rollback
  • Trash corrals are allowed
  • Full containers would stay at the curb until emptied
  • Containers can be rolled to the curb early
  • Fines would still apply to those not following the yard waste rules and those placing trash on the ground after written notice and being given a chance to correct the situation.

You can read Commissioner Butler’s full statement here.

However, after a lengthy discussion, the Commissioners agreed to send the ordinance to the Town Attorney with direction to change the current date that fines would be implemented (May 1, 2019) to a later date while issues are resolved.  Commissioner Butler’s changes were not part of the request to the Town Attorney.

Exacerbating the issue, Waste Industries has informed the Town that trash pick up will change to Thursday instead of Tuesday beginning in March.  The Town is trying to get the day switched back to Tuesday, but it has not been determined if this will happen. The Commissioners want to evaluate the impact of this potential change on the ordinance.

You can listen to the audio of the meeting by clicking here.

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